While Sue Nahmee and Allura and Twitch were patiently watching and waiting for the next day to arrive, so they could exact both of their plans, the foals continued their training with Queen Skygrace before they all headed to the Krusty Krab for dinner.
Once there, the Mane 6 told their friends all about their previous adventures, but somehow... all Volcano could think about was someone he lost...
...and his powers.
Fire was unpredictable, and if he didn't watch his emotions and keep himself in check... somepony was going to get hurt.
And that was the last thing he wanted.
He loved Sandy and he loved all his friends, and if he wasn't able to protect them... no.
No, he couldn't think that way.
At least... not in front of his friends.
The Mane 6 decided that they were going to have a sleepover at SpongeBob and Tropic's house like they usually did, and Queen Skygrace had to get back to the palace to tend to some royal duties, so once the Krusty Krab closed down for the night, everyone went back to their homes for a good night's rest...
...completely unaware of what that next morning would bring.
Volcano (who could turn into an earth pony on land) and Sandy both slept soundly after they had gotten back to the treedome after yesterday's exciting events... and Sandy said that the next day was going to be just as exciting-- Volcano was going to get to help Sandy collect data all around town for her top-side research.
And so, after a good breakfast, Sandy got dressed in her scuba/astronaut suit and opened up the entrance to the treedome, allowing her and Volcano to step/swim out of it. “Yeeeeeeeee-haaaaaaw!!!” Volcano and Sandy shouted in unison before Sandy turned to the underwater town she called her home away from home. “Goooood morning, Bikini Bottom!”
Then, she and Volcano listened as some of the townsfolk shouted back in response.
“Go get 'em, Sandy!”
“Good morning, Volcano!”
“Pipe down!”
“I’m trying to sleep!”
“They’re exuberant ones, I can say that.”
Volcano couldn’t help but laugh at this. “You sleepyheads. The early squirrel gets the acorn, right, Sandy?”
“Right-o, Volcano!” Sandy said, nooging the red sea-pony on top of the head. “And if we’re gonna start the day with some scientific research, we need to get on top of it!”
That’s when she pulled her arms out of her suit sleeves and whistled out into the open water. “Here, Sparky, Sparky, Sparky!”
Sparky, who was a robotic horse that Sandy built from the ground up when Volcano started living with her, happily trotted over to the duo and neighed rather excitedly before panting like a dog. “Time for our daily roundup, Sparky,” Volcano told the robo-horse. “We got a lot of data to collect.”
Sparky neighed before extending out a saddle for Sandy and giving her an acoustic guitar. Sandy laughed and cheered as she jumped onto Sparky’s back and began to strum a song, and Sparky placed cowboy hats onto Sandy and Volcano’s heads before a peppy song began.
Sandy: Well, all my neighbors know my name is Sandy Cheeks!
Born and raised in Texas, y'all, that's plain to see!
My speciality is marine biology,
so I knew Bikini Bottom was a place for me!
As Sandy sang this verse, they encountered SpongeBob riding a bike with Tropic and the Mane 6 swimming nearby, where Sandy used her scanner to scan SpongeBob's entire body.
And not long after that, more townfolk came and danced around with them.
Sandy: Hee, hee hee hee, it's a place for me!
Woo hoo!
That's when everyone danced right into the Krusty Krab, acting like this was a normal event.
Sandy: I'm like a fish out of water, well, it might seem strange
Volcano: (Seem strange!)
Sandy: But I ain't all that different from a ride in the range!
Researchin' all the urchins, making gadgets is my game! (Is her game!)
I saddle up 'cause I love doing science every day!
Mane 6 and Bikini Bottomites: Hey, hey, hey
She’s busy doin’ science every day!
Volcano: Whoo-hoo!
Arctic, Tropic, SpongeBob and Patrick: (laughs)
Sandy: Ooh, ooh, ooh!
I'm doing science every day!
Ooh, ooh, ooh!
This squirrel is leadin' the way!
