• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 2,761 Views, 51 Comments

Patriarchal/Divine Intervention - Teh dr3am3r

A father returns to earth to put his daughter on the right track

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Unexpected Returns

The garden rested behind the imperious walls of the palace, dew-covered grass gently swaying as a soft breeze slipped amongst the blades with liquid dexterity. The animals slept soundly, their heads resting on hooves, paws, and tucked into soft down. There was nothing amiss, nothing out of the ordinary, a guard stood watch, a silent sentinel over the garden that was his to protect. Under Luna's moon, the trees and rosebushes rested, soaking in the thin layer of dew that covered them in the coolness of the night. Fireflies flicked about lazily, casting their small lights out into the night, drawing in potential mates as they boasted their superiority over each other in a frenzied display of light. An owl hooted softly, eying the area below him for a foolish mouse to reveal himself.

The stars shone throughout the deep blue night sky, providing their light in assistance to the moon, ancient points standing watch over all the universe. The wind picked up and the nighttime animals fled an unknown force as the guard looked around for the cause of the disturbance. A shadowy bolt of... lightning jetted from the clear sky and slammed into the ground with a blast of sound that made normal lightning seem subtle. A moment later, a dark pony descended from the stellar abyss via the stream of lightning, landing hard on his massive hooves. His legs flexed, supporting their incredible momentum and weight above them. The bolt vanished and the pony stood up straight, spreading his enormous wings in a voluminous stretch revealing his sheer size. His mane cascaded in a starry waterfall over his shoulders and neck, and his tail billowed and fluctuated like a sheet in the wind setting the small stars over it swirling. The star spangled pony turned his head to look at the onlooking guard upon the wall and promptly set him to sleep.


Celestia awoke to the boom of a unique sound she had heard only once in a long forgotten memory. She leaped out of bed and rushed out the door, not caring about her crown and jewelry. She ran like a cheetah, bolting throughout the halls to her sister's throne room in a mad panic, barreling past servants and Luna's administrators. Some got in her way, but a push of her wings and she jumped over their startled faces, never slowing her mindless run. Bursting in, Luna eyed her in a surprised manner, "Tia, this is unexpected. Make yourself-"

"Luna! Never mind the formalities. We have a serious problem!" She babbled out.

Her sister looked at her normally calm and collected sister, ever so cordial and formal, with growing unease. Very few things had ever made her sister act in this manner. "What-"

The main doors to the throne room exploded open, shattering the door-stops and crashing into the walls behind them. A gigantic, dark blue alicorn with shimmering dots lining his coat walked in, ducking his head under the top of the thirty foot high door as his hooves made booming thuds with every step in the stead of the clacking sound normally made by hooves. His explosive entrance set the guards in the room into automatic defensive mode, and they charged him with a discordant array of "For Luna"s and plain battle screams. The intruder calmly raised a gargantuan hoof and the guards promptly collapsed into deep slumber. The alicorn drew in his wings to avoid the columns that lined the room as the sisters prepared themselves for a heck of a fight.

"WHO ART THOU?" bellowed Luna in her royal Canterlot voice, the sound waves almost visible as they left her mouth. The starry alicorn blinked light filled eyes, similar to Twilight Sparkle's eyes in her bursts of magic, and returned the request in a voice that shook the stones of the room, making Luna's infamous voice seem feeble like the squeak of a mouse in comparison.

"Να κόρες ορυχείο δεν ξέρω τον πατέρα τους? Να ξέρουν ότι δεν τους οποίους μιλούν?"

Both princesses gasped as they heard the language they had neither spoken nor heard in millennia, The Ancient Language. Luna understood his question, but knew not how to speak in return. Celestia understood and answered him haltingly.

"Καλή Πατέρα, έχει εδώ και αιώνες από τότε που ήταν τελευταία στη γη, βλέποντας Σελήνη ως ένα πουλάρι. Εκείνη δεν ξέρεις, αλλά θυμάμαι." (Good Father, it has been eons since you were last on the earth, seeing Selene as a foal. She does not know you, but I remember.)

