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A promising start! I'll look forward to the next chapters
Great start
Spike is a real homie and his sacrifice will NOt be in vain.
What gonna happen to Spike
Alright, now all you need to do is not cancel this after 2 chapters
This will be fascinating tale
Normally, Twilight Sparkle is one of, if not, my favorite pony. But seeing this version of her screaming in rage when our human protagonist escapes her clutches was so damn satisfying!
I look forward to seeing more of this.
I would've saluted Spike on my way out, few notes here and there, but it's good so far
I do 100% agree with you there about this all, but for some reason- looking at the story tags mainly , well.....
They are giving me reason to fear the future for this human.
Let's just hope I didn't jinx it....
Okay then. You have me intrigued
Don't threaten me with a good time, mate.
what gonna happen to spike
So, who agrees with me having our Canon Twilight possibly have a confrontation, and BEAT THE SNOUT out of the Evil/Mad Scientist Twilight?
And Kudos to this version of Spike still having a heart.

Short description:
PLEASE don't cancel this after like 2 chapters I beg.
I have a feeling we'll be seeing this evil Twilight again at some point. Most likely after a new and kind Twilight has finally broken down this Anon's barriers and earned his trust.
I see you, you sadistic writer, you... proceed.
Only one character should speak per paragraph.
Im loving this qlready
12031179 Only one character does speak per paragraph.
This is just like ending with Jason wright
“Can’t you send me home? To my REAL home?” you ask him. He looks at you with sad compassion. He shakes his head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t send you back to the human world. If you had come here through the mirror, we’d be able to. But you just appeared out of nowhere. I have no idea how to find your original universe.” Your heart sinks, as you remember the day you came here.
There was actually only one instance of it, I must be taking crazy pills as I thought there were more. Probably just a mistake.
Ah, I guess I did miss that. Thanks
Pone is 4 cute. pone not cute? not pone. Inflailible logic.
Well this seems very, very interesting...
A very promising start, with a lot of potential.
The only thing I hope is that it doesn't end up abandoned like many other stories.
I'm liking where this is headed.
I'd love to see an intermission from the ponies view. A bloody, scarred and near feral ape thing jumps out from behind a bookshelf in blind panic and tries to flee, injuring two of them in the process before it finally goes missing in the Everfree.
Alright! Let's get this show on the road :P
Awsome stuff my man
The trauma its so thick that I can cut It whit a knife
You can't leave it there!!! I have to know what happens next!
Man it heartbreaking to hear this side of perspective
Stupid ponies being, well, stupid. When he/she first bolted that SHOULD have been a huge red flag that a pair of dumb jocks, a mental defective, a borderline autistic with OCD tendencies, a near-shut in wallflower and a shallow status-seeker might not exactly be the best group to handle the situation. Did they listen? Nope. Now they've convinced the human that they're a threat and he's going to be on a hair trigger.
Hopefully a saner head (Zecora maybe or perhaps Starlight once she gets the facts out of the Dumb Six) can talk him done. Otherwise this could escalate very quickly.
Well done Mr. Author.
I see I've found a diamond in the ground, I'm looking forward to seeing how the story progresses.
The spelling, grammar, and punctuation need some work, but other than that, it’s interesting so far! I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes.
I'm not going to blame the human because he's not in a reasonable state of mind but you can't also blame the ponies some random creature jumped out of nowhere
Started to run away. At best you think there's a dangerous animal on the loose at worst you think there's a malicious creature willing to hurt ponies or other creatures. Mix with the part try like could have simply restrained him or hit him with a sleep spell. It's the only mistakes on a pony side. Because if this was a human in the human situation this guy probably would have been knocked out.
Man but him in the NFL the Ravens need a running back
Honestly this story has me hooked and I cant wait for the next chapter! :D
Juts one tiny little question.
Does the story really eed to be written in the second-person perspective?
Okay, my interest is peaked. I'm looking forward to how this story unfolds.
Man, the poor girls are just trying to help, and this poor guy is so beyond traumatized that he basically isn't even operating on his higher brain functions anymore. He's quite literally been reduced to nothing more than a terrified, cornered animal. Biting this new Twilight is probably gonna be really bad for his relationship with her going forward, but I feel like if she somehow gets answers as to what the Hell happened to him, she'll understand.
Ah, I need more! This premise is so goooooooooooood.
You know the first rule when dealing with a clearly terrified wild animal that you don't know the capabilities of?
Period. Those six were literally doing EVERYTHING that people trained to handle wildlife (hint: Fluttershy) learn not to do with a clearly injured (hint: Rarity did note the bloody clothes) but still standing animal. Never have more than one person approach. If the creature even looks like might be getting more agitated immediately stop. Always leave it a clear route of escape so if it does flee it does so away from anyone that might get harmed. Never ever under ANY circumstances strike or scream at the animal or give chase if it is fleeing. Pretty basic stuff. Nor is it like they don't have experience with this sort of thing. Remember the first season when the manticore jumped out at them on the way to the Castle of the Two Sisters? Yeah, the moment they started prepping to fight (and likely would have lost - angry hurt predator vs. six untrained & utterly unprepared civies) Fluttershy told them all to stop. Then approached the manticore alone without any aggressive body language and was able to calm it down enough to identify the problem and fix it (aka removing the thorn). So its clearly not a case of ignorance about the best way.
Then there is the matter of looking at it from a "common persons" perspective. Six people you don't know approaching you as a group? Even out in the real world that can be a pretty unsettling experience depending on the area that has resulted in more than a few shootings. Now imagine six people cornering someone who is clearly terrified and may or may not be armed. There is a reason one of the first things police universally do (or should do if remotely competent) on responding to a report about a disturbed or agitated individual is to clear the area of civillians, assuming said civies haven't taken the dispatchers advice to do just that earlier.
So yes, they were/are stupid. Heck that bears out in cannon with how many times a situation got out of hand because they didn't want to ask someone trained to handle a situation for help. Stupidity isn't a matter of IQ, education, etc. Its having all that while still ignoring all evidence, information, advice, and experience to the contary and expecting a desired result to occur "because". Something those six do with regularity. Which frankly makes for a much more interesting story than "ponies always smart/ good/ etc", especially when the writer shoves their nose in the consequences of their stupidity instead of doing as Faust did and whitewashing it away. Characters that grow "because" are frenquently boring as hell and feel shallow. Ones that grow through having to deal with the fallout of their mistakes are far more relateable.
Damn, this guy needs a psychological help ASAP...and no Twilight in sight, shes already compromised
Dang it I usually make it a policy to not read unfinished fanfics and now I'm at it again biting at the bit for the next chapter
Very nice story, looking forward to future updates.
Honestly this was an absolute treat. Looking forward to any future chapters.
Yeah. Good luck on the last part. Unless the writer does a full-blown OOC Twilight, she will shove her snout in. Either out of her "I must be the one to solve all pproblems" obsession, or her desire to publish "for science".