A collection of Human / Pony in Earth / Equestria stories, between an Earth and Equestria that have induced immigration following several treaties.
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The old hand/hooves mistake. And you might want to consider an alternative to beady eyes as a descriptor here. I don't think the common definitions work for Citrus.
Very cute short and I love that AI image. Almost said "D'aww!" out loud.
i wrote her rank before even checking if lieutenant was actually an officer rank lmao, thanks for the catch
i try to catch it but it slips me
You're spoiling us with these cute one-shots. Always glad to read your stuff.
I love these one-shots! Don't fuck with the IT guy... unless you're a hot mare.
Of course a completely computer-illiterate earth country mare would be a diversity hire haha
I think, hypothetically, if a tier list were to be made. This is my S tier top dog. Came back to this one for a reread