• Member Since 20th Apr, 2024
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Little ponies can do big things!


Based on learning with pibby franchise

The darkness has returned and it started attacking canterlot city and everyone started to get corrupted by the glitch. It's up to sunset shimmer, Matt Crystal and the rest of the survivors from the city and the other universes, from the help of pibby and her friends to stop the darkness for good and save everyone.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 4 )

Such a shame that pibby was never meant to be a real thing and was just made for fun... it would have been a hell of a show. Perks of fanfics though! Shows needs copyrights and redtape to get things done while people like you don't need jack!! :pinkiehappy:

But I love crossovers and epic ones

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