• Published 5th Oct 2024
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G5 Adventures in Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie - ponydog127

The Mane 6 reunite with their Bikini Bottom friends, but not long after arriving, they must help SpongeBob, Tropic, Sandy and Volcano, along with Sandy's family, save Bikini Bottom and all their friends from Allura and a greedy CEO's plans.

  • ...

Blown Off Course/Inside B.O.O.T.S Laboratory

Volcano Spark had just shared his heartbreaking story to the Mane 6, Tropic Dancer and SpongeBob, and suddenly, the Mane 6 could understand why he seemed so closed off when they first met.

But they had to keep their eyes on the prize at hoof-- er, hand.

Bikini Bottom could be fin-deep in trouble, and it was up to our heroes to find a way to get to B.O.O.T.S Laboratory after they got off the plane to Houston so they could go and save their friends.

However, they had no idea of the events that were to come, and the treachery that they were going to meet at the lab once they got there.


On the 14-hour plane ride, the Mane 6 actually managed to tell a lot of stories and get some of their more personal activities taken care of.

At the moment, SpongeBob was sitting near one of the engines on the plane, roasting a weenie he had packed for lunch while Tropic sat beside him and Volcano sat with the Mane 6 while watching Sandy do some of her research.

But as he was about to eat the weenie, SpongeBob paused and saw a hallucination of Squidward appear right where his nose was. “Why…?”

SpongeBob whimpered upon seeing this, and Tropic, seeing that he was getting homesick again, put a comforting hoof on his shoulder to comfort him. “I don't know, guys,” SpongeBob said as he stretched over to the others, Tropic trotting after him. “I was just working on my way back to happy, but then, oh, this weenie reminded me of Squidward's nose…”

“Hey,” Tropic said, tilting her head out of curiosity. “What are you guys doing?”

“Well,” Zipp said, looking away from the equations Sandy had drawn up, “in order to get off the plane at the right time, we’ll need to calculate our jump.”

“Oh, that’s nice…” Tropic began to say before she and SpongeBob realized what Zipp had said. “Jump?!”

“Yee-haw!” Sandy cried out before pointing toward the ground. “There’s Galveston!”

SpongeBob, Tropic and the others peeked off the side of the plane wing and gulped-- jumping, in that moment, didn’t seem like an entirely safe plan, and it was a LONG way down to the ground from that point.

Of course, Sunny, Pipp and Zipp could fly, and Izzy and Misty could use their magic to levitate themselves and Hitch through the air, but… what about the others?

However, before the Mane 6 could question this, Sandy spoke up again. “Ready for a kickstart?”

“Of course,” SpongeBob answered before suddenly wondering something. “What is a kickstart?”

“Well, it goes a little something like this!” Volcano said before shoving Tropic off the wing of the plane, and Sandy kicked SpongeBob off as well, causing them to start plummeting toward the ground. “Now we know!!!

Sunny shifted into her alicorn form in that moment, her eyes steely in determination. “Come on, guys! We have to go after them!”

“Galveston, here we come!” Zipp shouted before the Mane 6 (with Hitch being the most reluctant of the group), Sandy and Volcano jumped off the plane wing after a screaming Tropic and SpongeBob. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!”

Zipp scooped Volcano onto her back on the way down while Pipp scooped up Tropic, leaving only SpongeBob to rescue. Sandy dove down and immediately grabbed SpongeBob by the arms, then locked him onto her like a seat belt before she opened her arms out like a flying squirrel, flying in circles and letting Izzy and Misty catch themselves and Hitch in their magic auras before going to catch up with their friends.

SpongeBob, Tropic and Volcano cheered from the ride, while Sandy and the Mane 6 laughed in amusement, and after a moment, SpongeBob looked down at Sandy with amazement. “Wow! Sandy, you never told us you were a flying squirrel.”

“Well,” Sandy shrugged, “actually it's more like gliding, but I don't like to brag. And, uh, it gives me jiggly arm flaps.”

SpongeBob reached out to touch the flaps, only to get slapped in the face. He tried again with the other slide, only to get slapped several more times. “Hey!” he shouted, rubbing his face in pain. “I’m getting flap-slapped! Ha ha!”

“Hang on, guys!” Sunny shouted to her friends. “We’re going down!”

The group screamed as they dove toward the ground, flying through the desert with precision, speed and the best thing of all? They were having a lot of fun!



“Aw, yeah!”

SpongeBob let forth a laugh while Volcano pumped a hoof. “Take that, gravity! WHOO!!!”

“This is so fun!” Tropic squealed. “I don’t know why we didn’t try flying sooner!”