He hummed in his throat for a few seconds, filling the chamber with the sound of thunder.

"Γιατί μιλάτε τη γλώσσα παλιά τόσο άσχημα? Έχετε ξεχάσει τα παλιά τρόπους?"

Celestia proceeded speaking in the old language, "Nay Father, I have not forgotten, only the modern language is different. Thine language is forgotten by all but we who are immortal."

He thought for a moment, drinking in the meaning of her words before responding in the common tongue, "Very well Helia. I will speak thine language for Selene's sake. Know she not our language?"

Holding down her anger at the revelation of their father, Luna spoke up, "I never learned to speak it Father, but I do understand your words."

His massive head turned the slightest degree to look at the moon-princess, "And it is for thee that I am come. Leave us Helia, I have words for thine sister."

Tia hesitantly left, giving Luna a look of worry before leaving the throne room and shutting the door behind her. Luna turned back to her father, suddenly afraid as well as angry, but her sudden fear of him drowned her spite for him in a wave of trepidation. He looked at her for an eternity, never saying anything as his featureless eyes bored into her like gleaming drills.

"Why have you come Father?" she asked after not being able to take the silence anymore.

"Ye knowest why." was his only response. Luna racked her brain for what he spoke of, and at first she had no idea what he was talking about, but after a moment, the realization hit her like a bolt of lightning from a clear sky.

King Cosmos seemed to sense her emotions as her soul began to rebel against him, "Yea, that is why I am come. It is against the ways of all things I made. Lessers may indulge in these vile desires, but not one of our blood, the very blood of creation."

Luna could barely stomach what he was saying. He had come after all these years just to reprimand her on her love life? She had to meet her father only to be punished? Her anger fired like a solar flare, bursting out of her mouth before she could check herself. Tears fell from her eyes as her anger spewed forth into sound from her mouth, "How dare you? How dare you never be there for us! How dare you forgo your duties as a father and then just jump in when I do something you don't like! You were never there for us, never there for mother when she needed you most! You sat back in your stars and let her die, sat back in your abyss as me and Tia fled for our lives and barely survived Discord, defeating him with Mother's remains of all things! You did nothing as Mother suffered, you did nothing for countless years and now you come back all of a sudden to chastise me like a foal? How dare you?!"

Cosmos' voice coiled and hissed like a snake as the stars on his coat swirled and undulated with his rising temper, a temper that had not been roused since before the beginning. "Ye know not what ye say, foal, and thou shalt address me as Father! I have responsibilities and never ye say that I was not there. I watched over ye and thine sister from the days of Chaos, I protected thee both! Helia would never have woken to find Chaos poised over her, ready to strike had I not woken her from her slumber. Ye both would be dead had it not been for mine intervention. Thine mate would'st never have been taken into Helia's tutelage had it not been for mine giving her of her power. The Elements of Harmony would'st never have awakened without mine guidance to her heart. Aphrodite's strength over the one called Chrysalis would have never defeated the Amorphs at her bridal ceremony. Think ye well on thine words before ye speak, foal." He spat out the last word with disdain and slammed his titanic hoof to the ground to emphasize his words, resulting in a web of cracks in the marble floor spreading out across the entirety of the chamber.

Luna sank into her throne from the sheer power of his voice funneled through his tirade. Her head ached from the resonant sound waves that threatened to shatter her skull from the inside.

"Now where dost thine mate reside?"

The moon-princess' thoughts flitted to her partner, still sleeping in Luna's bed, and the king revealed his ability to read her mind, for he left the room through the door that led to Luna's room without a word. She scrambled from her seated position and rushed to keep up with him, growing more and more worried about Twilight's fate with ever step.


Celestia felt the ground tremble as she was nearing her room, worrying her about Luna. She turned around and rushed all the way back to her sister's throne room only to find the two of them gone. King Cosmos' voice rang in her head, not bereft of the volume in his actual voice, bidding her "Come." She received a mental picture of Luna's room and after wondering why her father was in there, ran once again through the halls. This time the halls were devoid of anypony, all of them having gone to their rooms. She had no idea how so many, or even one pony, could sleep through the commotion that the king had made.

