• Member Since 29th Aug, 2024
  • offline last seen September 17th



One fateful day in the small and humble town of Ponyville, Pinkie Pie accidentally discovers sentience. Can she handle her own existence and life being contradicted?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 3 )

I understand that this story is just a silly, random comedy, and that that gives it some leeway in terms of writing quality, but I really think that it needed some more work. Firstly, it was way too fast-paced, not giving its central joke enough time to develop or be appreciated. This pacing issue was only worsened by the awkward prose that made it hard to follow the action, and the odd chaptering (three chapters for a 1k word story?). Also, the numerous mechanical issues (spelling, grammar, etc) just made it hard to take seriously (as seriously as a story like this can be taken, that is). Issues like this are forgivable for a first story, but you should really make an effort to proofread your writing more carefully in the future.

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