When she gets a letter saying Celestia
will be visiting, Derpy and the Mayor hastily work to prepare Ponyville for a visit by the Princess while dealing with a sick Sunset. During their preparations, Fluttershy finds a cute creature and takes it home, unaware of the chaos and damage it'll cause the town.
smart move with her being sick
Nicely done! And interesting potray of rainbow dash
Seems Sunset can't take sick leave without ponies doing something stupid. She needs a deputy or some solution to help her maintain her authority when she's incapacitated. By the time Sunset is able again, she is going to have a huge mess to clean up.
Geez! Freezing them out over a disagreement now that's low
I wouldn't blame Sunset for being a little skittish around needles. Acuphobia is a very real fear or the fear of needles
I am depending on the needle size
I'm arachnophobic meaning I'm deathly afraid of spiders. It doesn't matter what kind. As for needles, well, I wouldn't say that I'm afraid of them. Hell, I even had a needle stuck in my arm and digging around for a vein while I was donating blood and I was perfectly fine. Still to this day I warn doctors that are trying to draw blood about the scar tissue on the underside of my skin
I know what arachnophobic means. I hate spiders
Wow. Ponies actually being upset from a simple visit from their Princess?
Part of me wants to see this "Union" actually try and air their grievances to Celestia. And part of me wants Sunset to tell them how dumb they are being.
Technically their grievance isn't with the Princess. And anybody can make a union. In their case, it's quite helpful so they don't get railroaded but whatever. No where was it stated they'd go at the Princess. They're not being dumb either, they're smart for getting protection in place.
That was quite funny
and so we are here
And so begins the issue with the Parasprites on top of everything else lovely
I think there's a word in there that kind of ruined the innuendo.
nicely done
It's meant to be the word "in". That was actually her line from the show, i didn't make that up lmao
nicely dome and nice touch on Sunset's guitar talent
nicely done once again
Ah parasprites...the locusts of Equestria.
Well this just got more interesting. At least no one was stupid enough to create a spell that literally caused the parasprites to eat the whole entire town
vampire, good one
Oh dear, here comes Mama Tia And she's probably going to embarrass the crap out of sunset
nicely done
Now if only somepony would give Fluttershy a book that has information on creatures from the Everfree so that something like this doesn't happen again. Last thing Ponyville needs is another disaster just because Fluttershy had no idea what she was dealing with.
Is that guard's name supposed to be Artic or is it supposed to be spelled Arctic?
nicely done and i would be eager to see that
It was actually a typo. It was one am. But I kinda like the idea of his parents naming him wrong now so thanks