• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 14 )

Care to share the artist name?

heh good luck with sister. more like how to start step 1?

Step 1: Ask Luna if she's ever heard of a certain someone; see how she reacts.

Heh. A narrative roleplay after my own heart. (I wrote a similar happy ending myself, long ago.)

I'm a little disappointed that Celly didn't end up watching herself cum during that last climax. Eh. Small details anyway.


I'm a little disappointed that Celly didn't end up watching herself cum during that last climax.

It's supposed to show that she's getting more into it, beginning to accept it, becoming able to enjoy it without disassociating. ^.^
... I think.



I mean, I'm sure that's part of what's going on. But what I meant is that it doesn't seem like Celestia herself actually came during Nightmare's last orgasm, missing an opportunity for Celestia to watch her own dissociated cock...

Oh, heh. ^.^ Yeah, that might have been fun.

I feel a sequel would be interesting, perhaps funny, and equally steamy~

It would, it would...

Now if only I didn't have to write it myself...

Oof, I don't know if this story is right for me. It's so extreme. I mean a REFORMED CHANGELING? You sick, depraved fuck.

Fucking bugs is pretty weird, I admit.

But jokes aside, great story. I'm in a bad place right now and reading pony porn is what keeps me going. Weird, I know. :trollestia:

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