• Member Since 19th Feb, 2023
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I write overblown, purple, self indulgent prose, so what?


A completely, normal, average, not at all exciting day at Canterlot High.

…Wait, we told the new kids about the time-traveling assassins right?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

arms wailing

Flailing, I think, unless whatever Twilight does to annoy the future involves extra mouths in places where mouths don’t go.

You know the fact that this is an Equestria Girls fic opens up the frankly fascinating possibility that while the pony-world’s time travel works chiefly on predestination and closed time loops, the human-world instead has a mutable timeline, thus necessitating time cops - and yet despite this they’re both part of the same overall multiverse.

oops yeah thanks for that catch haha :]

I really apreciate the vibe of Scitwi being responsible for something cataclysmic big. If she aint the president she's creating skynet whether its the good or bad skynet, who knows. And her friends are chill with it 👍👍👍


i mean. its twilight sparkle shes GONNA do something important that messes with the timeline in some way. it came with the name

She created the good Skynet, but in the process accidentally leaked everyone's search history, both regular and incognito.

It's the 29th century and they are still dealing with the fallout.

Wait, so this is pre-Sirens, but Sci-Twi's with them and Sunset doesn't seem to still be hated? Appropriately enough for the story, I'm a little confused about the timeline here.

I think what I most like about this story (dare I say love?) is that in this story the Dazzlings just happen to have had a PAST sister/member named Arpeggio and we get exactly the right amount of explanation about that.

I wonder if the time travelling assassins and time cops have something to do with it

Twilight announcement mutely

I believe it should be 'Twilight's'. Also, this is the funniest SciTwi story I've seen in a good while!

¡Y así es como las Dazzlings se volvieron buenas!

So is this Sci Twi or Princess Twilight? The Dazzlings being here says this is during Rainbow Rocks, but... :twilightsheepish:.

sussy baka bot spotted. nobody click that link

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