There ain't no denyin', I love doin' science every day!
The Mane 6 happily laughed, swam and danced alongside their Bikini Bottom friends as they happily watched Sandy and Volcano gathering the rest of their scientific data.
Volcano: Well, nothin' else matters when you're out collectin' data!
And the seaweed is swayin' your way!
Sandy: No, there ain't nothin' better than finding scientific treasure!
To keep this girl happy at the end of the day!
Suddenly, the song slowed and took on a sadder tone, much to the Mane 6's surprise.
Sandy: You can bet your Bikini Bottom dollar, it's great
But sometimes I get lonesome for the Lone Star State
Mane 6: Aww...
Sandy: So when I leave this coral reef and depart (She departs)
I might've flown on up to the top!
But Texas, you have my heart...!!!!!
And with this being said, the song ended, and while the Mane 6 joined their friends on Conch Street, SpongeBob and Tropic came spinning out of their house and stopped next to them. “Good morning, Sandy!” SpongeBob happily said. “Yeah, hey guys! Haven't seen you in a while,” Tropic told her friends with a wink, causing her and SpongeBob to laugh and causing the others to glance at each other, confused. “Uh… you guys just saw us like 12 seconds ago,” Pipp said with a raised eyebrow. “During the song, remember?”
Tropic only giggled at this, smirking at her friends. “Just joking!”
“But in your absence, I’ve gained some mad skills!” SpongeBob said, holding a net with a fake jellyfish tied to it-- a game that looked a lot like one they had back in Equestria. “Observe!”
That’s when SpongeBob suddenly flung the net upward, trying to get the fake jellyfish to go into it. “Throw it up, and…”
But instead of going into the net like SpongeBob originally planned, the jellyfish whacked him in the face, sending him onto the ground. “Ow.”
“Ohhh…” Hitch groaned out of pain. “That’s gonna leave a mark in the morning.”
“Are you okay, SpongeBob?” Sunny asked “I’m fine,” SpongeBob replied as Sunny helped him back onto his feet. “Just stand by for my learning curve.”
He pulled the jellyfish off his head and began to attempt to swing it into the net, blathering wildly as he did so. “You know what Sandy told me once?” Volcano asked with a smile. “If you chew on it long enough, you can crack just about any nut.”
“Absolutely!” SpongeBob said before trying again. “Fast and steady wins the race!”
This time, he flipped in the air before falling flat on his face. “Fall 8 times,” Tropic said, getting SpongeBo up on his feet again, “get up 7! I think that’s an ancient proverb.”
That's when continued to wildly swing the net, muttering to himself all the while. “Uh… is it safe to say that this might take a while?” Misty asked in a whisper, not wanting to discourage SpongeBob. “Yes, Misty... I think it is,” Hitch replied, when suddenly, some kind of alarm began to sound! “Hey! It’s not time for my daily mane treatment, is it?” Pipp asked as she scrolled through her phone. “It’s set for 11, but right now, it’s 8:30!”
“I don’t think it’s you, Pipp,” Sandy frowned before pressing a button on her suit, turning on a display screen in her helmet. “What in tarnation…?”
“Uh… guys?” Zipp looked up with wide eyes. “I think you might wanna see this!”
Everyone (minus SpongeBob, who was still playing his “jellyfish in the net” game) and Tropic (who was watching him rather intently) then looked up to see the most terrifying of sights. A giant scooper was opening its jaws right over Bikini Bottom!
And of course, SpongeBob and Tropic were oblivious to the whole thing. “Practice, practice, practice, practice!” SpongeBob kept repeating, much to Tropic’s delight. “Come on, buddy, you’re so super close!”
Sandy and Volcano then grabbed their friends by the arms before they got everyone except the Mane 6 onto Sparky's back, allowing him to neigh in panic. “Giddy up and thrust to power!” she cried. “Fire them rockets!”
