A teenage boy named hawin Smith was enjoying life at college. Until he was teleported to maritime bay in Equestria (right before the first episode of MLP Make Your Mark episode 1, chapter 1) as he was about to ask the ponies for help but they where scared and afraid of him, and ended up custody by Sheriff hitch trailblazer.
While hawin is in the sheriff's office lock up, he was rescued by a blue unicorn mare named Misty. Then she brought him to opaline arcana the fire alicorn and took him in as her own. Opaline offers a deal with hawin: if he's helps her take over Equestria and help misty earn a cutie mark by getting the baby dragon aka sparky in order to restore opaline's fire magic, he'll get the respect that he wants. Join hawin and his new life as opaline arcana and Misty's servent.
You have poor grammar. The character and place names are not capitalized, and neither is the first word in the sentences.
Okay, what the heck is wrong with Hitch doing this!? False arresting your human MC for just "showing up" in town!? So OOC!?
Didn't Hitch learn anything from the events of the movie?
Sunny should be very disappointed in him, and would even slap him!
It makes way more sense for Sprout to be the major racist/xenophobic jerk to your human character during the movie events instead.
Smith's an idiot. Seriously, does he realize that he's working with the most evil fire alicorn in Equestria who started the Great Divide in the first place?
It's my first time making a story Skywalker215 my apologies
Yeah, admittedly that was a bit strange for Hitch.
Still interested to see how Hawin deals with Misty and Opaline.
I cairn wait for more.
Actually his first name is Hawin dragonknight92 but I'm glad you guys liked my story
To be honest with you op Omni god-emperor doom, in this story hawin Smith never seen talking magical sentent ponies before
I get that, but what does it have to do with the ponies being major jerks to him?
Sure, they never seen each other before. But it doesn't excuse Hitch for arresting somebody for no reason!?
What would Sunny and the others think of that?
Especially that this is after the movie where they should have FINALLY learned their lesson not to be racist/xenophobic against each other or anybody else anymore!?
Sunny should slap Hitch upside his head for being NO better than Sprout!