• Published 5th Oct 2024
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G5 Adventures in Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie - ponydog127

The Mane 6 reunite with their Bikini Bottom friends, but not long after arriving, they must help SpongeBob, Tropic, Sandy and Volcano, along with Sandy's family, save Bikini Bottom and all their friends from Allura and a greedy CEO's plans.

  • ...

SpongeBob Gets Cloned and the Final Battle

The Mane 6 had been captured by Allura, and Sandy and Volcano had been captured by Sue Nahmee, who revealed to be half cyborg before revealing she never would have gotten inspired for Sea Pals without Sandy's research.

You can bet Sandy felt pretty awful when she heard this, and not even Volcano had the resources to comfort her.

And since Allura and Twitch had left to find the star shard, the Mane 6 were worried that their lives were going to end in mere moments...

...unless something could be done to stop them.

But the question was... what in the world could they do to get themselves and their friends out of this nightmare?


Sue quickly approached SpongeBob, who was getting closer and closer to the cloning machine and getting more and more frightened. “Welcome to the Cloning Popper, SpongyBoy! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

SpongeBob could only chuckle nervously at this, not realizing that he was in as much danger as Sunny and her friends were in that moment. “Avast there, land witch!” Mr. Krabs pleaded as Riverstream tried to comfort Tropic. “Do not pop SpongeBob! It's the only thing I'll ever ask of ye!”

But of course, Sue paid no mind to these claims, only caring for herself and her own needs.

SpongeBob was becoming more and more nervous as the small coaster car reached the top of the hill, but just then, he was ejected out of his seat, causing him to scream as he was suddenly thrown into the cloning machine.

And after a moment of sitting on his face, SpongeBob sat up and took a breath. “It’s hot in here...” he said as the machine began to charge up. “I-I feel funny.”

But suddenly, SpongeBob felt himself being lifted off the ground, causing him to panic. “Hey... what's happening?!”

At that moment, several parts of his body began to split into smaller versions of himself, which he didn’t think was all at that weird... at first. “Hello, little me!”

But that's when he noticed his hands turning into small versions of him too, fingers and all... even his nose was turning into a miniature version of himself. “That’s weird!”

The Bikini Bottom residents watched from the edge of their glass, completely shocked at what is happening-- Mrs. Puff fainted, one fish covered his eyes and Larry the Lobster grabbed onto that fish and used him to cover his own eyes.

Sandy turned to look at SpongeBob with huge teary eyes, but then she and Volcano gasped in total fear and shock. “SPONGEBOB!!!” Volcano cried out. “NO!!!”

“Which one is the real me?!” SpongeBob’s vision kept darting around at all the miniature versions of himself, unsure of what to think. He closed his eyelids, then they lifted open as two SpongeBob's popped out in place of where his pupils should be. Then he began swelling up, about ready to burst from the cloning process. “I don't even know who I am anymore!!!

And then, all of a sudden... the original SpongeBob exploded into hundreds of tiny SpongeBobs, and this caused Tropic to scream and sob, heartbroken at what was happening to her best friend.

Sue, however, seemed satisfied as she peered into the cloning machine. “Perfect! Now give it a little time for them to grow to actual size.”

“Avast ye, land witch!” Mr Krabs pleaded as he and India approached Sue from the floor. “Do not give it a little time for them to grow to actual size! It's the only thing I'll ever ask of ye.”

It was at that moment that Cuda came out of the sink, witnessing everything that was happening. And when he saw that those who helped him were in danger because of his former owner, he knew there had to be something to do to help...

...starting with those cloned SpongeBobs. “Hey, Blue Hair!” India taunted. “Over here!”

Cuda barked at Sue to get her attention, and Mr. Krabs knew that in order for this to work, Sue would need to be distracted one last time. “Land witch! Hello!”

“Cuda, do something!” Hitch pleaded as he and the Mane 6 tried to break out of the ice. “Please! We're begging you!”

At hearing this desperate plea, Cuda hopped right over to the machine and knocked it to the ground, breaking it and releasing the SpongeBobs. “NO!!!” Sue cried before pouting. “They needed more time to grow...”

That's when she noticed Cuda chasing after some of the SpongeBobs around the lab. “Cuda, no! Heel! Stop, Cuda!”

“We've got a SpongeBob spill on aisle five,” Patrick said calmly over the intercom. “That is a SpongeBob spill on aisle five.”

“Kyle, Phoebe! Do something!” Sue commanded, and her two scientist lackeys tried to put the cloning machine back together, trying not to make Sue madder than she already was.


“Sunny, what are we gonna do?” Misty asked. “We’re still trapped and Sandy and Volcano may end up being our only hope!”

“Tropic, you've gotta get over there and help convince Sandy and Volcano to break outta that cage and stop Sue before Allura and Twitch get back with the star shard!” Zipp said. “And oh yeah, and convince Volcano to get us out of here!!”

