• Member Since 11th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago

Matthais Unidostres

I am Matthais Unidostres, I'm a Christian and I love FanFiction!



As expected for most tales told, both new and old, the villain of the story is defeated. But this particular defeat at the hooves of Sunny Starscout and her friends happens to be a far more massively catastrophic one for Allura and Twitch. After their latest evil plan blows up in their faces, the leopard and rabbit find themselves stranded on a small ice floe in the middle of the open ocean.

And with that, their tail begins.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 15 )

Like the expectation subversion in this chapter: It does seem pretty in character for Allura to not want to eat Twitch, she DID protect him in "The Blockywockys".

I actually didn't know catnip was a plant and not some man-made food until I read this- thank you for educating me.

now archers were on a mission to recover her their entertainment dead or alive.

I mean, she's not going to be very entertaining if she's dead... what are they gonna do, sit in the arena and watch her corpse?

It's more like they are enraged that their victim dare escape the arena. I'd imagine they'd stuff her corpse and display it outside the arena out of spite.

Ah, yeah, that makes more sense.

Random question, but have you heard any good villain songs lately? Inanimate Insanity has "Taco's Tirade" (yeah, the name of that song is kind of a spoiler), and "The Future Is So Yesterday", and both are brilliant earworms.

Man on the Internet's rendition of "Best Friends Forever" from Undertale Yellow is pretty amazing.

Just looked up the song, thanks, pretty neat one.

"Future is So Yesterday" is catchy, but I feel like I'm missing some context regarding the character.

as I've said before, I'd DEFINITELY recommend at least season 2 of Inanimate Insanity (AND Season 3, which takes place between episodes 14 and 15 of S2). Season 1 is good too, but hasn't aged perfectly, especially in animation.

The penultimate episode of Season 1 (Journey Through Memory Lane Part 1) gives a brief recap of the whole season if you decide you'd rather skip it (again, the season is good IMO, but it's an option). I'd suggest turning on subtitles for it.

I should ask: What kind of voice does Twitch have? High-pitched? Low-pitched?

He's a rabbit. He has a higher cute sounding voice.

What do you think of the fact that Allura has a brother?

I think it's a neat way to give her more depth- maybe her bitterness over losing him helped in starting her megalomania?

You seem to be the only person who cares about this story, and I appreciate it. Be that as it may, the next chapter will be the last chapter. I plan to end it with a slightly out of left field meta way that alludes to the cancelation of Generation 5. I hope it will be both interesting and satisfying in a way. It will also help to maybe fix the glaring error I made when characterizing Allura in this story. At any rate, I hope you enjoy the ending.

I don't think making it a G4 sequel was the problem- heck, I'd argue it was a pretty good idea in theory. The problem was entirely the story and writing. Heck, it being a sequel didn't really mean much in the long run- all it led to was inconsistencies. What happened to Pegasi being able to move the weather? If flight requires magic, how come Rainbow and Fluttershy didn't have any problems flying in the Season 8 finale? What happened to every OTHER species? We only got an answer for the dragons! If Opaline isn't even confident enough to take over Equestria without dragonfire even when Twilight and co. are long dead, how in the heck did Twilight not defeat her AGES ago WITHOUT sealing away magic? Etc.

And as for starting the series with basically everything the heroes did in G4 being undone: well, let's compare it to, say, the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. Sure, that series started with the galaxy still being threatened by an evil empire, but it's not like everything that happened was just forgotten- the characters are still around and still have an impact on the story, not to mention that past events DO matter. Take The Last Jedi: Luke turned Vader, which convinces Rey that she can turn Kylo. The Rebels in the past often fell back on high-risk, low-chance-of-success plans, and Poe does the same even when it isn't necessary. The choices made in the past influence the choices in the present.

Meanwhile, aside from the stories of Twilight and her friends inspiring Sunny in the beginning, G4 might as well not have happened. Sure, they make a bunch of references to it, but the most G4 we really get is Spike coming back. Sure, Twilight makes a cameo, but just to tell us "Oi, watch out for this baddie. K, bye." At least the comics currently seem to be doing a proper crossover (The Storm of Zephyr Heights). I'm fine with new villains, but whilst Allura does look kind of cool and is kind of an interesting character, they probably would've been better off replacing Opaline with Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, Tirek, Sombra or heck, even the REAL Grogar.

tl;dr: G5: Good idea, bad execution.

Hope this makes sense.

Edit: Even better idea I've just thought of- at the end of G4, we had griffons, kirin, dragons, etc. ALL learning together- why not USE that? Sunny and her friends are alright and all, but you mentioned in the past that Hasbro could've made a series starring the Young 6- well, here was a golden opportunity! Have the main cast include a griffon, a diamond dog, heck, a centaur, maybe! I know the show is called My Little "Pony", but I don't think people will complain if you throw a griffon into the main cast! (As you've probably guessed from me mentioning them about 3 times so far, griffons are my favourite species in the show)

I feel like I could've worded my comment better, so here's a more concise one:

G5 being a sequel could've worked in my opinion, but the simple truth is the story isn't very engaging to me, and it seems to focus more on referencing G4 than actually picking up where G4 left off.

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