And so, Sparky zoomed away as fast as he possibly could to get out of town, with the Mane 6 flicking their fins as fast as they could to keep up. The claw seemed to get closer and closer with each passing second, and just as they thought they were going to get away, the claw came down on them, causing Sparky to lose his hindquarters and causing the others to scream and tumble to the ground.
After the tumbling stopped, Sunny groaned and shook her head to clear it, looking over at all her friends. “Is everypony okay?”
“Ugh… a little dizzy from the tumbling, but fine,” Zipp said in confirmation. Meanwhile, SpongeBob noticed that he finally got the jellyfish into the net, still oblivious to what was happening. “Ooh!”
Volcano, on the other hand, looked at the scene before them, horrified about what was happening. “Great Neptune!”
“I know, right?” SpongeBob asked as he smiled at his accomplishment. “947th time's the charm.”
“Really?” Izzy blinked. “I always thought it was three time’s the charm.”
Sandy, however, grabbed SpongeBob and Tropic, turning them in the opposite direction so they could see the incident for themselves. “LOOK!!!”
It was at that moment SpongeBob and Tropic finally saw the scene before them, and this caused SpongeBob to scream, accidentally knocking Sandy backward. “AHHH!!!”
“What’s happening?!!” Tropic shrieked in panic. “WE HAVE NO IDEA!!!” Izzy yelled, twice as loud as the seapony filly as the group watched in complete terror.
Back in town, fish and seaponies were screaming and running al over the place out of panic, while Plankton, of all people, seemed to be enjoying the scene before him. “Yes! Doom! Terror!”
The more the claw seemed to grab the town, the more the townsfolk began to panic, and Sunny knew that the Mane 6 had to do something. “Come on, guys! We have to stop this!”
But as the Mane 6 swam toward the claw to try and stop it, the claw began to lift Bikini Bottom off the ocean floor, causing them to be blown backwards from the sheer force of the device. Once the Mane 6 got their bearings together, they and their friends watched in terror as the claw lifted Bikini Bottom out of the water. “NO!” Sandy and Volcano yelled, running and swimming towards the town.
Back inside the Krusty Krab, all of the customers within were panicking, and Squidward was simply reading a magazine while Riverstream tried to keep everyone calm. “Everyone, please! Everything is gonna be okay!” Riverstream cried out, failing to reassure the crowd before looking at Squidward. “Squidward, don’t you realize what’s going on?! Bikini Bottom is under some sort of attack!”
“Oh, yeah,” Squidward replied, still looking at his magazine before realizing what Riverstream had just said. “Wait, WHAT?!”
Meanwhile, outside, Mr. Krabs and India were trying to reassure all the fish and seaponies going into panic outside. “Don’t panic, anyone!” Mr. Krabs cried as Fred slid up the Krusty Krab pole before hiding in the clam, letting his leg get caught when the clam closed. “MY LEG!!!”
“What’s going on around here anyway?” India wondered, gazing at the scene of mass panic. “A volcano? An invasion?! DOES PATRICK HAVE GAS AGAIN?!”
Just then, Patrick walked by, licking an ice cream cone while Arctic seemed to be in a state of panic. But no matter how hard he tried, Patrick couldn’t catch the rolling ice cream scoop with his tongue, getting him very upset. “Stop teasing me!”
But upon saying this, the ice cream scoop fell to the floor, causing Arctic to shriek. “This is a complete disaster!”
Then, Ms. Puff crashed into the Krusty Krab sign, causing her to inflate like a balloon (since she was a pufferfish) with a scream while the Krusty Krab sign crushed Fred's other leg from inside the clam. “MY OTHER LEG!!!”
At the same time, the Mane 6, Sandy, SpongeBob, Tropic and Volcano continued to watch in complete horror as Bikini Bottom rose further and further out of the ocean, not being able to do anything to stop the claw…
…and it broke SpongeBob and Tropic’s heart when they saw Gary meowing down at them in fear. “Gary…!!!”