“Well,” said Zipp with a shrug, “it’s not like you could do a whole lot of flying underwater, but I know what you mean!”

“There it is!” Sandy cried, pointing to a large circular building with a water park behind it. “B.O.O.T.S Lab!”

“Wait, hold on a second,” Sunny said, shaking her head and glancing at the building. “They added a water park to the lab?”

“Cool!” SpongeBob did a spin on top of Sandy’s back before pausing. “Wait, what’s a water park?”

“It’s basically a place full of water where people on the surface can come to cool off on a hot day,” Hitch explained. “Not really sure why they would put it behind a science lab, though.”

“Lookee there!” Sandy pointed down to one of the biggest pools in the water park. “We'll land in that floatin' pool!”

“WHOA!!” SpongeBob cried as the group suddenly dove downward. But as they got closer and closer to the lab, a strong gust of wind began to pull them in the opposite direction. “Wait, what?” Volcano looked around in panic as Zipp tried to get closer to the lab again. “Why are we slowing down?!”

“It may just be me,” said Tropic, “but I think we’re going backwards!”

Suddenly, Sandy turned around to see what was pulling them away from their destination-- the biggest Texas twister that she had ever seen! “Oh, no!” she cried out as SpongeBob held onto her in panic. “A Texas twister?!”

“It’s pulling us away from the lab!” Misty cried as she tried to get away. “And we can’t pull out of it!”

And seeing that they couldn’t control the forces of nature without India around, the group struggled to fight against the whirlwind before getting sucked into it, causing the entire group to scream and try to get their balance again. “We’re going too deep into the heart of Texaaaaaaaas…!!!!!” Volcano shrieked as he and his friends were pulled closer and closer into the heart of the twister.

The Mane 6, Volcano, SpongeBob and Tropic let out a scream individually as the entire group suddenly got pulled onto the back of a bucking bull in the midst of the twister, but Sandy was putting her Texas-born skills of bull riding to good use. “YEE-HAW!!!!”

“Ohhhhh,” Pipp groaned during all the wild tumbling, “I think I’m gonna be sick!”

In the midst of the twister, the Mane 6 could have sworn they saw three cowboys sitting around the campfire eating beans and surprisingly saying the word beans over and over. “Beans. Beans. Beans. Beans. Beans. Beans. Beans.”

Hitch shuddered before turning to his friends. “Good think we’re upwind.”

“WHOOAAAAAA!!!” the ponies and their friends once again screamed as they were suddenly tossed out of the twister and toward the desert ground before. “Hang on, everypony!” Sunny cried as the flyers struggled to regain control so they wouldn’t crash. “We’re coming in for a landing!”

With some of the group still screaming, all of the flyers started gliding as best they could toward the ground, with Sandy getting some branches caught in her mouth before they all eventually touched down onto the ground. But while Sandy and all the ponies collapsed onto the ground without much of a scratch...

...SpongeBob was the only one that got flung right onto a cactus.

Izzy gasped and immediately ran over to SpongeBob with her friends, using her magic aura to pry SpongeBob free... even if he WAS still caught in the thorns of the cactus. “Ouch…”

“Ooh…” Izzy winced out of pain. “Sorry about that, SpongeBob.”

“Here, let me give you a hoof,” Volcano offered. “Hiii-YA!!!”

And with one mighty slap on the back, the thorns were sent back on the cactus. “Thanks!” SpongeBob smiled as Izzy set him down. But while the others cleaned themselves up from the hard landing, SpongeBob’s voice suddenly became raspy and dry. “A bit thirsty…”

Pipp yelped as they saw that SpongeBob was so dehydrated, he lost one of his arms. “That is SO… ugh!!”

“Ohh, if only Arctic were here! We could melt some of her ice,” said Tropic, “and we could use that water to rehydrate you!”

“Aww, we don’t need fancy magic for that,” said Sandy as she approached a cactus nearby. “There’s plenty o' water in the desert. If you know where to look.”

Sandy flipped open a cactus, which revealed a drinking fountain, which she immediately turned on. The spout from the fountain hits SpongeBob, which rehydrated him again. And once SpongeBob was fully rehydrated, he whistled over to his lost arm. “Come here,” he beckoned. “Give a little sponge a hand.”

And with that, his arm came back on, filling itself with water from SpongeBob's body, causing SpongeBob to laugh. After this was over, Misty looked around a bit nervously. “Where are we?”

“I’m not sure,” Zipp said as she checked her FlyPad. “There’s no signal out here, otherwise I’d use my FlyPad to see where we are.”

Sandy hummed and looked around before spotting a dusty sign on the ground, brushing off the dust with her paw before looking at what it said. “Galveston, 626 miles?!”

