Rarity isn't one for dining out at a fast food restaurant, but she loves Applejack, and Applejack loves fast food. So, Rarity makes do, at least until Applejack does something with her fries that she finds completely abhorrent.
This leads to a debate about their different tastes in food.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Inspired by a conversation on Discord. Thanks to Soaring and 6-D Pegasus for pre-reading and offering advice.
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when i still ate mc donalds, i would dip both my fries and chicken nuggets into the strawberry milkshake.
when you are in a hurry, it cools down the food enough to wolf it down quickly.
and salty and sweet go really well together as well.
the texture does not change from a quick dip either, only if you leave the food in the shake.
I knew someone who was under the impression that me dipping my fries in my shake would ruin it. They thought that salt and grease would somehow get in and 'impair the taste.'
French Fries dipped in ice cream tastes amazing!
I eat them.
I eat fries with mayo. My friends who aren't Dutch or Belgian find that weird.
This was great. Lovely little thing you wrote here. I personally don't get the appeal of dipping fries in milkshakes but to each there own. Not all of us have high standards for food, I suppose.
12035275 I too discovered the surprisingly tasty result of dipping fries into vanilla milkshakes. But it works better with some fries and shakes than others.
I must perform a study to determine the optimal combination...
12035189 It's like this one fermented food from Japan where the stuff rice, fish, and a ton of salt in a barrel and let it rot for 6 months.
But then you taste it, aaaand... *takes a bite* ... ...... ......................... NOPE, THIS IS AWFUL!! *projectile vomits aaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllll over the place!*
Uncultured Swine, the lot of them!
Salt gives flavour. FAT CARRIES FLAVOUR!
But . . that is next to ketchup like the most normal thing to do x.x
I tried it with a chocolate shake and French fries and it was okay. Certainly not something I'd do repeatedly but it wasn't awful like I expected.
Still not sure why people do it in light of other, better options but everybody has different tastes lol
Lovely story, quite amusing.
I hope you don't mind that I, coincidentally, am working on a Rarijack story where part of the title is 'You Do WHAT with'!
(I got the idea for mine before you had published this.)
Pickle nachos? Pineapple pizza?
I'm not really a "dipping fries in milkshake" kind of person (or into a Wendy's Frosty, whatever the case may be), but more power to you if you do. Ketchup, salt, or bust for me.
Now, eating dinner rolls with ketchup...kid me used to do that all the time in restaurants. Adult me still sometimes does it. I like to think it's because I equate hot dogs with ketchup, and thus, bread with ketchup.
Some of those food crimes sound interesting.
I may have to try the Pineapple Nachos.
And a local supermarket keeps coleslaw + raisins as a daily prepared item in its deli section.
It's not too bad... the raisins definitely have quite the overpowering taste, it's more like "raisins with added coleslaw".
Both of them are disgusting
I think there are some regional preferences in play here. Where are you from?
Europe. Germany. Hamburg.
Huh, there must be some mayo on fries zone in northern Europe (I was born in Utrecht, but now I live in a different place in the Netherlands).
I like to put some fries/onion rings on my burger.
I could actually see this as an episode! Part of the twist being that Pinkie somehow introduced them to all the aforementioned food abominations lol! Have an upvote!
Quesadillas with Jalapenos is a food crime? But that sounds delightful!
Hmm, voices are mostly good throughout, but that bit does not sound like Rarity. At most, she might say something like 'something horrible', but I doubt she'd use that phrasing at all. Probably say something like "stains my coat horrifically" or "leaves a nightmarish stain on my coat". Minor thing, I know, but I noticed it.
Still, story overall's pretty fun.
Both of these mares need to be banished to the moon for 1000 years.