A collection of Human / Pony in Earth / Equestria stories, between an Earth and Equestria that have induced immigration following several treaties.
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Think some Saturdays and Sundays got mixed up. Also a Sally instead of Sandy.
Anyway, another cute chapter. Always nice when your GF and daughter like each other.
was rushing to get it out before the end of the day while watching a movie, thanks for the catch
Are you going to write other viewpoints and combinations than male + mare too?
i might deviate a little from the prompts and actually slip in some man x mare, dunno yet not sure how wild I wanna get with these
have you seen the cover image for this? absolutely fucking not my man
I noticed that the description refers to a city called New Beetleflak, but both the Police Officer Mare and Receptionist Mare stories call the city New Beetlejak.
Oop, thank
Pony wears the pants in this office and also doesn't wear the pants and also also drunken confidence without regrets somehow? Good on ya horse girl.
So thanks for that.