“It’s THAT far to Galveston?!” Sunny cried before sighing. “The twister took us farther away from the lab than I thought.”

“And it’s too far to use magic,” Misty sighed, “so I guess… we’re walking.”

“You know somethin’?” Sandy said as they began walking in the general direction of Galveston. “There’s been a question been rollin' around in my brain like a tumbleweed-- what could B.O.O.T.S.' lab possibly want with Bikini Bottom?”

SpongeBob let out a terrified gasp upon coming up with several different ideas. “Maybe they’re taking out peoples’ brains and making them fight in a terror dome!” he said before assuming a robot-like voice. “Or maybe they're replacing everyone with robots.”

“SpongeBob,” Zipp rolled her eyes playfully, “science isn’t all clone monsters and lasers.”

SpongeBob cleared his throat, causing the ponies to turn around and see SpongeBob a rock with a graduation cap and monocle reading a comic book titled CLONE MONSTERS & LASERS’. “Let's agree to disagree.”

Sandy sighed at this, and Izzy put a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Sandy-Wandy-- we’ll save Bikini Bottom from whatever B.O.O.T.S wants. We just gotta stick together as a team!”

“And I’m sure,” said Volcano with a smile, “that B.O.O.T.S isn’t planning anything TOO outrageous for our friends. At least... I hope they're not.”


Meanwhile, back at B.O.O.T.S' laboratory, Bikini Bottom and all its citizens had been placed inside a giant glass sphere so the water wouldn't leak out, and all the citizens, including Riverstream, India and Arctic, were inside the Krusty Krab, openly terrified about the events that had led up to this one moment.

After a long silence, Riverstream finally had the nerve to speak up to her friends. “Do you think it's safe to come out?”

“It does seem pretty quiet…” Squidward muttered back as he and Mr. Krabs hid in the register boat. Suddenly, the sound of flushing was heard, causing Mr. Krabs, Arctic, Squidward, Riverstream and India to shriek, and all of the Bikini Bottomites followed right after them.

But it wasn't a moment later that the source of the flushing was revealed-- Patrick coming out of the bathroom. “Whew…” he sighed before noticing everyone’s frightened faces. “What? I washed my hands!”

Arctic sighed wearily-- of all the times for Patrick to be acting stupid, this HAD to be the time. “We definitely not in the ocean anymore, Mr. Squidward,” Mr. Krabs said, pointing outside with his claw. “Don't you think someone should go out there and check it out?” Squidward asked fearfully. “That’s actually a good point,” India reasoned. “Somepony should check and make sure that the town isn’t in anymore danger than what it is.”

“Excellent idea, India,” Mr. Krabs praised before turning to Squidward. “Why don’t you go out there?”

“How about, um, no?” Squidward responded rhetorically before pointing at Mr. Krabs again. “Does that work for you?”

And to make matters more frustrating, none of the other Bikini Bottomites volunteered either, causing Riverstream to sigh out of reluctance and annoyance. “Fine… us Bikini Bottom Guardians will do the job. Right, ladies?”

Arctic gulped nervously. “I guess so…”

“As long as we go together,” India sighed, “I’m game.”

The three sea-ponies nervously donned umbrellas and pointed them defensively as they swam out of the Krusty Krab and looked over at the tarnished streets.

It was so sad… the home they loved was nearly destroyed.

They had to find someway to fix this mess before anything worse happened to themselves or their friends.

A lot more Bikini Bottomites were beginning to emerge from their hiding places, muttering out of fear and confusion. As she and her friends swam around the area, Arctic screamed as soon as she heard a meowing sound from behind her, causing her heart to nearly jump out of her chest. But upon turning around, she realized it was only Gary, causing her at least some fort of relief. “Gary, you better get back home. It’s not safe out here, especially since we don’t know where we are.”

Gary meowed and slithered away after that, but not too long afterwards, the girls turned around to keep going, only to scream after seeing Patrick breathing in their faces. “Pretty scary, huh?”

“Patrick!” India scolded. “Just like we told Gary, go home! It’s definitely not safe out here!”

“Okay…” Patrick muttered before sliding away on his belly. “Come on, girls,” Riverstream said before swimming on. “We better keep patrolling until-- OW!!”

Riverstream had slammed her head right into the glass of the sphere, causing her to back up in panic. “What in the seven seas…?”

“It’s like we’re trapped in some sort of glass orb!” India realized before beginning to wonder something. “But… who or what put us in here?”

Outside of the glass, a woman, Phoebe, puts her hands on the glass as she observed Bikini Bottom, causing the three girls to scream and swim back to the Krusty Krab for cover.


