• Member Since 27th Aug, 2020
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Rat Smacker

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Comments ( 62 )

A Metro crossover that actually looks pretty sick? Holy crap.


Wow, now that is a somber start. Yeah, Metro is hard like that...

Still, absolutely looking forward to what will happen next!

Wow, a crossover with the metro universe, haven't seen anything like that for a long time and the beginning is done well and qualitatively. Well, I'll wait for the continuation.

Certainly an interesting story to read. Very nice story so far and I look forward to more. Been anticipating this one ever since I saw the coverart online. Very excited to see the story you're writing here. Excellent start so far.


Looks like it needs the Crossover tag

2025. What a way to start

Wow..that was a brutal start. You have my full attention and I'm looking forward to the next chapter. The image you used as the cover is amazing, I'm sure it's not made with AI.

You have this birds attention. Now show me more.

A crossover with the Metro series?!? Consider me instantly intrigued!!:rainbowkiss:

No AI here! I put the source (correctly, I hope) to the artist - it's Scroup, over on Twitter. They do amazing stuff.

Thanks for the catch! I forgot that one, lole.

A small bit of feedback: the prose would be easier to read if the paragraphs were made smaller. Just space out the text a bit more.

Otherwise, great start. Looking forward to what happens next.

Thanks so much! Feedback always helps, especially for stuff like this where I'm trying out something new. I've never tried writing something this big in first-person, so it's a learning experience.

My order has a motto...

Reading this makes me regret not getting Metro when it was on sale

I am already liking this.

Enjoyed the games in the past too.

Ho! Not a bad start at all!
To be honest, I've been expecting this fanfic since last year (haha). The thing is, I saw the cover on another site, which explained that it was for a crossover between MLP and METRO. And here it is.
I'm hoping for a continuation of the story. Thanks)

Oi, congrats, you're in the Featured Box!

Title and cover art caught my attention immediately. I like the way this is heading. Keep up the good work! :twilightsmile:

looks like a interesting story, i honestly though it was dead space or a aliens story just glancing at the cover art. maybe this pony story willl finally get me to play the metro games collecting dust in my library

Play them, they are worth your time and money. I played through all the parts a couple of times and I liked them.

Okay. Events are unfolding a bit faster than I thought, but I suppose that's normal. It's possible that Luna stumbled upon two Order soldiers who speak pure English and didn't shoot the intelligent 'mutant' on the spot. And who decided that bringing the aforementioned mutant to a residential station was a good choice. Let's see where this leads.

By the way, I have to ask: are you basing this on the Metro games or the books? Just curious what to expect in the future.

And a piece of advice (you can take it or ignore it - it's your right): when Luna finds the metro map, it would be nice if she marked her path on it - maybe at the end of some chapters. It would add a bit of immersion.)

Thanks for the chapter)

Well, great chapter and now I have a few questions for you. Well, let's start in order. First, near which station was our Moon lucky or unlucky to appear? Second, can our Moon fully use magic here or will it disappear over time or will it be there, but in a weakened state? Third, the Moon again and can it interact with the local moon and possibly the sun? I know that the questions are somewhat spoiler-y, so I won't be offended if you don't answer them. I will wait with anticipation for the continuation.

Good questions. I somehow forgot to ask them myself.

Il shall try them then. I already love the fallout series and I have dabbled in wasteland. Metro and stalker are some of the only apocalypse type games I have yet to get to. I'm currently doing the souls series but il do metro next.

All according to plan! I figured soldiers of the Order knowing English is a little more likely than most other folks in Metro, and I wanted to have at least a few solid characters that Luna could converse with without having to rely on a translator for everything. To answer your question, this is solely based on the games! I'd like to read the books someday, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. As for your suggestion, I'll take it into consideration! It sounds like a fun idea and a good way to keep track of where things are happening.

I could answer those questions now, but I'll be a stinker and say this instead - you'll find out soon! Luna herself doesn't know anything about where she is, but details will start making themselves known as the story progresses. Edit: I should also point out, there's a clue to at least one question! Maksim talks about sealing off a tunnel and mentions that they're near the edge of the metro, so... Luna's pretty far away from Polis!

I also recommend you play Stalker, it's also a good series of games. And also, when you've completed the original trilogy of games, play all the parts with mods, there are many wonderful mods for all parts of Stalker for every taste and color.

Well, first of all, thank you for answering our questions in principle and secondly, thank you for giving a hint to my first question. I'll go study the Moscow metro stations in the world of metro.

Modding stalker ?, well I should be fine with that. I mod fnv/ttw so I have a honorary insanity badge. Should be fun.

Yes, as I said earlier, there are a lot of mods for stalker, as well as their types. There are mods with a new plot, graphic, weapon, build (restoring cut content, of which there is a lot in stalker by the way), there are hard mods and a few more types that I couldn't remember. So, try them out, I think you'll definitely like something from them.

Good start, very interested to see where this goes. Seems like Luna still has her magic, so I wonder if that means she'll be able to raise and lower their Moon to prove her little title. Part of me doubts it but it would be neat.

