• Published 5th Oct 2024
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G5 Adventures in Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie - ponydog127

The Mane 6 reunite with their Bikini Bottom friends, but not long after arriving, they must help SpongeBob, Tropic, Sandy and Volcano, along with Sandy's family, save Bikini Bottom and all their friends from Allura and a greedy CEO's plans.

  • ...

Facing the Snakes and Meeting Sandy's Family

While the Mane 6, SpongeBob, Sandy, Tropic and Volcano were cross the vast deserts of Texas and hoping to get to the lab before too long, Riverstream, Arctic and India were more than ready to protect their friends against these giant humans, and not to mention Allura and Twitch, who struck a deal with Sue Nahmee in order to gain possession to another star shard.

The computer already knew that SpongeBob, Sandy and their sea-pony pals were missing, and Allura and Twitch already dove into the tank to put the Bikini Bottomites in line while doing a headcount.

And there was no doubt in Kyle and Phoebe's minds that Sue and Allura were not going to be happy when they found out about this.


Sandy bravely led the way through the desert with her friends right behind her, all while figuring up how long it was going to take them to get to the lab from this point. “If Galveson is 626 miles away,” she muttered as Zipp wrote down all the calculations, “uh, my strut is about four inches...”

At the same time, Izzy was walking with SpongeBob and Tropic, with SpongeBob smelling just about everything there was to smell, from flowers to poop that animals left behind more recently. “Texas sure is magical!”

“Yeah, and in more ways than one!” Izzy giggled before she and her two friends ran to catch up to the others as Sandy continued her calculations. “It would be 3,663,063 inches, which means--”

“You know what? You guys might actually be right about something,” Hitch said to Izzy, SpongeBob and Tropic as he sniffed the air. “Even the air smells amazing!”

Suddenly... the group stopped and froze upon hearing something that sounded a lot like... a rattlesnake.

Zipp and Pipp unfurled their wings, Misty and Izzy lit their horns and Sunny and Hitch pawed the ground with their hooves as they surrounded their friends, trying to keep them safe as the rattling got louder, and this caused Tropic to whimper nervously. “Whoa, Texas sure smells dangerous all of a sudden...”

“W-What's that weird sound, Sunny?” Volcano asked, trying to not act nervous. “A rattlesnake,” Sunny answered the young colt quietly. “They can be really dangerous to those who don't wanna leave them alone. Just stay close and we should be okay.”

Suddenly, a loud impact caused the group to gasp, shriek and turn to see a large cowboy boot sitting behind them. Before Zipp and Hitch could inspect it, however, a huge rattlesnake with long fangs, a cowboy hat, a mustache and a purple bandanna appear from within the boot, laughing sinisterly. “This is an ambush!”

At this, more rattlesnakes appeared to surround the group, causing the Mane 6 to strengthen their protective positions around their friends, just in case they tried anything.

The lead rattlesnake approached SpongeBob, and Sunny flared up her alicorn powers to protect him. “What do you do,” said the rattlesnake, gaining up on them both, “when death stares ya right in the face?”

“Me?” SpongeBob gulped. “I tell 'em it's rude and look the other way?”

But when he tried to turn the other way, he saw the rattlesnake’s rattle behind him, causing him to yelp. “How dare you ambush us! You low-down dirty rattlesnakes?!” Sandy growled before spinning in place, and in a bright flash of light, wore a bright yellow karate outfit that SpongeBob had seen her wear before. “Hi-ya!!”

The other snakes looked shocked by this, as did the Mane 6, but the lead rattlesnake only chuckled sinisterly once more. “Well, well, congratulations on correctly identifyin' our genus and species. Low-down and dirty. But we're also hungry!”

Volcano and Tropic gasped at this before turning and nodding at one another, the fear in their bodies turning to unbridled bravery to protect their friends as they put their hooves on the pearl necklaces they were wearing. “PEARL POWER!!!”

Their pearl necklaces began to glow brightly at this, and as the foals’ eyes gleamed in determination, that’s when their appearances began to change.

Tropic was the first to change, conjuring a small orb of light from her necklace before it swirled down around her body, giving her a dark green Roman warrior dress before she cracked a vine like a whip with her unicorn magic.