“Move it or lose it!”

“Coming through! Out of the way!”

The three girls immediately swam into the Krusty Krab and barricaded the door before collapsing on the floor, trying to gather their breath, much to the concern of the citizens. “It’s better that you guys know this,” said Riverstream after getting her breath, “but don’t say we didn’t warn you. Outside… there are giants!”


Phoebe blinked and looked away from Bikini Bottom for a moment before looking around for her research partner. “Kyle, where are you?”

“I’m right here,” said a voice as a filing cabinet opened, revealing a blonde-haired man dressed in white. “Filed under K.”

Kylie immediately put on his cowboy hat and stepped out of the filing cabinet. “I can't believe you still live here and the boss doesn't know,” Phoebe said as Kyle brushed his teeth. “I don't see any of them critters. Did you eat them? You weren't sleep-eating again, are you?”

“Not since I ate half my lab coat,” Kyle said, cracking an egg into a pot before resuming brushing his teeth. That’s when Phoebe approached a computer and spoke to it, hoping to get some clear answers. “Computer?” she asked as she began typing. “Is all of Bikini Bottom accounted for?”

Oh, computer, is all of Bikini Bottom accounted for? Ugh,” the computer scoffed, causing Phoebe to scoff right back at it. “The computer hates you since you spilled coffee on it,” Kyle said, putting a hand on Phoebe’s shoulder. “ Let me show you how it's done.”

That’s when Kyle turned to the computer for himself. “Hey, computer. Is everybody in the glass marble accounted for?”

SpongeBob and Sandy are currently missing,” said the computer, “as well as their little sea-pony friends. Now could you please stop using my DVD drive to heat toaster pastries?

“Missing?!” Phoebe looked stunned. “Oh, the boss and the leopard aren’t gonna like this?”


The doors opened, and in through the doors stepped Allura and Twitch, both to their full size thanks to the power of the star shard, Sue Nahmee (a stern woman with blue hair) and her dog Cuda, all of them looking irritated and not very happy. “Who, may I ask,” said Allura viciously, “is missing exactly?”

Phoebe and Kyle looked at each other nervously, causing Sue Nahmee to groan. “Well, since you two chatterboxes ain’t gonna tell us, Allura and Twitch are just gonna have to inspect the sphere themselves,” Sue Nahmee scoffed before turning to the leopard and rabbit. “Get to it!”

“...yes, ma’am,” Allura rolled her eyes. “Come along, Twitch. We have work to do.”

Twitch nodded and got on Allura’s back before the magic from the star shard shrunk them down to Bikini Bottomite size, gave Twitch a scuba suit and gave Allura a fish tail so she could breath without scuba gear.

They hated being bossed around by Sue Nahmee, but according to analysis, the star shard was somewhere in the lab, and Sue promised to give it to them if they helped her get her own plan under control…

…and as long as Sue let Allura and Twitch finish off Sunny and her friends once and for all.

Not long after Allura and Twitch got into the sphere, Sue Nahmee approached a large tank filled with green water. “Where's my beautiful scaly baby? Hmm? Where-- oh,” she said as she brought out a chicken leg, and a giant mutated goldfish emerged from it. “Nope, nope, first give mommy a kissy.”

To the disgust of Phoebe and Kyle, Sue Nahmee and the fish kissed each other on the lips, and then the fish kissed Cuda too before Sue gave the chicken to the fish, who happily ate it before swimming away.

And once the fish was gone, Sue turned to her two scientists now that they were alone. “Now, tell Cuda here who's missing, and we’ll have Allura and Twitch confirm it when they return.”


Upon hearing something entering the orb with them, Arctic whimpered and looked out the Krusty Krab window, trying to see if she could see anything out of the ordinary, when suddenly…

…Allura snarled and appeared at the window, causing Arctic to scream and swim back to her friends, frightened. “Well, well, well,” Allura smirked as she swam outside the window. “Look who we have here.”

“Allura and Twitch?!” India gasped. “They’re back?!

Riverstream whimpered to herself. “Just when we need Sunny and the others, they’re nowhere to be found!”

“Now, this is how things are going to be,” Allura said viciously to the trembling Bikini Bottomites. “You’re all going to comply with me doing a headcount to ensure all are here, and if you FAIL to comply… well… things are going to get much more fun for me.

Arctic, Riverstream and India glared at her with hatred in their eyes.

Allura wasn't gonna get away with this, and neither were those giants... not as long as they were here.

But unfortunately... all they could do was hope that their Equestrian friends, SpongeBob, Sandy, Tropic and Volcano were on their way to save them from this disastrous situation.