• Published 5th Oct 2024
  • 586 Views, 13 Comments

G5 Adventures in Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie - ponydog127

The Mane 6 reunite with their Bikini Bottom friends, but not long after arriving, they must help SpongeBob, Tropic, Sandy and Volcano, along with Sandy's family, save Bikini Bottom and all their friends from Allura and a greedy CEO's plans.

  • ...

Return to Bikini Bottom

The Harvest and Hugs Day feast with the Mane 6’s families were just going to have to wait.

Right now, our heroes were tumbling and spinning through a portal to their next Unity Quest assignment, and they were sure that they were going to succeed in whatever mission lay ahead...

...no matter what dangers lay ahead.


As the portal on the other side opened, the ponies realized that they were in their sea-pony forms once again at the bottom of the ocean, and seeing a particular sign and a few landmarks up ahead made the group realize they were back in one of their favorite destinations.

Sunny was first to gasp in delight. “We’re back in Bikini Bottom!”

“Yes! We get to see SpongeBob, Tropic and the rest of our friends again!” Misty cheered. “Well, what are we waiting for?” Hitch asked. “Let’s go find the Krusty Krab! No doubt some of our friends will be there.”

“Why not make it a bit of a competition?” Zipp asked with a smirk. “Last one to the Krusty Krab has to get the spiciest Krabby Patty on the menu!”

“Oh, it is ON!” Sunny said challengingly, causing the Mane 6 to laugh and swim down the road toward the beloved underwater town that they were proud to call a second home.

Many fish in Bikini Bottom seemed happy to see them, waving as they swam by and causing them to wave back.

Soon, the Krusty Krab came into sight, and like she expected to, Zipp was the first one to halt in front of its doors. “Aw, yeah! And Zipp Storm claims victory once again!”

“No fair!” Pipp pouted. “You got further ahead cause you suggested that race to begin with!”

“Come on, guys, we’re here for one reason only,” said Misty, breaking up the fight. “To see our friends before we have to figure out what our mission details.”

“You’re right, you’re right,” Zipp sighed reluctantly after a moment. “Come on, let’s swim on in and see if our friends are here.”

Sunny and Hitch pushed open the door and the group swam inside to see various customers ordering food or eating at tables. That's when they spotted Squidward lazily taking down orders at the register boat, and Princess Riverstream, Queen Skygrace's younger sister, was with him when she saw the Mane 6 swim through the door. “Squidward, it’s Sunny and the other ponies! They’re back!”

“Well, it’s about time,” Squidward sighed as Riverstream hugged her friends. “Riverstream and her friends have done nothing but miss you all since you left all those months ago! Just where have you been?”

“Heh, good to see that you haven’t changed much, Squidward,” Zipp said with a smile. “It’s good to see both of you again.”

India and Mr. Krabs then poked their heads out of Mr. Krabs’ office. “River, did you just say Sunny and the others were back?” India asked before gasping and seeing she was right. “Oh my sea glitter, you’re right!”

“Hey, India!” Pipp said to the purple sea-pony as she swam over to her. “Ah, what can we get the heroic ponies of Equestria this visit?” Mr. Krabs asked as he approached. “A Krabby Patty with a slight discount, perhaps?”

“Mr. Krabs, they can't possibly want a Krabby Patty... until they say they can do an interview for my channel!” India said before pulling out her phone. “I was so moved by how Pipp used social media for the greater good, I wanted to do something like that too, so... I became an influencer! Pretty neat, right?”

“Oh, that is so cool!” Pipp replied, singing the last word. “I know! I would love to get a hoof to heart interview with you guys later,” India said. “With some sponsorship from the Krusty Krab, of course.”

“That sounds great, it really does,” Misty smiled. “Speaking of great, where are Tropic and SpongeBob? We were really hoping to see them too.”

“I think they're in the kitchen prepping for the lunch rush,” Riverstream admitted. “Boy, are they gonna be excited to see you guys!”

“We’ll take you to them,” offered India. “We got a lot to tell you about and not a lot of time to tell it in!”


So, without anymore hesitation, India and Riverstream led the Mane 6 into the kitchen, where SpongeBob SquarePants and Tropic Dancer were hard at work making Krabby Patties.

SpongeBob flipped half a dozen patties into the air, before grabbing bottles of ketchup and mustard and squirting the condiments onto the patties while they were in mid-air. Meanwhile, Tropic had grabbed some buns, and placed them onto plates just in time for the patties to land on them. Then, SpongeBob grabbed slices of cheese, lettuce, and tomato, and tossed one slice of each onto every burger. Finally, Tropic added onions and pickles before placing the top buns onto the patties.