Volcano was next, twirling a staff made from fire, and when the burst of light from it faded away, he gained a dark red Roman warrior outfit.

And once both of them were transformed, the two foals took on heroic poses and stood in front of their friends, determined looks on their faces.

Needless to say, the Mane 6 was shocked. “Oh my glitter, that was amazing!” Izzy gasped. “Since when have they been able to do that?!” Hitch gasped. “Oh, I wish I could have gotten that on video!” Pipp exclaimed. Tropic giggled in response before smiling. “Thanks. It’s something us and the rest of our friends have been working on for a while. Now, back to the matter at hoof.”

“Now, you lookee here, snakes!” Volcano barked at the snakes as SpongeBob whimpered fearfully. “We’re on the trail to Galveston!”

“And,” Zipp added fiercely, “if you don’t want any trouble…”

“Oh, no trouble at all. Just hold still!” one of the snakes, named Bonnie, said before lunging, causing Pipp to gasp, rear up and kick her into the air, proving that she didn’t JUST have good looks-- she also knew how to kick some tail if need be. “Take that!

“Nice one, sis!” Zipp complimented with a grin, causing Pipp to smile herself. “Hey,” another one of the snakes, named Clyde, looked around. “Where’d Bonnie go?”

That’s when Bonnie collapsed on the ground, weak, not too far away from them. “There she is,” Clyde commented before the snakes, Sandy and all the ponies entered an epic stare-down just before… the snakes attacked!

All the kicking, dodging, lunging, magic attacks... it was enough to make your head spin, that's how wild it was.

Even Tropic and Volcano were more skilled in fighting than even the Mane 6 realized.

SpongeBob, since he wasn't as skilled in fighting as everyone else, did his best to dodge the snakes as best he could, but that went out the door when a rattlesnake entered his body through one of his pores. SpongeBob tried to get it out, but it kept dodging his attacks by re-entering his body, causing him to really start punching himself. “Help!” he cried out. “Ponies! SANDY!!!”

“Sorry, SpongeBob!” Misty said as she blasted a rattlesnake backward. “We’ve got our hooves and paws full over here!”

And seeing that his fellow rattlesnakes couldn't strike Sandy or the Mane 6 down, the head rattlesnake shoved two other ones aside, ready to make his own move. “I always get the first bite!”

As the snake lunged, Sandy made ready to kick out his fangs, but she misdirected her kick, and the rattlesnake did end up biting her on the leg. “YEOW!!”

Sandy quickly pulled her foot out, but she began to inflate rapidly due to the venom in her body, causing her to gasp and groan, becoming dizzy and disoriented. “Whoa, boy. Dadgummit, I'll get y'all next time…” she groaned as she sat down on a nearby rock. “...in a bi-big Texas-sized fix now…”

“Sandy!” Sunny cried as the Mane 6, Volcano and Tropic ran over to her. “Oh no… she’s been hit!” Zipp cried. “And rattlesnake venom is dangerous!”

“Can you guys cure her?” Volcano asked desperately. “I don’t know,” Hitch shook his head. “Rattlesnakes are something we never had to deal with in Equestria, but we’re gonna try our best. You and Tropic just focus on helping SpongeBob.”

“Wait a second,” Misty looked around. “Where is SpongeBob?!”

“Oh, SpongeBob?” Izzy asked casually before pointing not too far away. “He’s over there, making some new friends.”


The other ponies turned and saw SpongeBob being held captive by one of the rattlesnakes, looking terrified for his life. “What have we here?” the rattlesnake asked, poking SpongeBob with his tongue, causing SpongeBob to scream.

That caused Tropic to growl in anger. “That’s it! No one messes with my best buddy on my watch!” she said before letting her horn light up. “Gaia’s Defense!”

A glowing green shield surrounded her horn before Tropic screamed and charged, knocking away the rattlesnakes as she got close to them, and then finally reached the rattlesnake holding SpongeBob, causing the rattlesnake to let SpongeBob go.

Tropic kept SpongeBob behind her as she continued to launch spell after spell, but the rattlesnakes were starting to predict her movements.

Sunny knew Tropic couldn’t beat them all on her own, and she also knew that someone needed to be here with Sandy to protect her since she was weakened. “Volcano, stay with Sandy and don’t move!” she ordered. “We’ll be right back!”

