Comments ( 66 )

10/10 Brilliant story, brought a tear to my eyes.

But why celestia

12/10 that story had everything. Political intrigue, power fantasy, moral quandries, comedy, a hint of darkness, a hell of a cliff hanger yet still a satisfactory final end.
If this your one only piece of written literature I'd consider it a wild sucess as a wtiter's legacy here on fimfiction.
Please do more, not necessarily a continuation of this story, but anything at all. I'd look forwards to it.

Category... 5??? Silly Celly Moment????????

Comment posted by BifauxnenStroganoff deleted Oct 16th, 2024

quick, call Slartibartfast! I hear he's got a few spares in storage

At first I thought Celestia was trying to teach the nobility a lesson. Then I thought she was having a Homelander moment. And then it turns out she's just desperately trying to cover up the fact that she lost the sun. :rainbowlaugh:

He deals in planets, not stars. Wrong department.

I actually have several reasons why she should raise the sun, however, it effectively boils down to plants

fuck them plants

Ominously vague premise? Sign me up already

LMAO and now I have read it. I wasn't sure what to expect, but my expectations got obliterated anyway.

I won't lie, nothing could have prepared me for that ending. Bravo good sir or madam, you have effectively bamboozled and hoodwinked me into believing Celly had gone off her rocker.

Excellent short fic.

I was waiting for someone to make her.

Quick, someone ring up Mr.Popo

:moustache: Remind me to send Celestia a thank you note, We had a great time.
:raritywink: Precious Scales it's 3 AM and I need my beauty sleep darling... Zzzzzz Zzzzzz

:flutterrage: Discord , Put it back Mister! But if you want to snuggle more I wont mind

:twilightoops: Why's my bathroom sizzling?

:ajsmug: Laughed so hard I busted my apple

:pinkiehappy: Missing something? How about a piece of cake?

:trollestia: So I found it... :derpytongue2: Say the phrase . . .


Oh, my gosh, that was so awesome. One of the best endings I've ever read.

There's that well deserved flame symbol finally

Deceptively simple and simply outstanding. Haven't laughed from a fic on here in a hot minute, thank you <3

thank you, im proud of this one. im already working on a sequel, 'Completely Miserable', and a prequel, 'You'

Ah the ending ties it all together perfectly. Beautifully done.

Where's the comedy, Will?

Hope this doesn't leak to the rest of the country, otherwise Ponyville will probably have Diamond Tiara bound, gagged, and topped with a bow ready to be shipped to her for that slap.

Oh well, I suppose a plan to stall is still a plan.
Really makes me wonder how the moon stayed in place thousands of years before during the transition of Luna’s to Celestia’s management, though.

:trollestia: whoops!

Just grab a nearby Proxima Centauri. It is a little far, but only an eight of what you are used to, it'd even make it easier to raise it in the future.

thank you for giving us Bonnie and big applejack art

"Your Highness, you must raise the sun!"
"Consider every other time you've been late with the sunrise in recent years. Your student and her friends are waiting just outside of the throne room. You know how they are. They're going to shoot rainbows first and ask questions never."
"... Ah. Well. Luna?"
"Don't look at me, I can't help you."

Forgot I have a reputation as an artist for a second and got whiplash of being recognized here despite doing art semi successfully for years dfhvbfdb x3

Ty ty, your fic is rly fun <3

I was not expecting that comedy gold ending. I thought she was doing it to make a point after some ridiculous noble’s request.


Okay, but what happens when they bring her a filly?

Oh God, that ending was beautiful. I love me some good silly sun horse stories.

he's got a few used models kicking around.

And then they brought her Diamond Tiara.

Before I reached the end, I had all sorts of ideas as to why Celestia was doing this to try to peg what kind of fic this was... but that ending brought it all together! Have an upvote, & a new follower. I look forward to reading more of your work.

Just once every... ten years, let's say. You'll bring a filly to me, no older than ten years old. And in front of everyone, I'll slap her across the face.

Say... how old is Cosy Glow? If she fits the bill and is turned back to stone after every slap, she'll never age out of Celestia's specifications... :twilightoops:

This was fun!!:rainbowlaugh: I thought that royalty might have gotten into Celestia's head, I never for one second even thought that she could be doing this for Luna:rainbowlaugh: But it got me thinking, if Luna can drop the sun out, then Celestia can also pull it back, right? And what if they actually brought her a filly, say........ Cozy Glow, what will she do then?:applejackunsure:

Well, thinking too hard on this for a moment, this has terrifying implications if dropping it means it falls out of the galaxy. What is it falling to? :pinkiegasp:

Anyhow, silly story, fun stuff.

I'm having a hard time not bursting out laughing at that ending. Great job.

Dear Celestia you ficked that one up! :rainbowlaugh:

So, putting all the titles together, we come to "You Make Me Completely Miserable", which prompts a question:

How do I make you feel miserable??? :rainbowlaugh: :trollestia:

Now, that's funny!

I suppose there are those out there who certainly feel as if DT deserves such a mean fate, but is it her fault she is the way she acts?

We all know whom to blame...

If you don't mind a red sun and a chillier weather...

Luna might be silent, but secretly she is all like: "Yes! Now they'll have no choice, but to appreciate the Moon, and the Moon only!"

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