And once they were done, the duo looked at their Krabby Patty creations with pride. “Voila! Six Krabby Patties all set to go!” Tropic beamed. “We make such a good team, SpongeBob!”

SpongeBob laughed at this. “I couldn’t have done it without your help, Tropic. Keep this up, and you'll be a master of the grill like yours truly!”

Tropic squealed at this, giggling as she did so. “Hey, it looks like you two are getting along just find without us,” Zipp said as the group stood off to the side with a smirk. This caused SpongeBob and Tropic to look at them with gasps and wide eyes. “Sunny! Ponies! You’re back!”

SpongeBob and Tropic came over and hugged their friends happily, overjoyed to see their Equestrian companions after months of being apart. “We weren't sure if we were ever gonna see you ponies again!” Tropic beamed. “Is it Unity Quest time already?”

“You know it!” Zipp replied. “But, like always, we’re not sure what it is yet.”

“We should be asking about you guys,” Sunny said. “Has anything exciting happened since we've been gone?”

“Oh, a whole bunch, but there was one thing here recently that stuck out above all else,” India smiled. “Right, Tropic?”

“Absolutely!” Tropic nodded before recounting the tale. “You see, Mr. Krabs decided to start selling breakfast at the Krusty Krab, but all the breakfast food SpongeBob made ended up tasting like Krabby Patties. So, we got this cookbook, but, turns out it was actually a spellbook, and when SpongeBob made breakfast food with it, all of it had side effects and started turning customers into monsters! Then, the food and the spellbook turned into a giant breakfast monster, but thanks to SpongeBob’s Krabby Patties, we managed to defeat it!”

“Well, I can't say it was ALL me,” SpongeBob giggled with a blush. “You using that Lotus Flower blast to keep the customers at bay was pretty smart too.”

“Oh, right!” Misty realized. “I forgot that Tropic, India, Arctic and Volcano got those amazing powers from the ocean spirits the last time we were here!”

“Speaking of which... as it turns out, I got chosen by an ocean spirit too,” Riverstream admitted with a soft smile. “It's true! She had to make a really tough choice of whether to stay here or go back to her lessons in being a princess,” Tropic said, “but when she made the right one for her friends, the long-lost ocean spirit of light saw something in her and chose her to wield light magic in our team!”

“Wow! That’s amazing!” Pipp sang out in awe. “Oh, ditto to that!” Izzy added in an excited tone. “Hey, girls, we gotta go!” India said, peeking through the window to look at the clock on the wall. “Mr. Krabs, Squidward and SpongeBob are gonna walk us to Jellyfish Fields for guardian training with Queen Skygrace, remember?”

“Oh yeah!” Tropic said with wide eyes. “I nearly forgot!”

“Why don't you guys come with us?” Riverstream invited the Mane 6. “I'm sure the others would love to see you.”

“We would love that!” Sunny beamed. “That’s a great idea!” Misty agreed. “Come on! Let's wait outside for the others!”


“That’s right, all my undersea followers!” India said into her phone as the group made their way to Jellyfish Fields. “The protectors of Equestria are back in Bikini Bottom for a limited time only, so come by the Krusty Krab and see them before its too late! Catch ya later, Bikini Bottomites!”

And with that, India ended her livestream and put her phone away. “Do you have to livestream everything on our way to Jellyfish Fields?” Squidward asked in exasperation. “It's just a 10 minute walk, you know.”

“An influencer has to stay on top of the times, Squidward,” Pipp reminded him. “And India and I are proud to admit that we're influencers, through and through!”

But as the others caught up on the things they missed, Sunny swam next to SpongeBob before deciding to ask something that had been on her mind for a little bit. “Um... SpongeBob? I wanted to ask you this a while ago, but... I was wondering... have you heard any updates on Volcano's adoption case? I know Sandy mentioned it to me and Zipp on the way back from the Lost City of Atlantic City, but I wasn't sure if that was still the plan or not.”

“The results of the adoption should be coming up in a few days,” SpongeBob said. “The rest of us are trying to get the other girls adopted, but… it’s taking a lot longer than we originally thought.”

“I know it would mean a lot to Volcano to have a permanent home,” Sunny said. “Especially since… I’m not really sure what he’s been through before he came to live with Sandy.”

“Maybe she and Volcano can fill you guys in later,” SpongeBob said before looking toward Jellyfish Fields ahead of them. “And speaking of Sandy and Volcano, there they are with Arctic and Patrick!”

