A collection of Human / Pony in Earth / Equestria stories, between an Earth and Equestria that have induced immigration following several treaties.
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Will you continue with the other stories?
Cute and all outside of the fish breath. Imagine sharing a sleeping bag with a pony that had just eaten the majority of a raw fish, probably including its guts. Gross. Doubt a breath mint would even make a dent.
Inuit-pone? Eski-pone
She's absolutely playing him. Gonna get the big resourceful blanket warmer ensnared in snowpony snowpity before he realizes that if that was true, the whole village would be married to each other.
So thanks for that.
"sweating himself into a swampy mess under all his layers"
Just a nitpick, if he worked himself to the point of sweating this hard and soaking his clothes in that low a temperature he would most likely
die within a very short time of hypothermia. At those low temps you avoid sweating if you want to live.