Twilight wants Sunset Shimmer to make friends with Celestia. Sunset has other ideas.
A retelling of Sunset's meeting with Celestia after her long time away from home.
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Wow! This was just fabulous! Her emotions and just everything! Thank you!
Ps. Your ending was perfect.
Pps. I am actually writing my own little sunny and Celestia story. I really like how you characterized Sunset here. Your writing of her really gives me food for how I want to characterize Sunset.
It is hard, since I aim to start it when she is first adopted.
Fascinating. I'd been thinking recently about how pony and human philosophy would differ, since they live in a much more peaceful world. I think we could do some good to adopt some pony mannerisms - assume kindness and community by default where we can, for instance.
My only disagreement would be about the selfishness; Sunset is horrified by the events which Twilight wants to look away from, but Sunset doesn't think about them constantly either. Twilight is just... pushing them from her mind sooner, out of habit. We're bombarded with so much ill-feeling from the global news which feels like it will never abate, so we look away by default to protect ourselves. We feel awful, and terrible (perhaps not to the degree we should hope, due to exposure), but we also know that we can't affect change alone. So we each look away, instead of seeing if we could affect change as a group. In the face of ceaseless bad news, we seek to protect ourselves as much as possible, or we can't continue on with things we do affect.
I suppose on some level, that could be called selfish, but I think there is nuance, is all. Putting yourself first isn't selfish; it's only selfish to make others put you first.
Addendum: It's also good to consider that humans were not meant to experience so much information instantly, nor have access and exposure to all the violent imagery we tend to be shown on the news. Our brain's systems are doing the best they can to protect us, given the resources we have.
I don't know if I can support this ending, why is the yellow one not also an alicorn
What a beautiful story.
I'm usually a sucker for momlestia & Sunset's conciliation, and I'm not changing that preference... But I do like this story. I do like how it deals with challenge and stagnation. I specially like they ending, where a single conversation shows to have done so much by opening Twilight's eyes.
I do have to say I hope best horse became an alicorn in the future of that ending, it'd be very fit for one that is the catalyst of a new future to become the embodiment of so.
But I think bacon princess is best princess, so I'm biased to say the least.
Because she chose human. 🙂
This is one of those stories in which the quality shines through.
In related news, I showed my own hubris by sending GaPJAxie a suggested wording change.
Damn that was good. I've always enjoyed your prose
She chose wrong
1. Humans suck
2. Hitler was a human
3. There is no pony Hitler
4. Celestia has a nice butt
5. Sunset could also have a nice butt, but no she chose badly
6. Mrs. Cake has the nicest butt of all
- Sombra was a pony.
- Tirek is 1/32 pony on his father's side.
'Checkmate, ponytheists!'
This is something I sadly understand every time I think about the sunset after passing through the mirror: both the human world and Equestria have defined her so deeply, but none of them can truly accept her now.
Being between two worlds, our prodigal has no place to call home.
No Sombra was a SHADOW THINGY pretending to be a pony!!! He's more like a Changeling!
And Tirek, well, we don't talk about Tirek. He's NO TRUE HORSE
Very intriguing fic, I like how you showcased the differences and how one or the other can be suffocating to someone. My only complaint is wanting to know what happens next!
Also the title has Lowkey horrifying implications about equestria being shaken up with the sword logic reference
I love this story. But I'm not saying that as a bland compliment. I mean it. I really do. I like this version of Sunset who doesn't want to be friends with Celestia.
You guys think she plays Warlock?
Randomly selects fic off the front page, realizes it's actually quite good, unlike most of the front page fics, glances at author: "Ah, Gapjaxie, that explains it."
I'm unsure whether Twilight really understands what she said and what's she's asked of Sunset there at the end, and I like it like that.
This is pretty damn good.
Well written both from a technical point and from the actual content.
Not bad at all.
I remember when you told me about this story (wasn't that long ago). Glad you managed to bring it to life!