“Okay... I'll be right back!” Tropic promised her friends before climbing onto the ground and getting in the middle of a small SpongeBob swarm. “Okay, SpongeBobs... forward to Sandy and Volcano’s cage!”

The swarm of SpongeBobs cheered and darted right over to the cage, carrying Tropic along with them. And once they finally reached the cage, one of the SpongeBobs stayed behind with Tropic and tried to communicate with Sandy and Volcano... only for all of it to come out in high-pitch chattering.

Volcano seemed relieved that his friends were okay... well, partly, but Sandy only sighed and continued to mope around on her exercise wheel. “Sorry, tiny SpongeBob. 'Fraid I can't hear ya.”

“I hate to admit it, but... yeah,” Volcano winced as be spoke. “You're gonna have to find some way to speak up, SpongeBob.”

“Luckily,” Tropic said, reaching out of nowhere and pulling out a megaphone, “I have this!”

That's when Tropic handed the tiny SpongeBob the megaphone, causing him to clear his throat. “I just want to tell you not to feel bad because this was not your fault!”

“Yeah,” Sandy nodded with a sad look, “it was.”

“...well yeah, okay, you got me there,” SpongeBob said, causing Tropic to glare at him. “What he's trying to say,” the green unicorn stated, “is... don't give up on saving Bikini Bottom!”

SpongeBob nodded, snatching the megaphone back from the unicorn filly. “Think of everything we've been through! The plane, the twister, the snakes, your family... and those zombie vampire werewolves!”

Sandy stopped and turned to him at that. “Wait... zombie werewolves?”

“Ha, gotcha! We were checking to see if you're paying attention,” Volcano said before becoming quite serious. “Bikini Bottom is our home, Sandy... it's not something to be reproduced and sold.”

“And all of us sea creatures,” the tiny SpongeBob continued, unaware that Phoebe and Kyle were having a change of heart themselves. “We’re not just your friends, we're your--”

Sandy finally realized what SpongeBob and the foals were trying to say, her eyes lighting up with joy and realization. “...you're my family!”

“Aww...” the Mane 6 couldn’t help but coo, and as Phoebe and Kyle removed their hats in respect, India even saw a lot more SpongeBobs playing classical, heartwarming music down on the floor.

And after the music died down, Sandy suddenly made a decision that reinstated all her beliefs and self-morals. “And I don't turn my back on kin!”

“Attagirl, Sandy!” Zipp cheered. “We knew you wouldn’t let us down!”

“All right, Sandy...” Volcano took a deep breath and joined Sandy on the wheel. “Let’s do this!”

And so, as Tropic and the tiny SpongeBob leapt to get somewhere out of harm's way, the two of them began to roll on the wheel as fast as they could, in order to fully ensure their plan went smoothly.


Phoebe and Kyle watched this, wondering what they should do when all of a sudden, Sue stomped right over to them, looking furious. “What are you idiots doing? Fix that machine now!” she barked. “And sweep up these SpongeBobs!”

“Yes, boss!” Phoebe and Kyle said at once, purely out of fear. But once they were alone, Phoebe turned to Kyle with exasperation. “You're such a suck-up! Can't believe you made us follow Allura and Sue's evil plan.”

“Hello!” Kyle said as if it was obvious. “She bought us a vending machine.”

“With money,” Phoebe emphasized, “from our paychecks!

Kylie blinked at her stupidly. “We get paychecks?”

“Oh my gosh…” Phoebe sighed to herself, wondering what she and Kyle were going to do now. But looking over at Sandy and Volcano increasing the hamster wheel’s speed, Kyle finally made an audible decision. “The heck with Sue Nahmee and her stupid empty vending machine!”

He and Phoebe both put the pieces of the cloning machine down before looking at each other. “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”

“If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking,” Zipp said while looking around, “you guys need to help Sandy and Volcano out of that cage before Allura and Twitch get back! Volcano might have heat powers strong enough to melt the ice around us!”

“Come on, guys!” Volcano shouted in the direction of the approaching Phoebe and Kylie as he and Sandy continued to run. “Line us up!”

Phoebe and Kyle proceeded to pick up the cage and centered it so it was directly facing Sue Nahmee, who had her back turned to them at the moment.

“Right about…”


In fact, Sandy and Volcano were spinning that hamster wheel around so fast, Volcano’s hooves began to get red-hot, signaling that his elemental powers were in effect. And after a moment, the hamster wheel broke loose, and Sandy and Volcano were sent rocketing out of the cage! “YEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAW!!!”

“RAH!!!” Volcano cried out in unbridled anger as he and Sandy charged right at Sue Nahmee with the hamster wheel, knocking it into her and causing her to fall to the ground while Sandy and Volcano were able to leap to safety.

