The crew of the Federation starship Enterprise D encounters a strange anomaly while on a routine mission, and upon investigating finds something that no-one, and no-pony has ever seen before. A starship hidden within a nebula which looks almost like the Enterprise itself, except... wait, is that a horn??
What’s the difference between the Enterprise D and the plain old ordinary Starship Enterprise?
Captain, this is Engineering.
There be cupcakes here.
Well, this promises to be intresting as without any mechanics, electronics, nucleonics I was thinking the reasons for the signal return was a current reality intersection of a metareal object that only cohered because of the vessel interacting with it.
What would the signal patterns generated look like if they were using a Tree(3) generator? One of its premises is that no prior pattern may be used to generate any subsequent part of the pattern in the sequence? Its a very annoying number to generate, totally unlike Grahams number which is just an abusive collection of exponentials, which are simplified multiplications which are simplified additions.
Of course, anyone with any history with the Enterprise and Picard will be looking around and thinking, is he being punished by not being allowed to turn up this time?
Luckily for Captain Sparkle, Humanity had abandoned the capitalist nightmare that is draconian copyright laws long ago.
The Enterprise D is the Galaxy class ship from The Next Generation TV series. The plain old "Enterprise" with no additional designation is Pike/Kirk's Constitution class Enterprise from The Original series (and Strange New Worlds, more recently). :)
Ok, you have me intrigued.
Crazy how I begin my own star trek fanfic and scroll to find this one!
Great work
Great minds think alike, haha! :D I hope you have a tonne of fun writing yours too. :3
Original Series was the first Enterprise its a Constitution I type ship. Enterprise D is the 4th and is a Galaxy Class Ship, it's much bigger and more advanced. Original launched in 2245 and the D in 2332.