• Member Since 7th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Dr Sharaz Jek

Cynically Pretentious Hedonistic Nihilist...and those are my nicer qualities!

Comments ( 19 )

Out of milk? Don't worry, Deliver here?
Nice cover art choice! I'll read as soon as I can!

Could someone please tell me what a holstaurs is? When I looked up the creature, I came up with nothing. Is it even a real being of myth and legend?

It's basically a cow woman.

The Amazons panted, knees wobbly, still bent over and forced to lean on whatever they could find around the chamber to stand. Overwhelmed by a sense of satisfaction, the four of them hated that this would soon have to end. That tensions kept their tribes fractured, and potential enemies.

Would the removal of the last caribou army mean the abrupt end of a potential alliance? Until that time came, those from both sides that could put aside differences reveled in the moment.

I highly doubt it will end in such a sour note, right? :duck: :unsuresweetie:

We'll see whenever I write a sequel! Although anyone that's read Prisoners of War could probably figure it out, as this is a prequel to explore some of the OCs introduced there.

This was a great story! And I can't wait to see a sequel!
There were some very great lore drops here. Sadly, I know what will happen in the future.

Good thing somebody's going to make a new multiverse for us!!! Go Omen!!! 🗣️ 🗣️ 🗣️ 🔥 🔥 🔥

Thank you! Actually wanted to write more action scenes, hopefully we'll see more in the sequel!

Sounds fun! But still, this story was perfect.
Road to 50 Lightendark stories!

Just have to be careful not to contradict my continuity!

If you do we can chalk it up to Omen lol :twilightsheepish:

Yeah, makes a change from blaming Beatrix!

Omen: It's all your fault, you took Oona and Abby from me!

Beatrix: Uno reverso!

Omen: :ajsmug:

Beatrix: Oh sh*t

*Gets Taco Belled into a tree*


You know something, do you? Because why else would you chuckle to yourself?

He's read all the important Lightendark related stories, so he knows the lore quite well, sometimes he remembers stuff I've forgotten!:rainbowlaugh:

This story is interesting and again I like the use you give Zafire in this, not only because of the personality but because of the aspirations you are giving her in this universe.

At first I was not going to see this story because I am not a fan of Human story (especially of humans who only have ears to appear to be from another species) and perhaps I would recommend that you look for other types of images because you talk about female Taurus and honestly it is very far from being similar to those in the image.

That said, as I said, the story is not bad, it is worth mentioning that I finished reading it and it is still to my taste. Although because of the cover I'm really in doubt as to whether or not they are minotaurs or not. (For what I just mentioned in the previous parenthesis)

Said, well done.

Thanks! Honestly, finding a good picture of holstaurs that would pass moderation here was almost impossible for me, either they were way too explicit or I didn't care for the designs. (Sure they're very buxom, but I hate when boobs look like disproportionate beachballs jammed onto a torso.) Thus, I compromised. Just picture cow versions of the cover girls. :duck:

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