Princess Princess Celestia, Twilight, you you left left me me with with some some big big horseshoes horseshoes to to fill. fill.
An entry for the Pony Poetry Contest.
Cover art courtesy of Mikkybun.
Hug your nearest alicorn.
Princess Princess Celestia, Twilight, you you left left me me with with some some big big horseshoes horseshoes to to fill. fill.
An entry for the Pony Poetry Contest.
Cover art courtesy of Mikkybun.
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Impressive work. A little difficult to parse (inevitably) but the intent comes through quite well. Very nice!
I didn't understand anything but great job.
I have not had a Pony fic move me like that (hairs on my arm standing!) in a long, long time.
Magnificent, profound—impressive, Runic.
Mikkybun you did again 🤗
This was impressive. Not only did you tell a moving through poetry you also combined unique formatting to add to the immersion. Bravo, this was seriously impressive. Well beyond anything my mind can conceive.
Feature box, again
. Runic's going to have another outraged mob out for blood at this rate.
(In case anyone new to Runic is curious about the feature box thing, a good while back there was extensive complaints because Runic was not only hitting the feature box frequently with every story release, but the high output of stories often meant 2, 3, or even 4 Runic stories at the same time in the feature box. Some people got really pissy about that and started crying that this wasn't fair to other authors and even made claims that Runic had to be gaming the system somehow to get featured so often. A lot of silliness was proposed to keep Runic out of the feature box and give those poor, oppressed authors their "fair" chance, but nothing ever came of it that I'm aware of. Well, aside from a lot of hurt butts.)
Well that was beautiful. I love it when people connect generations together for a spectacular outcome.
Best of luck in the contest, author!
Really? That happened? I’d just assume the fellow here just know that people really like anon and pony romance stories.
I started off with Twilight's side, then Sunny.
It was beautiful and truly adds depth to each characters.
Twilight doing her best to do as Celestia did once with the help of her friends, relying on their streght (which became her downfall once they were gone)
And Sunny, LEARNING from Twilight's choices and actions. Realising that she needs to try a new path, one that will maintain harmony. She never knew Twilight on a personal level the same way Twilight knew Celestia. so this choice to not have anypony higher than you look at how you may rule a nation makes it easier for her in some way.
Beautifully written, you must have spent hours fomatting this darn text! Extra points to you and your creativity!!!
Ill follow for some more!
Wow that's some original formatting, I wonder if I could find a way to depict this as an audio version.
I'll think about it, let me know if you have any idea how it could be done.
Had trouble following the flow (I probably didn't set my format correctly lol) at times but this is such a fun fic with a creative way of being written.
This is a very artistic way to tell a short story of a character's introspective. How two characters can start at the same point but can diverge in two unique ways.
You're amazing Runic
Wow, this was really interesting :3
Jeez Louis. When you get so good, you get accused of cheating
Runic is obviously using the horseword equivalent of aimbotting and wallhacking
What’s þat called? AI?