• Published 15th Aug 2024
  • 280 Views, 9 Comments

Tempest Invasion.log - catagbrr

Equestria has been invaded, a pony named Tempest is responsible for it. Starlight survived the attack and is looking for help. Using a recorder, she will tell everything that happened.

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In the middle of the forest, the sound of a recorder breaks the total silence of the night.

12 Hours after the invasion.

"Hello? Hello? Is this working? I don't know if it's working, I hope so. My name is starlight glimmer, student of twilight sparkle. Equestria was invaded, A pony named Tempest appeared and defeated the princesses, I tried to help but I was... Scared. There was something about her that scared me. She wasn't a normal pony. Her horn was broken, and her face... I couldn't visualize it. My mind doesn't allow me to remember, anyway... Trying to help ended up having a very high price. My horn is now broken. She was very skilled and strong too. I was forced to see terrible things, twilight... she is no longer alive.

Twilight tried to save Princess Luna, but failed. Tempest's guards appeared and held her down. For some reason, Tempest didn't stone Twilight... Tempest broke Twilight's horn with her hands, and then she used magic! I wonder how this is possible, She placed Twilight's horn on her head and tested it, I could only see Twilight agonizing in pain, Tempest released a shock wave on her, Twilight fell, she was dead. It was at that moment that I tried to help and ended up breaking my horn. I still have it in my backpack, but I can't do any magic.

I'm looking for Zecora's house right now, Maybe she can restore my horn. After that I'm going to find discord, He should be the only one capable of stopping this and getting things back to normal. I'll be hanging up, I'll talk more tomorrow."

28 Hours after the invasion.

"Hello again, I really hope someone finds this. I don't know if I'll stay alive until the end, I have no idea what to do, it's a matter of time before Tempest finds me. I'm in the swamp, This place is horrible and I can't stop thinking about my friends, I'm having panic attacks, I don't know how long I can handle this. The rest of the girls had the same fate as Twilight, If I had tried harder, I could have saved them...

but one good news, I found spike! He was in the river, I'm carrying him on my back, I hope he wakes up soon. Since I'm recording this, I think it's necessary that whoever is listening knows what happened to the girls so they know why they should stay hidden from Tempest. Rainbow Dash tried to use her wings to carry the injured ponies away, But Tempest hit her with a beam using her new horn, making Rainbow Dash fall, She didn't survive the fall. the sight was frightening... Applejack tried to fight the creatures that were next to the Tempest, but there were too many for her to handle. Unfortunately, the orders were to kill. Fluttershy was stoned and broken, literally. Pinkie Pie was turned into a balloon and Rarity...

Well, I can't face Tempest alone. If you're hearing this, it's because I met a terrible fate. I don't know if this will help, but Princess Celestia mentioned a hippo queen, but she was stoned before she finished the sentence. Spike is freezing, I'll make a campfire and try to sleep, I'll take care of spike for twilight... Shutting down."

42 Hours after the invasion.

"I'm near the forest, I hope Zecora is okay. What is discord doing? Are the other ponies okay? And the princesses?
There are many questions and they don't leave my mind, I am not enough. I never will be. I won't be able to save these ponies, Twilight would know what to do, She always does. I'm hearing constant noises from the sky, And the spike remains cold. I'm running out of food, there are two slices of cake left that Pinkie Pie had made for the party. I miss using my magic, things would go faster. I wonder if what's happening to me is a punishment for everything I've done in the past... But why did they have to suffer too? I should have been electrocuted instead of Twilight. You who are listening, don't you agree with this? I can still hear her screams, That's the reason I can't sleep anymore. Spike, wake up, I don't know how long I can stand talking to myself..."

48 Hours after the invasion.

"Hello... spike is sleeping next to me, I'm doing my best to warm him up.
About what I said before... I'm sorry. I haven't been able to maintain good mental health since all this happened, I'm not acting like myself and I think you've noticed that. If something happens, Promise me you'll try to resolve it, I'm very scared, I'm doing this under a lot of pressure and Twilight wouldn't forgive me if I gave up... I'm feeling very insecure and vulnerable without my horn. spike was the only thing left of twilight, If something happens to me, take care of him for me. Please. Also promise me that you will find my friend, her name is trixie lulamoon, I don't know where she is. The last time I saw she was at the party setting off fireworks... If you find a carriage, it must be hers. but be careful, It could be a trap too."

53 Hours after the invasion.

"I'm in the forest, I can see Zecora's house! But I have bad news.
The sun and moon are acting strangely, I don't know what's going on, Only Celestia and Luna can do this, It must be tempest. I miss Trixie, I miss my friends... I miss everything. But I can't give up now, I'm close to zecora, She will know how to fix my horn so I can move on. Wait... Spike is moving! Maybe he's waking up-

Uh... Wait a second. Anypony here? I'm hearing noises... Listen, Find discord, He'll know what to do!

S H I T !"


Starlight... What happened to you...