This story is a sequel to Duet in the Dust
She practiced the arts that so many of her peers seemed to be 'past.' Kirin magic was worthy of investigation, above and beyond unicorn tricks. Fire, heat, emotion, and burning resolution. She had to learn if it worked as one was buried in ashes.
Set in the same world as this and other Ponyfinder tales. Do you need to know about Ponyfinder? Nope! Come on in. Don't track the ashes everywhere on your way in.
Written for a patron joyfully, starting at 2/month.
You said you were going to send someone with gravitas.
I said Gravity, just a little semi singularity. dont want the realm to go The Full Pinkie.
So much atmospheric ash. From the World Dragon? Or Necromancer armies colliding?
Someone cast a proper ultima.
A return to the Ash, I see.
Either there are a lot of volcanoes, or someone fought a war with nuclear weapons. Didn't take Shower long to get shot. Kit should have told her that guns are deadly weapons.
I'm kind of getting a Dragon Ball Xenoverse vibe here.
Im pretty sure theres only two situations where you get stuff for nothing up front, Fighting together to survive the Apocalypse among those that know better to fight togethre and live than fight each other and die, or Star Trek Federation, and I dont see no Q to blame here.
Although a Kirin might be able melt a pile of ash into lava, depending on the type of ash it is likely not be hot enough to melt steel but at least could be used for blacksmiths? At least a mix of ash, shattered stone, and calcined loimestone makes great cement, and the limestons also helps with the fields? A bit of ash helps, but not the amunt of stuff that can burry Sequioas.
To be fair to Kit about trying to open the door, wasn't he already asleep when Spring locked it?
He was, sharp on you for taking note of that.
It's not free, it's the barter system. What you do when currency is not available or useable.
I hope the next night the rooms available only have 1 bed... Always room for more ponies cuddling.
Hopefully the mission won't be turining out to be more dangerous than they expect.
What? From me? I would never!
I like the mayor, she knows how to deal with Equestrians.
So clearly there is some kind of monster in that area.
Clearly something just said words.
My guess is some kind of ghoul. Whatever it is, if it's smart enough to make quips, maybe it's smart enough to understand trade.
It's nice that they didn't have to face ash ghosts that aren't friendly.
Reminds me of
Perhaps "we smell different from the others"?
Hopefully they can make the case to the mayor to let in Casper the friendly ash spirit.
He did mention a few things, eager reader.
I'm not saying it would be easy...
A raider attack is likely to get ugly let's hope it's not too ugly for the protagonists.
Scouts arrive in the Nirik of time?
Is anyone checking to make sure it isnt a diversion, or even worse, split forces?
Looks like things are about to heat up.
Those raiders (And i suspect the rest of the settlement) are going to wish they hadn't done that...
Flame on!
Kit is right that need to do something about the injury.
Maybe italicize that, for emphasis? Well, that's what I'd have done; you do you.
Of course it was dangerous. For them.
Since you insist!