83 Hours after the invasion.
"Is this working? Hello! Here is the great and powerful trixie next to spike.
Trixie, what are you doing?
Recording! We have to document everything that is happening. Well, I found this recorder in front of Zecora's house. I found spike not far from where the recorder was and he was freezing. I took him to Zecora and she managed to get him to wake up! I'm now in my wagon alongside spike. I heard everything that happened with starlight, I really hope she's okay... I also found her bag where her horn was, I'm looking for her.
Didn't she say to look for discord?
Yes but, She's my best friend, I can't go looking for Discord knowing that she could be in danger.
No buts, I can't do that to her, Spike.
Uh... I miss Twilight, I wonder if she's okay?
You... you don't know?
What don't I know?
Twilight, She... ah... She's fine, We just don't know where she is yet!
Don't worry, You're with the great and powerful Trixie, You'll be fine and we'll find Twilight eventually.
What about rarity? Do you think she's okay too?
Eh... Of course! They are fine. Why don't you lie down and rest some more, okay?
85 Hours after the invasion.
"Spike is sleeping, I feel bad lying to him, he doesn't deserve this... for some reason, Zecora didn't want to accompany me, She stayed at her house. She didn't explain to me why. I'm scared too, Knowing what happened to the others, I can't stop thinking that Starlight might not be alive anymore... I won't be able to do this. My plan is to go to the queen of the hippogriffs with spike so we can live there for the rest of our lives.
I read in a old book that they live underwater in a city, I need to find them or we'll end up dying on the surface with the others... I don't want that. I know I won't make it, If not even Starlight made it, How will I make it? I'm a pony who only does magic tricks. I don't want to risk doing any more nonsense, But I'm not going to take away the opportunity for anyone who wants to do something about the situation that's happening, I'm going to leave this recorder in the forest. Whoever finds it and has courage, Please... Manage to do what we didn't have the courage to do. The great and powerful trixie is shutting down..."
Poor Trixie and Spike, I do hope they can make it to the Hippogriffs. I do wonder what Zecora is up to in her hut?
Thank you very much for continuing this.
wow, nice job on the second chapter, they really needed this. also poor spike.