The island of sodor is a magical world of Mr. Conductor’s universe.
Meet Thomas the tank engine, he’s our number one hero.
“Hello” said Thomas, but he’s running a little late today.
On sodor, Thomas has a lot of friends and always working together to make sure everything is right on time for sir topham hat, the controller of the North Western Railway:
Edward is a little blue engine No. 2, he maybe old but he’s kind and wise to help any engine in need.
Henry the big green engine No. 3, he’s a friendly engine and sometimes pulls his favorite job the flying kipper.
Gordon is the big Express engine No. 4, he pulls the Express for many years.
James is a splendid red engine No. 5, he sometimes boosted about his red paint but he means well.
Percy is the small green tank engine No. 6, he also Thomas’s best friend and pulls the mail train.
And lastly Toby the tram engine No. 7, like Edward he was old but he’s kind tram engine with his coach Henrietta.
At knapford station, Gordon was waiting on Thomas for his passengers.
“5,6,7,8” said Gordon, counting at the clock. At last, Thomas arrived with his coaches Annie and Clarabelle.
“What do we appreciate? Practicing your numbers Gordon. That’s a good engine” said Thomas cheerfully.
“I’m counting to see how many seconds late you are” Gordon explained “what did that sign say?” Gordon asked referring to the sodor railway sign.
“Hm, sodor railway, really reliable and right on time. Signed head of the railway, sir topham hat” said Thomas reading the sign out load.
“But you aren’t on time little Thomas” said Gordon.
“And your being bossy Gordon” Thomas argued.
“Now please excuse me, I’m meeting Mr. Conductor. He’s looking after us while sir topham hat takes a much needed Holliday” Thomas added.
“I think we can take care of ourselves” said Gordon.
Suddenly a big diesel came right past them very fast! “Get out of my way! I’ve have unfinished business here and I want to finish it fast!” Said the big diesel.
“Diesel 10 is back!” Gordon cried.
“Yes, 10 out of 10, for devious deeds and brutal strength. A blast from the past who hates steam engines.” Thomas agreed.
“Maybe we do need Mr. Conductor here after all, on time.” Gordon agreed as well.
Meanwhile on his branchline, Thomas was thinking about his old friends: Twilight sparkle and her friends in Equestria. Thomas once visited Equestria for Twilight’s coronation and it’s been many years since Thomas and his friends last saw them.
“I wish I can find a way to get to Twilight and her friends and get them to help us” said Thomas.
“I can help” said a familiar voice. Thomas looked around.
“who said that?” Thomas asked confusingly.
“Up here” the voice replied kindly. As Thomas looked up, he saw a big purple and green dragon flying to him. Thomas recognized who it is. It was spike!
“Spike! is so glad to see you again, it’s been so long!” Said Thomas cheerfully.
“I’m glad to see you too old friend” said spike.
“So I heard you and our friends are in trouble, what’s wrong?” Spike asked.
Then Thomas explained " sir topham hat is on Holliday and Mr. Conductor is looking after us while he’s away. The problem is diesel 10 is back and he wants to destroy us. I wish Twilight and her friends are here” Thomas explained.
“Me too, but I know 7 ponies who can help” said spike.
“Who are their names?” Thomas asked.
“They are the new mane 7: Sunny Starscout an earth pony with an anicorn ability, Izzy Moonbow a unicorn, Hitch Trailblazer an earth pony, the two royal pegasus sisters Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals, Misty Brightdawn an unicorn and Comet the Auroricorn. They can help you but don’t worry, I’ll send them a message to them so they can come to sodor to help” spike explained.
”Thank you spike I appreciate it” said Thomas thankfully.
“Anything to help an old friend in need” said spike and he set off to maritime bay while Thomas continues his job on his branchline.
Soo spike flew from sodor to maritime bay to send sunny and her friends the message.
At the crystal brighthouse, sunny and her friends was showing their new friend comet the Auroricorn from starlight ridge around the crystal brighthouse until they hear a knock on the door.
“I wonder who that could be?” Sunny wondered. As sunny opened the door, she saw spike at the front door.
“Hi spike, what brings you here?” Sunny asked.
Spike explained to them what Thomas told him. “A threat on sodor?” Hitch asked
“what is sodor?” Zipp asked curiously.
“I think hear stories about Thomas the tank engine and his friends back at starlight ridge” comet explained.
“Well, let’s get our stuff ready” said sunny.
As they packed their things for their trip, the ponies didn’t know that somepony is hearing every word they said.
Allura the evil snow leopard and her friend twitch the rabbit is spying on them. Once sunny and her friends save the Auroricorns and win back starlight ridge from allura.
“Looks like those little ponies are going to the island of sodor to help the steam engines from diesel 10, then that’s what I’m going, to help diesel 10. Said allura deviously, then allura turned to twitch,
“you stay here to spy on the other ponies”, Twitch soluted.
Soon spike used his fire breath to open a portal so sunny and her friends travel to the island of sodor and he promised Hitch to look after sparky while they’re gone.
As spike saw them went through the portal, spike saw allura going through the same portal, as he tried to stop her but it was too late.
”Oh no! I think allura is going to help diesel 10 to take over sodor. I must warn Mr. Conductor at shining time station” said spike with worry.
Soon spike and sparky flew to shining time station to let Mr. Conductor about allura teaming up with diesel 10.
To Be continued...
Good start.
Thanks and I'm working on the second part
This is good so far keep up the good work 👍🏻
When will this be done?
I'm still working on the story line on my notebook and my laptop is broken so I have to do it on my phone
New speaker, new paragraph.
Ok but thanks for liking my story