Sparky whinnied once he saw his back half right next to Gary, and Arctic shrieked when she looked down and saw her sister and her other friends down below. Patrick, oblivious to what was happening, walked up to Gary, and looking down at SpongeBob, he gave his best friend a smile. “Hey, buddy! You caught the jellyfish in the net! Congratulatiooooooooooons!!!!”
And just like that, Bikini Bottom rose up even further, causing SpongeBob to whimper at the last words he heard from Patrick. “Thank you…”
“Zipp!” Sunny cried. “Use your visor to zoom in on the claw! See if you can find some information on there to tell us where it might be taking our friends!”
“Already on it!” Zipp said as she put on her visor and zoomed in on the claw. After zooming in all the way, she noticed a small plaque on the claw that said: ‘B.O.O.T.S MARINE BIOLOGY LAB, Galveston, TX’. “Huh… I see some sort of company logo on the claw!” she said to the others. “It says something about… B.O.O.T.S Marine Biology Lab in Galveston, Texas.”
Sandy gasped deeply at this. “B.O.O.T.S Laboratory?! That’s the lab that I work for!”
Tropic, Volcano, and the Mane 6 shared a look of absolute shock, while SpongeBob was a bit confused. “Boots? I thought you made science.”
“Eh, you think you know a person,” Izzy shrugged before giggling slightly. “Uh no no no no no no,” Volcano shook his head. “B.O.O.T.S is actually an acronym. It stands for ‘Bureau of Official Texas Science’.”
“What the heck is going on?” Sandy wondered. SpongeBob honestly didn’t have a clue, and only found himself focusing on the huge hole in the ocean floor where Bikini Bottom was. “I don't know, Sandy. But except for you, the Equestrians, Volcano, Tropic and Sparky, Bikini Bottom and everyone I ever loved is gone,” he said, his eyes welling up with tears. “And all my streaming videos on demand… I can't demand them anymore…!!!!!!!”
He fell onto the ground and cried himself a river, tears shooting from his eyes like the sponge was a sprinkler. Now it seemed like there was no chance for the Bottom of Bikini, it would never be, and man, it made him sad about it. “Oh boy…” Pipp grimaced. “I knew I should have brought an umbrella…”
“Sandy, you and Volcano try and work out a plan,” Hitch suggested. “We need to calm SpongeBob down before his flowing tears end up hurting somepony!”
And while the Mane 6 and Tropic tried to reassure SpongeBob, Volcano and Sandy walked off to the side. “We’ve gotta get to the bottom of this!” Volcano said, determined. “Better call my fellow scientists at the lab!” Sandy said. “Good idea!” Volcano realized. “Kyle and Phoebe will have to know what’s going on!”
So, Sandy looked to the computer in her space suit. “Computer, call Kyle and Phoebe!”
Volcano yelped as he was almost hit by another spray of SpongeBob's tears, when just then, the computer emerged from Sandy's space suit. “You have reached B.O.O.T.S. Laboratories,” a voice from the computer said, flashing several words and images on the screen. “Now a division of Gushing Waters Water Parks, and future home of Sea Pals. Owned and operated by Sue Nahmee.”
“Water park?” Volcano looked confused. “What in the world is a water park?”
“And who in tarnation is Sue Nahmee?” Sandy asked in frustration, but what came across the screen next shocked both of them. “I'm sorry, this call has been terminated. Goodbye.”
“No no no no! Kyle! Phoebe!” cried Sandy, but the screen already turned to flames and began to malfunction. “Dag nabbit!” Volcano growled in frustration. “Now what do we do?”
However, Sandy looked at him with a smile. “W-What?” Volcano looked confused. “What did I say?”
“It appears my slang has started rubbin’ off on ya,” Sandy said. “You’re soundin’ like a real Texan!”
“Huh…” Volcano softly smiled to himself. “I guess I was!”
“Ahem!” called a voice, and the two turned to Pipp, who had a soaking wet mane. “It’s your turn to calm SpongeBob now. I have to get all the frizz out of my mane!”