She shook off the idle thoughts and focused on increasing her speed, pushing with her wings for an extra boost. She rounded the corner panting and sweating in a most undignified manner before catching her breath and cleaning herself up some with a bit of magic.

Her composure regained, she knocked on Luna's door and the oak swung open to reveal a much smaller version of Cosmos, although he still towered over her making her feel like she was back in their cave when he came to see her sister. Tia entered under his starry gaze as her wing brushed his chest. Celestia's mouth dropped like a ton of rocks when she saw Luna and her faithful student sitting together on the bed, Twilight with her head resting on Luna's shoulder. The unicorn quickly broke contact with the princess of the night when noticed and scooted away looking sheepish. The door closed behind her and Cosmos walked into view.

"Did'st ye know of this Helia?"

She could only shake her head in disbelief, not wanting to believe that her own sister who she had taken care of for eons could... take her student like this. Celestia felt like Twilight was the daughter she never had.

"Luna, how could you?"

Luna looked down at her hooves in shame, finding them to be very interesting as she said nothing. Celestia magically slapped her in a surge of anger and disgust and huffed out of the room like a train.

Luna rubbed the spot of impact, the skin smarting and stinging, with a look of utmost grief. Cosmos only looked on the two mares on the bad with those shining eyes of his, not say anything with his mouth, but everything with his demeanor. After what seemed years, he finally left without a word. As the door closed behind him, Twilight scooted back over to Luna who quickly looked away, embarrassed. The unicorn climbed onto the bed and sat behind her marefriend, wrapping her legs around her in a comforting manner. With her hooves she began massaging the princess' back, kneading the tense muscle underneath the skin. They sat like this all throughout the night, basking in each others presence until the rays of dawn came creeping through the window.

The midnight blue alicorn closed Selene's door and walked down the hall, finally letting his emotions get a hold of him. He had come to reprimand his daughter, and he had done so, but now that that was over and his anger had faded, he was unsure of what to do. All of time he had known what to do, never faltered in his task of creating the stars. And though he had watched over his family from his place in the heavens, he was unfamiliar with actually being with them. Memories of his conversation with Selene and her partner still stung him and though he knew he was cruel and unrelenting, he knew that he was right: Mares did not go with mares. It was similar to how he designed magnetism, he had explained, the opposites attracted, the likes repelled. Males with females, not two of the same sex together.

He walked through the hallways until he came out in the garden he had arrived in earlier. Resuming his normal size, the king of the stars laid in the soft grass under the view of his infinite kingdom. His stars glittered in the night sky like they did on his coat, shifting, undulating. Seeing one of his paintings begin to come askew, he quickly corrected Orion by sliding the star, Alnitak, back into position along the belt, forming the star-portrait once again.

The action soothed his rampant emotions, pulling him back into his position of keeping the stars in order, causing supernovas, cleaning up black holes, yet his complete peace eluded him. He didn't understand the attraction his daughter felt for a mare. It wasn't natural, he hadn't designed it to work that way. Another couple of note slept in each others legs in the city at that moment, two music oriented ponies. He had been observing those two when he saw Selene embrace Twilight Sparkle the way a stallion does a mare for the first time. At first he bore the same curiosity as he had with Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch, but that curiosity quickly turned to anger when he remembered that this was a work of Chaos. The same-sex attraction had started in the draconequus' vile experimentation's in it's early days, experimentation that the strange creature used to master his power.

The Star-King dwelt on his past regrets under the splendor of his domain. He should have destroyed the abomination before it had been fully propagated, but by the time he made the decision, Chaos had been born. For eons he had to defend his helpless daughters from his malevolent creation. He was forced to watch as his wife succumb to death at the hands of the monster, too occupied in taming an overgrown black hole to step in and stop Chaos before he could do any permanent damage. For the billionth time the king mourned his lost wife, creating another star in her name as he had so many others with his all too limited, even while limitless, power.