Needless to say, many were cheering because of this development.


“You got her!”

“Way to go!”

“Attagirl, Sandy!”

“Awesome job, Volcano!”

“You guys got this!”

But as you might expect, Sue Nahmee was the only one not happy because of this. “Nobody knocks over Sue Nahmee with a hamster wheel!”

“Well now,” Sandy smirked, “could'a swore I just did!”

“Yeah!” Volcano snarled. “Robo-jerk!”

When Sue Nahmee got back onto her feet, she growled furiously, but Volcano already had a plan. “Sandy, I gotta get Sunny and her friends outta that ice before Allura and Twitch get back!” Volcano said. “You distract Sue Nahmee for as long as you can!”

“You got it, Volcano!” Sandy replied, before charging to Sue Nahmee, and beginning to climb up her leg, agitating Sue Nahmee further. At the same time, Volcano climbed up to the countertop where the others were and reared up, ready to melt the ice. “Dancing Flames!”

And with this being said, Volcano shot a strong wave of fire from his hooves, melting the ice that had the Mane 6 trapped. “Thanks, Volcano!” Sunny smiled, as she was now finally able to activate her alicorn form. “We were starting to get a little chilled.”

“Oh, ho, ho, it is on NOW, Sue Nahmee!” Izzy shouted as she lit up her horn, ready for action.

“I don’t think we have to worry about Sue Nahmee just yet, Iz,” Riverstream frowned. “I think Allura and Twitch are on their way back!”

“Then we gotta be ready to fight when she gets here!” Tropic said firmly. “Come on, guys… we know what we have to do!”

Riverstream, Arctic, India, Volcano and Tropic nodded before putting their hooves/fins on the pearl necklaces they were wearing. “PEARL POWER!!!”

Their pearl necklaces began to glow brightly at this, and as the foals’ eyes gleamed in determination, that’s when their appearances began to change.

Arctic and Tropic were the first to transform, a small pearl floating around each of them. The two pearls swirled downward as the two sisters gained Roman warrior girl style armor on their bodies, Tropic’s in dark green and Arctic’s in dark blue.

Then, India and Volcano began twirling staffs made of lightning and fire, giving them their own Roman styled armor on their bodies as well, India's being a dark purple and Volcano's being a dark red.

And lastly, Riverstream used a ribbon of light to transform her body and give her a silver Roman warrior outfit much like her friends.

And once they were all transformed, they all took on heroic poses and stood in front of their friends.

Zipp sighed proudly. “I’ll never get tired of seeing that.”

At that moment, Allura returned, this time with TWO star shards hanging on her neck. “At last… victory shall FINALLY be mine!”

“I wouldn’t count on it, furball!” Pipp challenged with a smirk. “What?!” Allura looked furious while Twitch looked stunned. “Impossible!”

“Not so impossible when you got a fire pony on your side!” Volcano shouted. “Arctic, Tropic, Riverstream and India, you guys protect Mr. Krabs, Patrick and Squidward,” Sunny instructed. “Volcano, go and help Sandy. The rest of us will take care of Allura and Twitch.”

“Got it!” the 5 young ponies chorused, before setting off to perform their specific tasks. “YAH!!!” Izzy cried out as she charged toward Allura, knocking her to the ground. “You gotta learn from this, Allura,” Zipp said fiercely. “If you mess with our friends, you mess with us!”

“Oh, I’ll take great pleasure from this, believe me,” Allura challenged. “Now… the fight for these shards is ON!”


At the same time, Volcano raced up Sue Nahmee’s leg, and up to Sandy. “The others have Allura distracted, but I don’t know for how long!” he shouted. “Any luck trying to stop the robo-jerk?”

Sandy was trying to remove a panel on Sue Nahmee’s back, with no luck. “Not yet! I can’t get this ding-dang control panel open!”

“Rotten rodent and miniature horse!” Sue groaned as she tried to get them off. That’s when Volcano spotted a magnet hanging from the mini fridge nearby. “Kyle! Throw us that magnet!”

Kyle ran to the fridge, grabbed the magnet, and flung it to Sandy, who caught it with surprising ease. And with the magnet, Sandy was able to pull out the screw to the control panel. “Ha! Science!”

She opened the panel, grabbed a wire, and ripped it in half with a triumphant laugh. “NO!!” Sue Nahmee cried out as Sandy began to pull on the wire, controlling her movements. Volcano then grabbed the wire and decided to have a little fun with it, pulling on it to make Sue Nahmee do a country dance. “Oh, I like this,” Phoebe smiled as she and Kyle danced along. However, Sue Nahmee wasn’t enjoying this at all. “What's this? River dance? What am I doing?”

Volcano laughed at this, finding enjoyment in Sue Nahmee's demise for what she did to his friends. Then, Sandy grabbed the wire and made Sue Nahmee do, much to her dismay, the Robot. “Oh no! No!” she said sternly. “No! No!”