Indeed, Sandy and Patrick, alongside Arctic Pearl and Volcano Spark, were waiting for them in the midst of Jellyfish Fields. “SUNNY!!” Patrick leapt up on the earth pony mare and gave her a huge hug, causing her to cough slightly. “Good to see you too, Patrick,” she said in a strained tone. “Oops! Sorry, Sunny,” Arctic said as she tickled Patrick with her tail, causing him to giggle and let him go. “As you know, he doesn’t realize his own strength.”

“How could we forget?” Zipp asked with a smirk. “Well, it’s good to see y’all again, nonetheless,” Sandy said as she and Volcano came over. “Queen Skygrace should be here any minute for the foals’ training session.”

“So, have you had to deal with that evil Allura cat anymore?” Volcano asked. “Cause if she’s anywhere near here, you can bet that I’ll use my Dragon Fire attack to fry her to a crisp!”

“Well, the last time we saw her was on our adventure with Jim Hawkins and some of our Muppet friends,” Sunny replied. “I don’t think she’ll be coming back to Bikini Bottom anytime soon, though,” Misty added, “unless she wants to deal with the stuff your powers put on her last time.”

Izzy nodded in response to this. “Yeah! You guys were so awesome!”

“Indeed they were.”

That’s when everyone looked and saw Queen Skygrace swimming down to them, causing the group, including Riverstream, to bow to her. “Queen Skygrace,” Sunny said respectfully. “It’s an honor to see you again.”

“It’s an honor to see you all as well,” Queen Skygrace smiled. “I trust that things have been successful in your other missions?”

“You could say that,” Zipp said with a shrug. “We’ve had a few run-ins with Allura ever since we left Bikini Bottom last, but… we’ve triumphed nearly every time.”

“That’s a relief to hear,” Arctic sighed, relieved. “Since we knew that you could come back at any time, and… Allura could, too… we’ve been training our fins off so that way we can live up to our new titles as Bikini Bottom Guardians.”

“Bikini Bottom Guardians, huh?” Pipp smiled. “Sounds fitting.”

“Now, let’s get on with our lesson, shall we?” Skygrace said to the four sea-ponies and her sister, causing them to nod. “A big part of protecting the town is protecting yourselves as well. That’s why you’ve been learning all the attack and defense spells related to your element for the past 2 sessions.”

“And why we’ve been sparring against each other,” Riverstream added, “right?”

“Exactly,” Skygrace nodded. “But there may come a time that you’ll have to use your powers in a real battle against an outside threat, not just one against Plankton’s evil schemes.”

As Skygrace continued her lesson, Misty leaned in to whisper to her friends. “Has Plankton done anything recently that we should be concerned about?”

“Not since he tried to infiltrate his way into SpongeBob’s family a few weeks back,” Sandy whispered in response. “Of course, that was a complete dud, and we haven’t seen much of him since.”

“So… if our mission doesn’t have Plankton involved this time,” Hitch muttered, “what does it involve?”

“We can worry about that later, Hitch,” Misty said. “For now… let’s just enjoy our time with our friends while we have it.”


Meanwhile, in a far away placed called Galveston, Texas, there was a facility called B.O.O.T.S Labratory... the same laboratory that Sandy Cheeks herself worked for.

Their main mission was to study ocean wildlife and their habits, but... ever since Sue Nahmee came into power as the new C.E.O, things have changed severely.

Currently, Sue Nahmee was watching a security camera feed outside Jellyfish Fields that Sandy had hooked up to observe the Jellyfish themselves, smirking as she held her beloved pug, Cuda (short for barracuda, since his attitude reminded her of one). “There they are, my little undersea test subjects... and they're just as perky in this footage as they are in real life.”

“I can't believe that pesky squirrel Sandy Cheeks actually works for this place,” said a sinister voice from the darkness. “Does she have any idea that you're using her to her advantage?”

“Not a clue,” Sue shook her head. “Just the way I want it to be. And those ponies you told me about don't seem to have any idea either.”

“Good,” the figure smirked before stepping out into the light, revealing Allura and Twitch. “Those ponies have double crossed me far too many times already, and once I take their friends' hometown, they'll surely want to come here to save it... and walk right into my trap.

“Excellent,” Sue smirked. “But... how do you plan to exact revenge on ponies that are sponge and squirrel size?”

“With the power of the star shard, I can change my size to my will,” Allura said as she fiddled with the star shard on her collar. “And once those ponies arrive, I'll shrink down and... let's just say... they'll fall right into their icy demise. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!”