One piece of critique I have (more of a worry) is that Luna so far seems weak. Very weak. She's an immortal ruler that is, assumedly, the more martial-minded of the two princesses. You even mention her lacking healing magic as that was Celestia's forte, so that begs the question of what magic does she have?

Personally I would assume her to be, at minimum, as competent as any regular equestrian guard/battlemage and right now I'm just not getting that impression. I hope to see more from her in that regard, at least enough to pull her own weight.

Ooh metro stories are rare on here, especially good ones.

With Luna being a tad weak I guess from her banishment? it'll take her a bit to get back to her goddess of the moon type strength.

I hope more will be forthcoming, it has potential

I like where this is going still, glad to hear that gals going to collect things from the dead, maybe that side tunnel Luna opened up will expedite her progress

Something tells me things won't go very smoothly once they leave the station.

Luna is kind of cooked if she has to go over on the surface... unless she knows a "clean air" spell of some kind. Though if anyone has an old-ass horse gas mask somehow, it would be Hanza.
Also, "her magic operating in a vacuum" makes me think her magic could be a limited resource, eventually to be spent, which would be very inconvenient if she lost her telekinesis or magic hooves.

Imagining Tabitha St. Germain's voice speaking fluent russian... :raritystarry:

Oh, and this fic made me return to the Metro after a few years away. I love Metro so much, man. Absolutely nothing is cooler than a dude with a gun and a gas mask. :yay:

This story makes me want to resume my campaign on Metro Exodus, where I stopped playing it after encountering repetitive crashes on the Lighthouse level, if my memory does not delude me.

If other people haven't asked already, which one of the games is your favourite?

Guy With A Gun And A Gas Mask is always an award-winning idea. As far as Luna goes, though, she might have to do some digging before she gets the gas mask half of the equation - the gun will be plenty easy! Resources in Metro are limited, but people find a way to crank out Bastard guns like nobody's business. Also, it's not Tabitha, but give this a listen! :raritywink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAupWLS-rVE

Nobody's asked yet, I don't think! My favorite would definitely have to be Exodus, but 2033 and Last Light are both amazing in their own right. I've only beaten Exodus once so far, but I've been picking away at a second playthrough in the hope of getting the Good ending this time around after making too many boo-boos on my first run. (Although maybe I should be replaying Last Light, given this story's timeline :pinkiecrazy: )

I hope to continue. It's an interesting story, you're good at it!
It is logical that Luna is weak here and cannot use her magic as before. I think she uses her inner reserve, but it's not unlimited.
As a suggestion, how about adding an interlude about what's going on in Equestria? It would be preferable to see the reaction of others to the disappearance of Luna.

My hooves noisily clacked against the stone floor even without my silver shoes

Luna will definitely need some shoes. Not just because of the noise. Running barefoot on poisoned ground is not a good idea.

I also noticed that people are quite frivolous about death. They smile and laugh just a few seconds after they learned about the death of a neighboring squad. I understand they're veterans, but it would be nice to be a little more serious.


I'd like to read the books someday,

I have read three books by the original author. The first book is not bad, but the second and third books are nonsense in my opinion. You may want to read canonical books on this universe from other authors (if they have an English translation).

Cool chapter. And I already have a plan in my head for how Luna and Maxim will get to Polis. Here's the plan: Mendeleevskaya, Novoslobodskaya, Belorusskaya, Krasnopresnenskaya, Kyiv, Smolenskaya and finally Polis itself with its Arbatskaya station. True, I think something will go wrong along the way and they will have to turn off their original path through the Hansa ring line and take a different route through other stations, and there everything will be much worse for them, in the form of the Fourth Reich, the Red Line and bandits, so I think they will have to cover part of the way on the surface to avoid meeting bandits and Red Line fighters with the Reich. I will wait for the continuation, and at the same time I wish Luna and Maxim good luck on their long and difficult journey to Polis.

I'm curious what time line is this going into

Maybe the old GP-25 could be stretched to fit a pony face? Assuming they find one.

Like everyone else I'm looking forward to the next chapter, I'm actually dying already for it. Send help.

One hell of a start to this one, and I am HERE for it! Ooooooh I can already tell this is gonna be awesome hehehe

And so it begins.

Onwards! To adventuuuure!

КИНО is required listening :trollestia:

Imagining Maxim speaking in the voice of that one guy doing 1/3rd of all the background characters in Last Light. It fits strangely well.

My issue is with that

Well, you're going to have to solve this problem somehow. The most affordable food on the Subway is useless mushrooms and skinny pigs. If you don't eat meat, you'll be exhausted.

So, Luna is on her way! I think she'll have to go halfway across the surface. Otherwise, the Reich soldiers will kill her on the spot. I still think Luna should get some shoes.
I wonder what's going on in Equestria at this moment?

P.S. It seems to me that Luna needs to do something with her magnificent mane. It's too obvious.

Well written. Good stuff.

Excellent chapter. The only thing I want to ask you is, where did you get the metro map for this chapter? Because as I noticed, it differs in its layout from the versions of maps for January and December 2033 closest to the events of the story and is more of an assembly between them. I will wait with anticipation for the continuation.

Good chapter) Thank you) :raritywink:

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