Zipp arrived on scene as soon as Hitch contacted her. She put on her special visor and began examining the smoothie stand.
“Please explain what happened.” Zipp said.
“It was so weird.” Sunny replied. “The smoothie stand became overrun with raccoon-acorns out of nowhere.”
“Hitch, you said you talked to one of the raccoon-acorns?” Zipp asked.
“That’s right. He said that a strange rabbit told him and the others to help themselves to all the smoothies. He also said that the rabbit wanted them to make as big a commotion as they could.”
Zipp tapped her chin with her hoof. “Hmm.” She continued examining the smoothie stand. With her visor, Zipp saw numerous raccoon-acorn prints. But when she looked on the roof, she saw a different set of prints. Ones that appeared to be feline in origin.
“Zipp, have you found anything?” Sunny asked.
Zipp removed her visor. “There are a strange set of prints on top of your smoothie stand that do not belong to raccoon-acorns. They seem to have been left by a large cat.”
“Allura!” Izzy shouted out loud.
“And that rabbit must have been Twitch!” Hitch said.
“But what would Allura want with my smoothie stand?”
Zipp flew down to the ground to be with the others. “I don’t know. But I have a feeling that something serious is up.”
Later that day Pipp was working at Mane Melody as usual. She was testing out a new shampoo that made ponies manes sparkle with glitter. It turned out to be a huge hit. Pipp had just finished up with another client when she found out that she was all out of the shampoo.
“Wow! I did not think I would go through so many bottles so fast!” Pipp then looked over at Jazz. “Jazz, can you get some more shampoo from the back please?”
“Sorry, but I’m with a customer right now.” Jazz replied.
“That’s okay, I’ll get them myself.” Pipp then flew into the back room and looked for a box of the shampoo.
While Pipp was looking, Allura watched her through a back window. Allura closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She then concentrated on the words Alterro told her to say.
“Kepto, Verada, Nicto.”
A black then swirled around Pipp. Before she could say or do anything, the mist entered her body. Pipp’s eyes briefly glossed, and she stood motionless. Pipp then turned around and walked out of the backroom.
Pipp walked through Mane Melody. Jazz looked over at her.
“Hey Pipp, did you find any more of that shampoo?”
Pipp just kept on walking. “Can’t talk. Busy.” She said with an empty voice.
Jazz just shook his head and sighed. “I’ll never understand social media influencers.”
nice story
Thank you