Maybe she earns her wings when she, together with Twilight, upsets Equestria.
Or maybe not.
Still, another very good stor from GaPJaxie!
You, good sir, or a Master Class troll. I especially love your "No True Englishman" argument.
I found the philosophy of this Sunset to be an interesting change of pace from most stories. In almost all of the sunset on Earth stories, the differences between Earth and Equestria are either glossed over, changed to be more similar (this version of Earth is more like Equestria), or the differences are used to exonerate Ponykind, while simultaneously demonizing and castigating Humanity. It's nice to see this idea of, "yes, the world kinda sucks, but those who would choose peace and safety over freedom and change, deserve neither."
Although, I do find it entertaining that this story imagines a 27-year-old has anything like the answers in life.
Interesting take. A bit vague. I assume she wanted to imply that some human had the drive to reshape the world to be better, and that got to her as well, thus she wanted to stay, to make this world better.
In and of itself, it's pretty. Quite a lot of generalization on Sunset's part though. Most people don't want to make the world worse. More like they don't really care. Most just try to survive the world, to get by and deal with what life throws at them. Even Sunset pointed this out at the start of the story herself, with her comment about SciTwi. So a bit of contradiction within the story there.
And through that, Sunset was also implying that Equestria was in a status quo, or that Celestia wanted it to be in a status quo. Another big, and more likely false, assumption. Equestria as we see in the show had many flaws. Xenophobia, with how they treated Zecora. Bullies. Stuck-up nobles which Celestia herself wasn't fond of. Hidden age-old villains and opposing foreign powers. Political isolation that only diminished once the mane 6 came. A toxic and flawed education with Neighsay. Liars. Abusers. Conflicts. Cults. Lots of miserable ponies. I don't think Celestia looked at that, and preferred the status quo. At the very least, she didn't seem to be against progress, as she was never opposed to what Twilight and her friends was doing, shaking up the Gala, fixing friendship problems, establishing relationships with the yaks, the dragons, opening the school, etc.
I wonder if we're having a case of unreliable narrator here, as Sunset herself was pretty naive and shortsighted about the current state of Equestria, given she probably spent most of her time under Celestia staying in the castle, never really setting hooves out to the world. Her view of Equestria was most likely through a looking glass that she painted Celestia upon. It's ironic, since one of the most direct rebuttals of that vision about Equestria of her, was she herself.
Excuse me, goodsir or goodma'am, I must pedantically inform you it is NO TRUE SCOTSMAN and this is once more BRITISH IMPERIALISM!!!!! Oppressing the good folk of Scotland!!!!!!111eleven
As a self-contained story, this works. But I feel like the mechanics of magic existing and shaping society is missing from Sunset's takeaways here. Like, of course a world where expressions of friendship can literally banish evil is going to be far less terrible to live in than a world where the riot police get called in if you bring too many friends to one place.
Poor Sunset.
I really love these stories where human nature and pony nature collide in some way. This world is so disgusting, I think that's why I like ponies so much. It's a way of escaping the real world.
aye, Tony.
I didn't get the impression that this fic tries to analyze Equestria/character viewpoints critically, only to sell the neat idea about Sword Logic and its implementation. On her own, without context, Sunset here seem to remain a vulnerable teenager until the end. She even makes logical deductions very close to her canon false assumption that Celestia is a very strict individual (as she needs to actually be, at least in some capacity, for this fic to work. it is left intentionally vague).
It's not the point though.
Also thanks for this brief summation of Equestria's problems. I am very invested in the canon of the show, so having it all laid out was helpful
Honestly, that's an entirely reasonable reaction for a human to have to the Holocaust and the teacher seems aware of that.
Fascinating stuff, especially how Sunset admires humans for the very ambition that first drove a wedge between her and Celestia. Wanting to change the world to suit your needs isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just that suiting your needs doesn't guarantee you'll take anyone else's into account. And Sunset applies that drive in this very story. Two mares came into that apartment and exchanged words and ideas. Goods and blows were unneeded, and yet the mares who left were not the same. Especially not Twilight.
