Do you think there's such a place as a Promised Land?
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And we’re back! Oh man, this was so worth the wait! Can’t wait to see more of this remake!
And it’s back.
Very different start then last time.
What a good start I even like how my oc was given her own shop like the name by the way
Holy moly! Amazing rewrite!
Also, I see what you guys did with the Bride and Groom. 👀
For those who aren’t familiar, the Bride and Groom are semi-mini bosses for the Blood Moon event, and it looks like Applejack’s parents are being shaped to play that/those roles.
Oh my God I didn't pick up on that till you mentioned it
My jaw dropped once I saw that. What sealed the deal was the tease at the Blood Moon towards the end before Shining woke up.
Nice catch.
I see I see I can't believe I wasn't the first to pick up on it
Hey wait pinkamena I just realized didn't you make a separate fic to terraria friendship is magic involving only Pinkie and Candie
It's good to have Terraria back!
And it's nice to see so many familiar faces in the comment section.
Non-canon now, but yes
Thought so because I was wondering who was the author of it since I kind of forgotten who it was until now lol
Why did you rewrite this story?
Because Pomp said they do a lot better and improve it a lot since they first published it.
okay so a different beginning to the story then the original
Our skills have improved since we first started writing the Terraria story, so we decided to rebuild the story from the ground up.
I wonder when the next chapter coming out 🙂
Oh look at that nice.
Glad to see this back!
Hehe, you sly pony Twilight
Oooo~! So Shadow is a General in this now? Nice
Oh wait? It was Tempest,
Yeah, that makes more sense. Got confused there
Tempest Shadow makes more sense.
Amazing chapter!
Yay new chapter!
Did yall unlist the original ones?
Yes, it wasn't our greatest writing so we started clean.
Good chapter worth the wait
The way I see the landing sequence.
Hah! Pretty much.
Back on the site after a long time and this is what I come to it feels great to be back
Welcome back!