The Mane 6 rushed off to rejoin the fight, trying to get the rattlesnakes to back off, but they were becoming a bit much for them to handle.

That’s when Sandy knew she had to make the one decision she thought she wouldn’t have to make. “I did not wanna do this,” she said, standing up with Volcano’s help. “I'm an independent squirrel, but I reckon I have no choice.”

“Sandy, what are you talking about?” Volcano asked his best friend/foster figure desperately. “You’re in no condition to fight!”

“I’m not talkin’ about fighting,” Sandy droned on. “Might wanna cover your ears, though.”

Volcano worriedly did as she said, and a second or two later, Sandy twisted her hand and whistled through it, causing the rattlesnakes to stop, stunned, causing the Mane 6 to cover their ears with their hooves and causing another rattlesnake to drop SpongeBob onto Tropic’s back.

Not long after the whistle finished echoing, SpongeBob shook his head to get rid of the bells ringing in his ears. “Hey, that whistle had a nice ring to it,” he said with a laugh. “But I don’t understand,” Misty shook her head. “What was that supposed to do?”

The snakes seemed to laugh at the whistle having no effect, and continued to gang up on our heroes... that is, until another sound caught their attention.

It seemed to be the sound of a large vehicle approaching... and it was coming up fast!

It appeared to be an old jalopy, zooming down the hill toward them, and causing the ponies to glance at each other with wide eyes. “What is that?!”

The jalopy screeched to a halt not too far away, and all fighting seemed to cease as the head rattlesnake got a closer look. The driver door was opening… but there wasn’t any driver in sight! “What in the Sam Hill? A phantom jalopy. Vintage!”

That was when a figure did step out from the jalopy-- a squirrel that looked sort of similar to Sandy, who wore a red one-piece swimsuit with a golden star in the middle, and brown cowboy boots. “Well, look at who's back from briny blue,” he said with a proud smile as he jumped onto the horns on the vehicle’s hood. “It's our little squirrely girl!”

“Howdy, Pa,” Sandy greeted with a groan of discomfort. “Sandy? You wouldn't have used the Cheeks family whistle for nothin', now,” Sandy’s father said before he banged his fist at the rattlesnakes. “These tapeworms givin' you trouble?”

“Afraid so, Pa,” Sandy said obediently. “Enough said,” Sandy’s father said sternly. “Cheeks, ASSEMBLE!!!”

That’s when several more squirrels, who bore a close resemblance to Sandy, came out of the jalopy, much to the Mane 6’s surprise.

The first, Sandy’s mother, had blonde hair and wears a purple cowgirl outfit and a belt with "Cheeks" spelled on it.

Next were Sandy’s younger brother and sister. Rosie, Sandy’s little sister, had a pink dress with dark purple leggings and a flower on her head, while Sandy’s younger brother Rowdy had a blue shirt, blue shorts and a rainbow mohawk.

Up next was Sandy’s older brother, Randy, who had a vest with a zipper. He wears black pants and has a belt with his initials on it. He also has a helmet, with Texas colored designs on it. He has a very big tail, and black hair and mustache. He also wears gloves.

And lastly, there was Sandy’s grandmother, who had grey hair, pink glasses, orange shirt, pink headband, purple shorts, and light blue shoes attached to the long stick.

Once all the squirrels were out of the jalopy, they landed right in front of the rattlesnakes, and Granny Cheeks was the first to call the snakes out on it. “Slither on outta here!”

“YAH!!!” the Cheeks family cried before leaping into action, fighting off the rattlesnakes left and right while the Mane 6 protected SpongeBob, Sandy and the foals.

At one point, Pa Cheeks threw the lead rattlesnake into the air, who landed on the windshield, which made the vehicle honk and pull down its banner. “Cheeks Family Circus!” SpongeBob read the banner out loud. “Wow!” Volcano cried out. “Sandy, this is your family?”

“Yep,” Sandy nodded. “This is my family.”

The Cheeks family leapt in front of the ponies, Sandy and SpongeBob, just as the rattlesnakes got themselves together again. “Mmm... squirrel buffet,” the lead rattlesnake hissed. “My favorite...”

