My passions consume me or if you wish to help them consume me further. Also I have a discord now
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It's finally here!!! Just like the best christmas gift you can ever get! Thank you for it!
“past year, the sight of military might bringing a tear to his American eyes.” - Glory to the M.I.C.!
Wait, a part 3?!
A FANTASTIC start to 2025!!!
lets f**king gooooooo!
Amazing been waiting for it a long time.
Very enjoyable chapter.
Finally it’s here!!!! And finally a story where the initiative is taken instead of waiting till equestria is about to fall. Thank you.
The trilogy continues....
I forgot this was even on the way. Going to give you a bit to cook and then I will reread the story from the beginning again.

Happy to provide, friend!
Anything for you, boo
It's taken quite a while, but we finally got there, bby
Well we needed some character growth over 3 stories haha.
First time offering Grammer corrections, sorry if I'm blunt!
But it's one R for Whirling and I haven't seen the movie but shouldn't it be Hooves instead of Hands?
I'm loving the story so far, now I gotta reread the other two!
2025 starting out pretty nice!
And so it begins the story on how Amon became the Winter King
OMG A PART 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fucking a mate fav liked and enjoyed :) happy new years lad
Jeez CrimsonWolf, this is one crazy entrance into the next story. Crazy, but very welcome. I'm surprised you had Equestria ready for the Storm King's invasion and you had Tempest beaten and have her surrender. I'm really interested to see how you are going to make your spin on this telling of the coming events. Hopefully Tempest gets to talk to someone about her backstory and she listens instead of fighting and finds some real love, and the truth that the idiot Storm King had no intention of helping her. Anyway Crimson, I can't wait for the coming chapters.
Minor hiccup:
Tempest’s spontaneous gender swap might confuse a few readers.
So happy to see another chapter of this!
Oh yes this is a happy new year indeed.
And it's going on again. I don't know, but my world seems unfair. I took on this job many times, and there were things that I liked, but in the end, the unpleasant moments outweighed the little satisfaction I could get from this reading.
And here it is again. You know, I'm not going to fall for this anymore. Not this time. Why? I'll tell you in more detail.
I don't like the main character of this story any more, which causes consonant emotions. This is also his behavior in the first part, when the big boy could not think with his head and decide what exactly he needed from the deal with the Sisters. And his volatile nature in principle.
But what really puts an end to me?
Canonical characters whose actions have been changed to the point where a whole mountain of other characters can already be concocted in place of former personalities. And when the correspondence between human and horse chromosomes appeared in history... I'm sorry, but no. The reality of what is happening has left this fanfiction.
It's pony fanfiction bro. It's not that deep lol
Whoohoo!!! I have to say that I didn't expect 2025 to kick off with the 3rd instalment of this series, but I'm happy to be surprised. Thanks again Crimson for another great chapter. This first chapter uterly destroys cannon, with the premtive battle and defeat of the dreaded Fizzlepop berrytwist, and I'm excited to see where you take this stories plot from here. Thanks again for all the time and hardwork you've spent writing this story for us to all enjoy! I look forward to reading your next chapter. CHEERS!
Hard bomb to drop indeed...
Now to wait for the next update.
.....I feel like Faust already solved that issue.
Wild hair don't tell me Twilight have feeling for Anon too. Have you thought of using Staff of Sacanas as a catalyst for Anon ascension. Since it have the ability to absorb and restore, maybe can be key to restore Anon arm as well turn him as a Alicorn.
Wouldn't be funny if there is multiple options for immortality? Like eating the inmortal peach of the gods. Learning the secret arts of tai wan do and obtain immortality through enlighten, crossing his name from the book of the death.
Or simply became Santa Claus and learn that is a deal to pay so he could only walk the earth for one day a year
What about shang chi and the 10 rings it grant immortality
Yeah but I don't think Anon could marry another 7 mares, or if does to woe them in enough time to obtain all the rings
Immortality is a pretty heavy topic. There’s not just the question of whether it’s possible at all, but also what sorts of limitations and side effects are going to come with whatever form(s) of it they may discover that look like they offer even a remote chance -- immortality while still aging would kind of suck, for example, and without some sort of enhanced natural healing/regeneration or at least advanced medical care even the “eternal youth” style could quite easily end up being a bother after a few decades to millennia of accumulated scar tissue and more serious damage that never quite went away again (”Congrats, Anon, you’re immortal! Oops, too bad that the accident on your two hundredth birthday now means you’ll be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of that potentially eternal life...”).
I suppose the best Anon can hope for in Equestria may indeed be finding a way of becoming an alicorn himself, in which case he’d at least be on fairly straightforwardly equal footing with his wives. But of course that would mean giving up being human, which he might ultimately decide to do anyway but isn’t exactly a trivial decision to make either...
Holy shit how long is Celestia's mane??? it spans like 4 ponies in the cover art.
Seven he only marry 2 and one become his fiancee who in tarnation will he marry next let alone 7
That is her tail mane, she is on her side
I also pounder the heir dilemma, where immortality stops in it generations? Would his kids can have kids? or are they curse like their mothers? If they can have kids would those kids will be immortals? Would the situation continue to repeat through generations?
And what happens if it reach a citadel of nothing BUT immortals? What happens when inbreeding becomes the only option? Like what? "Wait so it turns out you are my great-great-great-granduncle? I though you were my great-great-great-great-cousin"
And if it doesn't stop? What happen when and if Immortality outnumber mortality? What happens then?
I guess it didn't come up at the time, but does this mean Anon has no memory of meeting Faust? And yeah, that "immortal but..." status is an easy mistake for people to reach for. Without healing and anti-aging, immortality loses any grey area on being a curse or a blessing, it's one of the worst fates imaginable.
- "crazy monster like Discord."
Isn't that a little out of sink for Anon to say? its been a long minute since I have read the second volume but I kind of remember that after betraying, then saving his life, Discord was sent to Tartarus. I thought Anon was the only one that was torn about the overall punishment for Discord...
Either way, great chapter as always.
Nice. Finally I can read this again
Late to this releasing but hyped to see it continue. Good shit so far
I don't really think so. Granted, Discord did save his life, but he was also the reason for Anon's life being in danger in the first place. Also, that particular phrasing is meant more to be in reference to Discord's appearance than his actions. Anon doesn't hate Discord, but he also doesn't like him either. He lost his arm because of what Discord did, after all.
Glad you're liking it!
Immortality indeed has many quirks that need to be sorted before one commits to it. Luckily, Anon isn't ready to just leapt into it without giving it a long, hard thought.
I get the first place,sofa!🛋️(odd and old Chinese tradition)
I like this story,forgive my English proficiency.
Ah yeah, the curse came to pass.
Defeat the evil you know ahead of time and you unleash an new and unknow evil that could be even worse. By blocking the attack they made way to something worse.
Not gonna lie, the storm king still seems like an idiot. However, a massive improvement was giving Sombra a near 180 from the pompous prick he was in the last season. Cool, calculating, not rushing head first into a plan with only early gain.