• Published 13th Sep 2024
  • 260 Views, 15 Comments

Tell Her Tail - Matthais Unidostres

After a major defeat courtesy of Sunny Starscout, Allura and Twitch find themselves a long way from Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Allura, reunited, her heart did mend,
As Twitch she embraced, her dearest friend
Tears of joy, her eyes did fill,
As fear and doubt, began to still

Twitch, too, was overjoyed, so true,
His love for her, forever new
Together, they, in peace did rest,
Their hearts content, their spirits blessed

The centaurs cheered, a deafening sound,
As they stood tall, with pride unbound
But danger lurked, a hidden threat,
A monstrous beast, they weren’t safe yet

The cragadile, a fearsome sight,
Its jaws wide open, a source of fright
Allura froze, her heart did race,
As Twitch worked fast, a frantic pace

He freed her wings, just in time,
As fate intervened to silence door's chime
The centaurs booed, their anger shown,
Allura and Twitch, the coop they've flown

Arrows whizzed through the air, their sharp tips slicing past Allura's ears, embedding themselves into the nearby rooftops with harsh thuds. The winged snow leopard growled in frustration, her wings flapping furiously as she ducked and weaved, trying to evade the rain of projectiles. Twitch clung tightly to her fur, his little body pressed flat against her back as he squeaked in panic, pointing frantically towards the ground.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it!" Allura hissed between gritted teeth, her eyes darting for a safe place to land. The sky was far too dangerous now, with those arrows coming from all directions. The centaurs were not happy that their newest gladiatorial victim had flown away, and now archers were on a mission to recover her their entertainment dead or alive. She sucked in a breath, tucking her wings close to her body and plummeting towards the city below.

The wind whipped around her as she dove, the buildings growing larger and closer with each passing second. The huge statue of old King Vorak stood tall in the city center, seemingly looking straight at her as she descended. Her paws struck the cobblestone streets with a heavy thud, her muscles absorbing the impact with a jolt that sent a tremor through her bones. Twitch, still perched on her back, tugged at her fur, squeaking urgently.

"Hide? Yeah, sure, because I have so many options right now!" she snapped, eyes wide and darting around. Her paws pounded against the street as she sprinted down the nearest alley, her heart racing in her chest. Twitch squealed, pointing ahead, and Allura spotted the first building she could find—a modest stone structure with a faded sign and an open door.

With no other choice, she dashed inside, skidding to a stop as she realized what kind of place it was: a public lavatory. The smell hit her like a slap to the face. Allura wrinkled her nose, but there was no time to find somewhere better. She darted into one of the curtained chambers, tugging the thick, tattered fabric closed behind her.

She hopped up onto the large centaur-sized chamber pot, her hindpaws balancing precariously on the rim. She couldn't chance any centaurs spotting her vibrant purple legs underneath the curtain. Twitch, ever the nimble one, climbed up onto her head, crouching low to make himself as small as possible. Allura did her best to stay steady, but her paws wobbled on the slick edge, her claws scraping for grip.

"Don't move," she whispered harshly, trying to keep her voice low. Her ears twitched, listening intently for any sounds from outside. But then, her right hindpaw slipped, dipping straight into the cold, murky liquid at the bottom of the pot.

"Ugh, gross!" she whispered, her lips curling in disgust as she lifted her paw back out, giving it a firm shake, droplets flying off her fur. "Please, let that just be water," she muttered, her nose twitching as she tried to ignore the unpleasant sensation.

The faint sound of hooves clopping against the ground outside made them both freeze. Allura's heart pounded in her chest, and she could feel Twitch's tiny claws gripping her fur tighter.

They waited, every muscle tensed, barely daring to breathe. The sound of hooves grew louder, then stopped right outside the door. Allura's ears flicked, straining to catch any sound, but it was hard to hear anything over the rapid thudding of her heartbeat. The tension was suffocating, the air thick with anxiety.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the sound of hooves moved on, fading into the distance. Allura let out a slow breath, her shoulders relaxing. "I think they're gone," she whispered, daring to hope for a moment of respite.

But just then, Twitch's grip on her fur faltered, his balance shifting dangerously. Allura barely had time to widen her eyes in realization before Twitch slipped off her head. There was a moment of weightlessness, a tiny squeak of alarm from the rabbit, and then—a loud plop as he landed right in the chamber pot.

Allura's stomach churned, her nose wrinkling at the sight. "Oh, no... Twitch," she muttered, feeling a rare pang of sympathy. She watched as Twitch flailed in the filthy water, his eyes wide with fury and disgust. He surfaced, covered in a mess of who-knows-what, his expression pure indignation.

"Yeah, you have my sympathy," Allura whispered, doing her best to suppress her desire to retch. Twitch shuddered and shook himself off, his nose twitching in rage. He glared up at her with a silent but clearly exasperated look, his little body quivering from a mix of disgust and frustration. Allura shook her head at him and said, "But, really, of all the places you could have fallen... Well, that’s just your luck, isn’t it?"