(I do hope the ongoing genocide wasn't a dealbreaker with human Twilight, if only because in that respect I am utterly shameless shipping trash.)
In any case, brilliant work here. Thank you for it.
Princess Sunset Nikolovna Mishkin
This feels odd coming from a species who control their sun and moon, schedule their weather, and manually change their seasons.
I really love these tangents! They somehow remain gripping despite them not being directly part of the Sunset and Celestia focus.
I absolutely love all the quotes, even that game that felt average to me. Sunset is very grounded.
Good story Wordsmith! Definitely feels like it has a great set up for a sequel!
A quote struck me quite hard quite a number of years back, but I can't quite remember it well. So here's a number of old and modern observations that made up that quote:
"Every human loves a good story. But why are the cautionary tales of greedy dragons, prideful Griffons, and the lusty Argonian Maid the most commonly known? All those themes, mentioned or otherwise, represent the whole of Humanity."
"And we love them."
Nice vignette. Random question: the “Destiny” Sunset mentions, combined with the title of the story being “Sword Logic,” is that referring to Bungie’s Destiny? I mean when you think about it, the core of the Sword Logic in Destiny is about asserting one’s will over reality, so it’s a nice fit.
Yup! That is the reference that was being made. Glad you liked it!
You make it sound like a bad thing.
I mean, tampering with the ecosystem is rarely a good thing. And you can't fault predator for eating to survive. Tragedy is tragedy, but that's no excuse to hunt down all the animals in an area acting on instinct, the world is as much theirs as it is ours.
Then again, humans invented the concept of "right and wrong" so as long as the majority of humans agree then as far as morals go it is the right choice. That doesn't make it a smart choice or an eco-friendly one, but it will be subjectively "right" because morals are subjects of opinion and belief.
Just wanted to say that I'm glad I got to help with the beta version of this one. It was such a great idea and I think this finalized version turned out excellently. It really shows off your ability to explore moral quandries and uncomfortable truths in a way that seems natural for the characters. The pacing is great, the light humor lands, and it shows off what makes Sunny Bun a great character in her own right.
Glad to see this one has been a success, buddy. It definitely deserves it.
Good read :)
on a side note, for some reason, your profile pic reminds me of Garm from Vinland Saga, lol.
I appreciate the interpretation of Sunset as someone that fell from heaven and realized at least the people of hell have the interest in change.
Also Twilight Sparkle going "Let's spice this up ,':3" in the ending is pretty great lmao. New generation babey. All for Sunset <3
Tell me about Sword Logic.
I never heard or read that term before.
Probably because i am german.
It's a term from Destiny. The Game.
One of the main BBEGs follows it and draws power from it.
Ah, never played that, no wonder i never heard about it.
Thank you.
I wonder if rainbow would ever accidentally compared her to lucifer...
"I'm sorry what!?"
"Look, I mean you were practically the other Celestia's right-hand-horse-"
"Right hoof pony"
"Yeah that, and then wanted more, to be on par with your god-figure"
"She doesn't like being called a god"
"but you didn't deny it"
"Anyways, you "fell down" from a world of sunshine and flowers to here, stripped of your magic, and opportunity for wings, and then start deceiving everyone and practically run the school"
"Let me guess, "no offense?""
"Hey, you wanted me to explain"
"Fine, but even then it's just a coincidence"
"Well... there was also, you know, what happened to you when you got the crown..."
"Oh my Faust... I was literally the devil."
She is somehow both a devil analogy and Icarus symbolism all at once, heh. the ideal phoenix-type character fr fr
I loved it.
Technically, you can also equate (equestrate) Celestia to the Devil.
The literal Lightbringer part.
Lucifer the Morningstar.
Maybe in terms of role, but not so much in actions.
Really liked this. I don’t think the final scene adds much, but the rest is great.