• Member Since 30th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I'm Dissonance. Really good at crossovers. || She/Her || Profile Art By: https://www.deviantart.com/chris-h94


This story is a sequel to Sun Never Sets

[art by me]

In a time long since passed, in an age of chaos when demons ruled the mortal realm, humanity's hope was carried in a demon called Daybreaker...

Two thousand years ago, when demonkind ruled the earth, two sisters rose to defeat the lord of the underworld and free the human world from infernal forces. They stood as the world's guardians, and their names would live through legend far into the future.

In the present day, the former lord of the underworld plots his return to power by sewing disorder within the realm of mortals. It's been five years since Nightmare Moon's attempted invasion of the human world, five years since anyone last saw either of the sisters of legend, and the Sister of Light's strongest disciple must rise to defeat this ancient threat.

Luckily, Sunset Shimmer is Canterlot City's best demon slayer. With two guns, a giant sword, a stylish coat and a grab bag of movie-grade one liners, she's more than up to the task. Darkness falls, chaos rises, and all the world can come undone, but for her the sun never sets.

For those of you just joining us, this story is a continuation of my reinvention of the MLP world as an campy action game ala Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, and Resident Evil. It's just another excuse to write another 30 chapters of action scenes with new locations, new characters, and new references, so expect nothing more than what you got in the first story.

First and foremost, we're here to read about magical girls hitting each other with big swords. Everything else is secondary.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 25 )

Suppose this story doesn’t have a: A biplane, a pirate ship, a mobile rocket battle station, an Agnus, a holy unholy quadruple flaming nunchucks of unholy cosmic frost, a bike that’s on fire being used as nunchucks in the air of course, and all the cool stuff that your mind can conjure up in this very moment, it will suck.

I hope I will not be disappointed, cheers.

Man Sunset's no longer cool, #notmysunset

"My name is Eve. I'm a princess of the underworld, but one without a kingdom, or a territory, or even any subjects."

Uh-huh, then she's as much a princess as a swordsman is one without a sword or a biker without a bike (maybe meat cleaver too) or a gunslinger without a gun.

I love Eve already. I'm guessing she's this worlds equivalent to Princess Twilight (the Twilight from the last work was Sci-Twi.)

Will any prominent characters from the last work be showing up?

Outsde of the protagonists you see on the cover (and one obvious extra), I don't intend for there to be many returning characters featured prominently in this story. There are a few minor instances, but I tried to incorporate new characters and make new ideas rather than extend on already existing ones. The intent is to tell a new story that doesn't have much dependance on the first one to get full enjoyment out of.

"Daybreaker understands the value of freedom," Ember replied. "Something the rest of this world has forgotten."

I fucking love war! I want to fucking kill people for money and destroy cultures and history! I just want to be free to wage war wherever, whenever Jack Starlight. And as you know, dragons are cruel and I'm very in touch with my inner dragon because I am literally one!

Resident Evil 4's reference?

This story is, and I say this with love, absolutely bats#!% insane.

Great action. A compelling mystery. Humor is pretty good too. This story might be better than it's prequel. A little too soon to say for certain since it's only 1/3 done, but I'm having a blast.

I will say that I'm a little disappointed in how little Sunset is this. Hopefully she'll get more of a spotlight going forward.

A good time is all this story will try to show you. A gracious thank you for getting this far.

It's a bit of trick, but the lack of Sunset in this first act is by design. I'm not sure yet whether this one is better than the first one yet either, but it's certainly going to be as strong of a sequel i can make it.

The insanity will return soon for you to enjoy upon the completion of Act 2.

Flash: Alright buddy, it's just you and me how about we make history of these bozos?
Flash: Gabriel? *Turns to look at him only to find the dotted outline of Gabriel*
Gabriel: I didn't sign up to fight rotting men, you're on your own!

Also, the Ossa Legio (đź’€banannanananow) is the coolest thing in this entire work.

Umbra Angelo don't killed Twilight. She IS Twilight!!!


In the original game, Vergil was defeated by Mundus and his body was mutated to become Nero Angelo, the demon that your character of Umbra Angelo is based on.

Also, I noticed that the three main characters have their stories based on three different video games:

Sunset Shimmer - Devil May Cry 1
Starlight Glimmer - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Flash Sentry - Resident Evil 4

Am I right?

why would i make it so easy as to simply copy and paste the exact plots of different video games verbatim without changing or altering them in any way


why would i just tell you if you're right or not

keep reading

you're asking if you're right

why would i just tell you if you're right or not

I have only asked, if it is true that I have been correct in my theory.

yeah why would i confirm or deny that

you're supposed to read the story to find out

Starlight chuckled, as if not totally convinced of his claim. "Normal humans doing that kind of stuff on supernatural threats? Yeah, right. What, are you gonna suplex an archdemon or something?"

Curiously, many of these villagers had been killed by bullet holes, not

Not a pizza cutter? Yeah, I thought so as well, these are round holes, not vertical...but what about a cookie-cutter? Curious.

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