• Published 1st Oct 2024
  • 261 Views, 13 Comments

Thomas, Sunny Starscout and The Magic Railroad - Huskylover

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Chapter 1 new friends and old enemies

Beyond sodor and equestria, across the oceans of time, over muffle mountain and deep in the valley is Mr. conductor's home town called shining time. It was home of the conductor family. There are workers to help the conductor family: Billy twofeathers was an engineer who drives his engine called "the rainbow sun" from shining time to other places and Stacey Jones is the station master who keeps everything right on time.


Back on sodor Thomas was puffing down the line, he was worried about diesel 10's return.

"If diesel has unfinished business I'm sure there will be trouble right around the corner" said Thomas.

At tidmouth sheds, James the red engine was sitting in the sheds and was bugged by a fly.

"Shoo fly, Boo fly, shoo fly that's it, understand stand buzz off" said James crossly.

Thomas reverse to the sheds and he bumped into the buffers.

"botheration" said Thomas surprised.

"You weren't concentration Thomas, lucky for you that that the buffers are there" said James with relief.

"That's what buffers are for, to stop engines from crashing" said Thomas. "What are you doing in the sheds James?"

"I feel a little blue if you're so hot when you're red. I was naughty and sir topham hatt told me to think about all how to be really useful then I can come out again." Said James.

Just then sunny and pipp arrive at the sheds.
"Hello, you must be Thomas and James, I'm sunny" said sunny. "And I'm pipp" said pipp.

"It's nice to meet you, wait where's the rest of your friends?" Said Thomas.

"The rest of our friends had meet the rest of your friends" replied Sunny.

"Anyway James, he's just trying to make a better railway for steam engines and Equestrian ponies as well, he said the harder we worked, the less you need diesels to help." Said Thomas.

But then their was trouble, diesel 10 rolled along beside them.

"Help you?" Diesel 10 laughed evily. Thomas and James are scared. Sunny and pipp are in battle stand mode. "You'll always need help because stream engines are cowardly, braggy, worn hucks of metal, who hang out with talking animals who couldn't be hurt a fly" said diesel 10.

"No we're not" James argued

"Yes you are" diesel 10 argued back

"Aren't!" James barked

"Are!" Diesel 10 barked back.

"So you're diesel 10, spike told us about you" said sunny.

"That's right orange pipsqueak, I've come back to find the lost steam engine, I'll destroy her and dominate you and then your nothing but useless scrap and I'm not doing it alone" said diesel 10.

"What do you mean by that?" Sunny asked.

"My business partner, you might know her" diesel 10 replied.

Then out of diesel 10's cab... Was allura herself.

"Allura?!?" Both sunny and pipp cried.

"You know her?" Thomas asked.

"Yes we do," sunny replied. "what are you doing here allura?"

"I help diesel 10 to get revenge on the steam engines and probably help me get revenge on you and your friends by destroying the lost engine, right pinchy" said allura deviously as pinchy chumped and she jumped back to diesel 10's cab and set off.

"Big bully, stinker!" Said James crossly.

"We're really useful engines and ponies, you and allura won't dominate us and you won't destroy her. We won't let you, neither is Mr.conductor, I'm off to fetch him now!" Said Thomas as he puffed away with sunny aboard in his cab.

"What lost engine?" James asked.

"And who is she" pipp asked.


Author's Note:

Part 3 coming soon and let me know when if I made mis spelling

Comments ( 5 )

Whilst I'm always happy for more G5 stories to exist, I can't help but feel the pacing is a bit quick.

You are aware you can reply to comments, right?

I hope you'll dedicate the story, or at least one of the chapters to Britt Allcroft.
She's dead now.

I know that

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