• Member Since 19th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 11 minutes ago

6-D Pegasus

Me or my OC?


Trixie needs a bouquet of flowers for her next trick. Roseluck doesn't approve of what her plans are for said bouquet.

I've been wanting to do this for a while actually, writing a bunch of stories focusing on the background ponies. Expect a bunch more soon!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

DANG IT TRIXIE! I shoulda known :rainbowlaugh:

An excellent little fic, good work on this bud!

Another grand 6-D Trixie fic! Also, poor Roseluck-

Keep up the good work! :pinkiehappy:

This was cute. And sad!! Lovely li'l story~

Did Roseluck dirty πŸ˜” but still a great fic!

AYO I SEE THAT LINK you sneaky bastard

Trixie gasped in faux surprise. "What, are you not happy to see the Great and Powerful Triβ€”"

"Not really?" Roseluck rolled her eyes tiredly. "I believe you still owe me twenty bits for when one of your fireworks crashed into my flower cart during your last show?"

Trixie smiled sheepishly, fidgeting with the bell. "Uh, Trixie promises to get those to you soon."

The Tab of DoomTM

"Eight for the round bouquet. But you have to Pinkie Promise you're not gonna go ahead and burn them anyway for the trick."

Exact words are a bitch, lol.

This is typical for Trixie and the misunderstanding between Rosluck and Trixie about what is important was well written.

Exact Words are a bitch.

Well, Trixie did uphold the semi-Pinkie Promise. Roseluck can't get her there. I think going forward, she should have a waiver signed by her customers not to use her flowers in destructive ways. And considering how many ways Equestria has to be destructive, the fine print is going to be substantial.

Thanks for the funny read!

I loved it, and I especially love the pairing of characters. It's like Koii and I were in a story together :trollestia:

100% certain that was A.I. witten as well. No actual person talks like that. Bots do.

I mean she didn't burn them, so she was honest with roseluck. <3

You nailed the characters perfectly ... Without the joke wouldn't have landed as well as it did πŸ˜‚

Hilarious and cute, loved it ^^

Poor Roseluck, I wanna give her a big comforting hug after having to deal with Trixie.

Fantastic work.

A good Roseluck story.
One for the minor characters :twilightsmile:

Omg that was amazing! Great work as always! Roseluck I'd such a cutie pie and Trixie is such a little shit. I love them both!

Welp, whatever you can say about Trixie at least you can't say she's a liar.

Roseluck, you poor, horrified soul.


Cute and silly! I like your Roseluck, also. Good work!

:rainbowlaugh: I should've expected it

Trixie comically missed the point there. As a lover of flowers and a botanist, I can say that Roseluck's horror at what Trixie was going to do (and did do) is entirely justified.

As much as I liked the story, I feel like Roseluck is perhaps a tad over-sensitive here. What makes burning flowers different from, say, eating them? Or severing their stems in the first place?

Three hours later, Ponyville Hospital

"Ms. Lulamoon, just HOW did that cactus get stuck THERE?!"
"Trixie didn't deserve this, Doctor! Trixie Pinkie Promised her that she wouldn't light the flowers on fire!"

Uh... well, the flowers are still kinda there... not completely disintegrated like ash?

Cute story – as usual, Trixie's causing a lot of havoc – and she still didn't pay that 20 bits she owes Roseluck!

this flower abuse has gone too far

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