“Hey. Y'all thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?” Ma Cheeks asked her family, causing all of them to smile and silently agree on what they should do. “The rolling thunderball!”

“The rolling thunder-what-now?” Tropic looked at her friends in confusion, but the other ponies merely shrugged in response.

And as they tried to decipher what the squirrels were talking about, the Cheeks family leapt up into the air and on top of a huge boulder before beginning to roll it toward the rattlesnakes.

Sandy, SpongeBob and all the ponies got off to the side in order to avoid being crushed by the boulder themselves, and the snakes tried to slither away before they were crushed.

However, this was not the case, cause the boulder's mere force was enough to squeeze the snakes out of their skins, leaving them practically naked.

Embarrassed by such a feat, just about all of the snakes retreated into the rocks of the desert, leaving only the head rattlesnake behind. “I think you've done enough damage for today,” Tropic snarled, standing in front of her friends. “Now beat it!”

“Fine... but just so y'all know, I ain't leavin' cause I'm 'shamed to be in naked,” the head rattlesnake hissed. “I’m leavin' cause... uh... I'm getting sand in my innards!”

And just like that, the head rattlesnake slithered away, causing the ponies and Sandy’s family to cheer after their victory over the snakes. “That’s how you do it!” Granny Cheeks said as the squirrels jumped down to the ground. “Thank you very much,” Pa Cheeks said as he and his family took a bow. “I'm here all week.”

Randy couldn’t help but chuckle at what they had done. “Did you see them slither away?”

“I gave em one of these!” Rosie cheered, throwing a punch. “And I gave em one of those!” Rowdy agreed, also throwing a punch, just before Tropic stepped forward. “SpongeBob and I are more of lovers than fighters,” the young green unicorn admitted. “And we loved the way you kicked their booties!”

As SpongeBob let out an optimistic laugh, the Cheeks family stared over at SpongeBob and the ponies with a look of bewilderment and confusion, which finally broke as Ma and Pa walked over, and Pa inspected SpongeBob a bit more closely. “Honey, I think someone done fill this kid full of holes!”

“No,” Ma brushed off as Pa stuck his arm through one of SpongeBob’s holes. “That's a Swiss cheese boy.”

Izzy couldn’t help but giggle. “Cheese boy...”

“That’s no cheese boy,” Sandy droned on, still weakened by the rattlesnake venom. “That’s SpongeBob, and he and them ponies are my friends.”

Misty chuckled nervously and waved her hoof at the squirrels. “Hi there. Nice to meet you.”

Sandy’s mother gasped and rushed over as soon as she saw the state Sandy was in, even going as far as pushing Hitch over to let her through. “My baby!”

Wasting no time, Ma Cheeks started sucking on Sandy’s arm, releasing all the inflation and letting her body go back to normal. Sandy sighed in relief as her mother spit out the water she had slurped up-- that was too close.

Volcano sighed in relief as he nuzzled Sandy-- if anything had happened to her, like something had happened to his sister… he wouldn’t have forgiven himself.

After a few seconds, Granny Cheeks turned back toward the jalopy again. “Cheeks family, let's roll!”

“All right!” Izzy cheered. “Come on, ponies! Let’s go!”

“Wait for us, Iz!” Zipp shouted as she, the rest of the Mane 6, SpongeBob and Tropic followed Izzy and the rest of the squirrel family over to the jalopy, soon followed by Ma Cheeks, and then brought up by Sandy, Volcano and Pa Cheeks, who carried Sandy and Volcano on his shoulders.

Volcano wasn’t used to being hoisted around this much, so it was a bit much to take in at once.

And once everyone was inside the jalopy, Pa Cheeks made an announcement. “Next up, Varmint Parade in Tyler, Texas!”

“Hold on a second!” Sunny said to Sandy's family, standing up. “That does sound fun, but we can’t go with you guys!”

“Well, I don’t know about them,” SpongeBob said, “but I’m in!”

Sandy growled to this, but before she could react further, Pa strapped her, SpongeBob and all the ponies, Tropic and Volcano included, into their seatbelts. “Everybody ready? Then sound off!” he shouted before jumping onto the steering wheel he crafted. “Pa on the wheel!”