Upon seeing that SpongeBob was indeed inconsolable, Sandy approached him and picked him up. “SpongeBob, lookee here.”
But instead of the response Sandy was expecting, she was hit by another blast of SpongeBob’s tears. “I believe,” Sandy said as she dodged the water spouts of tears, “I know where Bikini Bottom is. And I swear on the alamo, I'm gonna get Gary, and Patrick…”
“And Sparky’s hindquarters…” SpongeBob added, still crying, causing Sandy to nod and continue to jump over SpongeBob's tears. “Yes, and Sparky’s hindquarters too. And Volcano and Tropic's friends, not to mention the whole dang town, and put ‘em right back in this big ol’ ugly ditch!”
“And we’ll all help as best we can,” Sunny said in agreement. “We promise.”
SpongeBob suddenly stopped crying, much to the surprise of the ponies, in order to ask a question that he had been thinking about. “Question. Where are they now?”
Sandy sighed with a frown on her face. “A place I ain't been to in a while. A place I once called home. A place called… Texas.”
“Texas? Whoo-hoo!” SpongeBob shouted. He had shapeshifted into the shape of Texas, and was wearing a ten-gallon hat and spinning his arm in a loop over his head. “Going to Texas to save our friends!”
“Yee-haw!” Tropic shouted as SpongeBob flung his hat far, far away. “Well, I guess we’re all going on a road trip to Texas!” Izzy said before pausing. “Wherever that is.”
“Come on, Tropic and SpongeBob!” cried Sunny. “You’re coming too!”
“Yay!” the duo shouted out of excitement. Without a second though, they leapt over to the group, SpongeBob on a tricycle and wearing a trucker hat and mustache, and Tropic now sporting a ten-gallon hat of her own. “10-4, good buddies!” SpongeBob said in a southern accent, before pretending to blow a truck horn and cycling around, Tropic swimming behind him, causing Pipp to giggle. “Those two crack me up...”
Sandy pulled out her pen and began writing some calculations. “Hmm… now let’s see. If we can propel ourselves to 25,000 feet above sea level, we can hitch a ride on the 10:35 Texas Airlines’ flight to Houston, but I’m gonna need some Texas-sized propulsion.”
“Cutie mark magic can only do so much,” Zipp said with a serious expression. “We’re gonna need some sort of propulsion source that comes from down here.”
Suddenly, the ocean floor began to rumble and shake, causing the group to scream as they tried to maintain balance. SpongeBob ended up inside Sparky's front half, while Sandy began dangling off the side of a cliff, causing Misty, Volcano and Izzy to come to her rescue. “Hang on, Sandy!” Misty cried. “We’ve gotcha!”
Sandy strained as Misty, Volcano and Izzy pulled her back to solid ground, and as the group tried their best to catch their breath, a geyser shot up from the depths of the ditch. “Well, lookie here! The scoop done severed a volcanic vent!” Sandy said with a smile. “Which, if I’m right,” Zipp said, writing in the air with Sandy’s pen, “means that steam is gushing with a force of nearly…”
Suddenly, as Zipp wrote out the answer, she and Sandy gasped in unison. “12,000 metric tons of pressure!”
“With that much social pressure, I might explode!” Pipp said, taking a picture of the geyser. “But how exactly can it help us?”
“We’ll explain everything once we get down there, Pipp,” Sandy said before grabbing SpongeBob from Sparky. “C'mon, SpongeBob! Let's hightail it down yonder!”
“Sparky, we'll be back before you can shake a tail! Or… eh… a robotic hoof, so to speak!” Tropic called before following her friends away, leaving Sparky to neigh and wave them farewell as the group went off on their rescue mission.
Netflix & Hasbro Present
A Nickelodeon Production
G5 Adventures In
Saving Bikini Bottom
The Sandy Cheeks Movie
I think this is the first time you used Fred's iconic line.