• Member Since 12th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Hug your nearest alicorn.


You've been living with your marefriend, Rarity, for almost a year now. There are some hurdles in your relationship, sure, but it's nothing you're not willing to deal with for the honor of being her beloved human.

Going to bed, however, is still proving to be difficult.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Thank you for providing this at 2 in the morning.

Ruuuunic cuddlefic! Ima melttt

Cute! Thanks for the read ^^

Runic is back in the feature box, lol. People are going think you're bribing the mods or something :rainbowlaugh:.

Thanks for the fluffy little fic, Runic. Wonderful writing as always. :twilightsmile:

Living with Rarity sounds like a pain in the ass, honestly.

Oh, I understand you, I've been suffering from insomnia for years.

Literally a cuddle fic, I love it!

Wh-what do you think you’re doing?!”

“Getting comfortable.”

“Darling, you’re going to mess up my maaaaaaane!” she whines.

Despite her protest, there’s a clear sense of humor in her voice. Were the lights on, you’d surely catch her stifling a smile.

“I don’t think you have to worry about that. As if anything could make you any less perfect.”

Awww...this is my favorite part.

Definitely cute I will say. But the way you do rarity is realistic, but definitely makes me push away from her cuz it might be me (as also said by @clerfamerg) but she sounds like a pain in the ass. Plus it sounds like she really only loves him because he's a novelty. Idk, she just doesn't show enough love for him, might just be me. :rainbowderp:

the entire time I thought this was just going to be a spoof of this

She certainly does love him, but I was going for a different vibe than many of my other stories. Here, Rarity and her human partner have been together for quite some time. The honeymoon phase has long faded away, and they've gone from being a couple of blushing messes that don't know how long is an appropriate amount of time to kiss to two individuals sharing the same wavelength. It isn't a passionate, burning love, it's a quiet, comfortable type of love. That's why our little human doesn't seem to mind Rarity's lifestyle. Not only did he expect that going into the relationship, he's had about a year to get used to it. It isn't annoying to him, it's cute. In the same way, Rarity has learned that she can rely on him. She trusts him completely, even when an important job is involved. They don't need to remind each other of their love because their everyday life already does that for them.

I hope that makes sense. :twilightsheepish:

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