“Ma on shifter!” Ma shouted before swinging on a trapeze onto the shifter, moving it slightly. “Yoo-hoo! Whoo!”

“Randy on gas pedal,” Randy said before unhooking the shopping cart he was riding on, popping some bubblegum, letting the cart roll down the ramp and then jumping through a ring of fire. “YEE-HAW!!!”

And once he was on the gas pedal, he tapped the brakes next to him. “Oh, and once in a while,” he said, shooting Pipp a wink, “brakes.”

Pipp rolled her eyes to this. “Oh, brother…”

The Cheeks family turned for Granny to do her turn, only to see her fast asleep in her rocking chair. “GRANNY!!!”

Granny immediately woke up with a startle. “On the clutch!” she shouted before falling back asleep again. “And Rosie and Rowdy,” Pa finished, seeing his youngest children swinging into a makeshift ball bit underneath the passenger seat, “stayin’ safe, twin style!”

Once everyone had sounded off, Pa used a claw to grab the keys and turned them in the ignition switch. Granny Cheeks got knocked over in her rocking chair as the vehicle started running, Randy presses on the gas pedal, moving the RPM arrow from snail speed to cheetah speed, and Ma backflipped on the shift stick, causing the car to tilt backwards. “Whoo-hoo!” SpongeBob cheered happily as Tropic and Volcano braced themselves. “Hooray!”

And after a moment, the car finally started driving along the desert roads, causing the Cheeks family and SpongeBob to cheer-- even Volcano and Tropic couldn't help but giggle in excitement.

But Sandy and the Mane 6 seemed firm in their mission.

After a few moments, Sandy got out of her seat and whistled to get her family’s attention, ceasing their cheers. “Listen up, Cheeks!” Sandy said sternly. “The reason I'm back in Texas is because Bikini Bottom--”

“Uh, weren't that the town you were spyin' on?” Randy asked, shooting his sister a smirk. “ I weren't spyin'! I was-- doing observations,” Sandy protested, and realizing what Sandy was trying to do, Zipp stepped forward to help. “Anyway, the whole town with all our friends was transferred to the B.O.O.T.S. lab in Galveston! And we’ve got a bad feeling they’re in trouble!”

SpongeBob let out a sudden gasp of shock, thinking of something quite horrific. “Maybe they're sewing them all together into one giant patchwork quilt of living flesh! WAAAAAHH!!!!”

“That ain’t the science I remember at B.O.O.T.S,” Sandy said, comforting SpongeBob. “But nonetheless,” Misty said, turning to Sandy’s family again, “we need all the help we can get in order to get to the lab and get Bikini Bottom back where it belongs.”

“Well, now don’t you and your friends worry now, sweetheart,” Pa told Sandy with a gentle smile. “We'll get you to that lab and help you get your friends back.”

“Heck, yeah!”

“We will get your friends back!”

“With pleasure.”

Sandy, SpongeBob and all the ponies smiled at how gracious Sandy’s family was being to them, feeling rather lucky that they weren’t the only ones tackling this mission anymore. “Cheeks family, detour to Galveston!” Pa said as he quickly turned the wheel, causing the group to cheer as they set off down another road, this time in the direction of Galveston.

And after a lot of the cheering ceased, Pipp suddenly gasped, having an idea of her own. “I think we need a little song to pass the time! And I have the perfect one!”

And so, she turned her phone's volume up as high as it could go before she began to sing.

Pipp: First thing's first, you gotta look for the spark
That bit of magic way deep down in your heart
It's the rhythm that connects us, when you find it
Yeah now that's a great start (Start, start, start)

You gotta follow your beat (Beat, beat)
And then soon you will see (See, see)
You won't have that far to go
Until your song starts to grow
All you need is your beat (Your beat, your beat)

All you need is your groove (Groove)
Hey, come on!
To get them stomping their hooves (Hooves)
And then the next thing you'll know
Imagination will flow

All you need is your beat
All you need is your beat (beat)
(All you need is your beat)
Ba-da-da, ba-da-da
All you need is your beat
Ba-da-da, ba-da-da

Everyone cheered as soon as Pipp got done singing, and Sandy and Volcano were each filled with a sense of hope.

They were gonna save their friends in time.

They had to.