This story is a sequel to Phoenix-born Rising - The Ascension of Sunset Shimmer
Wandering the land, a lone traveler seeks riches new and old.
Though not something so trivial as mere silver or gold.
Her trade is in stories, from far and from wide,
Which one will you hear? That's for her to decide.
Wherever she's found, she will weave you a tale,
One collected along her meandering trail.
So relax, weary traveler, and lend her an ear,
For now Tales of Nitor, you are going to hear.
Splintered Sky - Tales of Nitor is an anthology of fairy tales, fables, and legends from across the lands of Impraecordia, gathered by the enigmatic wanderer Zecora, the Myth Keeper. Owing allegiance to none of the nations, she is always on the move, searching for new stories to add to her collection. Those who find her are offered a trade: one of her stories for one of theirs. New or old, it maters not. Only that the stories are told. And once she has her new tale, she will vanish once more, searching for the next one to add to her collection.
Now, her travels have brought her to you.
So sit, relax, and listen. For these are the Tales of Nitor.
I am so ready for this. You don't even know.
i hoped it was something else but i think i will enjoy this either way
I am so on board for this.
Definitely looking forward to seeing what tales get told. I imagine this will be a most enlightening evening.
Only ever wrote second person for a high school project. However, given the world, a role playing feel does have quite the appeal.
Thank you. TBH, this is going to be more of an intermittent thing than a regularly updating story, but I hope that it'll be worth it.
This isn't going to be a replacement for the sequel to Rising. More of a side project.
Happy to hear it. This thing's going to vary in tone quite a bit, since it's essentially a collection of fairy-tales.
I hope not to disappoint. Updates are going to be pretty random, since this is mostly a side project when I have a burst of inspiration or want to explore one of the cultures.
Well, most of the stories are going to be 3rd person. It just felt appropriate for the opening to be in 2nd person.
That's what I figured, honestly. And I know it'll definitely be worth it.
I figured
This looks like it's going to be fun. I love worldbuilding lore.