Twitch scowled at her, his eyes narrowing as he squeaked a series of rapid, irritated noises, expressing his utter displeasure with their current situation. Allura gave a small sigh, and she hopped off of the chamber pot, her tail flicking behind her. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Let’s just get out of here before they come back, okay?"

Twitch hopped onto her back again, and she felt his tiny paws grip her fur tightly once more. Her hindpaw still dripped from the earlier mishap, and she couldn't help but shudder at the sensation. But there was no time to dwell on it. They needed to move, and fast. Allura peeked out from behind the curtain, her blue eyes scanning the surroundings. The coast seemed clear—no centaurs in sight.

She crept out of the lavatory, her paws silently padding across the cool stone floor. Her fur was still bristling, and her hindpaw was damp and cold, but she pushed those thoughts away. They had to move, had to get out of here before things got worse.

Slipping into the adjacent bathhouse, Allura paused, blinking at the empty room. It was dimly lit by flickering torches along the walls, and steam curled lazily in the air, giving the place an eerie, almost dreamlike atmosphere. The large communal stone bath in the center was mostly empty, its water level low, barely covering the smooth bottom. Allura’s sharp eyes quickly spotted the large, circular drain at the center, a dark hole set into the stone floor. It looked just big enough for a snow leopard of her size—at least, if she could make herself small enough.

A grin spread across her face, and her tail flicked with excitement. "Perfect," she whispered, already imagining her escape. Without waiting for Twitch's input, she bounded toward the bath, splashing through the shallow water, droplets flying everywhere. The cool water soaked her paws and belly, but she didn’t care. She had an exit, a way out of this mess.

Twitch, riding on her back, felt his fur stand on end. He squeaked in alarm and frantically tugged at her fur, trying to get her attention. When that didn’t work, he jumped off her back and ran ahead, waving his little arms wildly in front of her, his ears flopping as he desperately tried to signal for her to stop. But Allura was in her own world, her mind set on the drain.

“Oh, come on, it's a way out, isn't it? What’s the worst that could happen?” she scoffed, more to herself than to Twitch. Without a second thought, she lunged forward, tucking her wings tightly against her sides and diving headfirst into the dark, round hole.

For a moment, she felt the rush of freedom, sliding down the drain, the cool, damp stone brushing against her fur. But that feeling was short-lived. Suddenly, she came to an abrupt halt. Allura blinked, confused, her front paws dangling in the darkness. Her back paws, however, were very much stuck above, her body wedged tightly at the hips.

“Seriously?” she groaned, her voice echoing through the narrow space. She wiggled her rear, her hindlegs kicking, trying to shimmy herself further down the drain, but it was no use. The drain was just too tight around her hips, and every twist seemed to wedge her in tighter.

Twitch stood at the edge of the drain, staring down at her with a bemused expression. He facepalmed, his ears drooping in exasperation. Allura’s fluffy rear was sticking out of the drain, her tail twitching irritably above her. "Come on, come on!" she snapped, her voice muffled and echoey from within the drain. "Do something, Twitch! Help me out here!"

Twitch sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as if mentally preparing himself. He took a few steps back, judging the distance carefully, then sprinted forward with all his might. He leaped into the air and landed on Allura’s butt with a loud thud, his big bunny feet stomping down hard. Allura yelped, her tail lashing about like an angry snake.

"Hey! Gentle, you stomp happy rodent!" she snarled, her voice muffled but indignant. She could feel his weight pressing down on her rear as he hopped and stomped, trying to push her further into the drain. Each bounce sent a jolt through her body, and she growled, wiggling her hindquarters, but still, she remained firmly stuck.

Just then, a loud clatter echoed through the bathhouse as a group of centaur guards burst in, alerted by the noise. Their eyes went wide at the sight before them—Twitch hopping on the back half of a snow leopard wedged halfway down a drain. For a moment, they just stared, their expressions a mix of confusion and disbelief. Then they raised their spears, pointing them directly at Twitch.

Twitch let out a panicked, high-pitched scream. He needed to act fast. He glanced down at Allura's rear, then up at the centaurs, and made a quick decision. He crouched low, bending his spring-loaded rabbit legs, then jumped high into the air. Twisting his body mid-air with surprising agility, he spun around and slammed his rump down onto Allura's with a powerful bum bash.

Allura's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat as she felt the sudden, forceful impact. Her hips squeezed through the tight stone drain with a pop, and she yelped as she was finally pushed down, vanishing into the darkness below. Twitch fell in after her, tumbling head over heels as they both disappeared into the drain.

The centaurs rushed forward, shouting angrily, but it was too late. Allura and Twitch were gone, swallowed up by the dark, winding tunnel. The sounds of the centaurs' hooves pounding against the stone faded away as they were plunged into the cool, damp darkness, falling deeper and deeper into the unknown.

Allura’s heart raced, her paws flailing as they fell, unable to see where the tunnel would lead. The cold, wet stone brushed against her fur as they hurtled downward, twisting and turning through the darkness.