Kyle and Phoebe began to dance along, only to make Sue Nahmee angrier. “Nobody makes Sue Nahmee do the Robot!”

“Come on, Sandy!” Volcano cried out. “One final blow oughta do it!”

On that cue, Sandy grabbed her lasso and swung it up to the ceiling. Volcano grabbed onto her, and the duo were pulled up by the lasso toward the ceiling. “Hey, Sue Nahmee!” cried Volcano out of determination. “This is for our friends and for all of Bikini Bottom! But more importantly, this is for ME!”

Once they were high enough, they let go of the lasso, diving towards Sue Nahmee. And low and behold, the forceful impact of their kick was powerful enough to get Sue to tumble into the sphere holding Bikini Bottom, and causing her head to come off of her robot body. “I just wanted to cuddle fiiiiiiiiiiiish!” she yelled as her head flew to the other side of the room. And then, her head landed right inside the mutant fish's mouth, causing many inside the Bikini Bottom sphere to gag.

But then... something rather unexpected occurred.

The fish popped back up, but it seemed that Sue’s head, still stuck in its mouth, was now CONNECTED to the fish itself. This weirded out the Mane 6.


“What is that?”

“What in the actual-?”

Even Twitch and Allura stopped the fight in surprise. “I… I’m a fish!” Sue cried out, not believing this herself. “How is this possible? It's a scientific breakthrough!”

“It’s something,” Arctic muttered to Riverstream, who nodded in agreement. Sue then began to swim around in excitement. “I live it! I love it! I’m finally a fish!”

And with that, Sue dove under the water, not to be a bother to anyone again. “Whoa!” Sandy blinked in surprise amist the cheering SpongeBobs on the floor. “I didn’t see that coming.”

Allura, fed up with these pests ruining her plans, growled and leapt toward Sandy, something Tropic didn’t fail to see. “SANDY, LOOK OUT!!”

Unfortunately, Tropic wasn't able to warn Sandy of the threat fast enough. Sandy yelped as Allura pounced onto her, malicious intent in her eyes. “You know, Sandy Cheeks... squirrel is a rare delicacy where I come from,” Allura said, licking her chops. “And frozen squirrel... that will be a treat all its own.”

Something about that made Volcano fearful for Sandy’s life, especially when Sandy began to whimper and try to free herself from Allura's hold. But then... Volcano's powers began to flare up immensely, due to his anger rising more and more. “Leave... Sandy... ALONE!!!”

Volcano leapt right at Allura, knocking her to the ground while Volcano's eyes glowed with intense anger. “You can take me on all you want, you greasy furball!” he snarled. “But leave my big sister out of it!”

“Volcano, stop!” Sunny cried out as the Mane 6 rushed to the scene. “She’s too dangerous for you to take on alone!”

However, Volcano stood firm against her. “Let her come. I'm ready.

“Why do you care for this squirrel so much?” Allura panted as she slowly picked herself up off the ground. “She is no way related to you, and you still call her family.”

“In case you didn't know this, Allura... family is built off love, not blood,” Volcano spat. “And if you mess with my friends... who are really my family... you have to get through me.”

“Through all of us,” Tropic declared as she and the rest of the Mane 6 came forward, ready to attack Allura if they needed to. However... Allura thought about what Volcano had said for a moment.

Something in her mind triggered a bunch of memories from her childhood... before all this started. Memories of her dear brother, Alterro, who she missed terribly.

And thinking about these memories triggered something in Allura that she hadn't felt in a very long time.


Volcano and Sandy were as close as she and Alterro were... and they didn't deserve to be harmed. At least... not right now.

Allura sighed as she removed a star shard from her neck, and gave it to Volcano, who took it with hesitation before realizing this wasn't a practical joke. “...you're giving this up?” Volcano seemed surprised. “Why?”

“Well, you know more about family than I realized, and I believe that you deserve to keep this,” Allura explained, gentler than she had ever sounded, honestly surprising Sunny and her friends.

Never, in all their time that they knew Allura, had she spoken so... kindly to one of their friends.

Or them, if they were to be honest with themselves.

Volcano looked at the shard in his hoof, but managed to look at Allura after a moment. “...thank you.”

Then, Allura did something no pony thought was possible for her. She smiled a kind smile at the young red pony, and though he had some hesitancy, Volcano smiled back at her. “Come along, Twitch,” Allura called out to the rabbit. “We’re leaving now.”

Twitch hopped onto Allura’s back before the flying leopard took off. And as they watched her fly away, Misty looked toward Sunny. “Should… we be worried about what just happened?”

“...I’m not sure yet,” Sunny answered honestly. “All we do know is that Bikini Bottom is safe again… for real this time.”