• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 62 )

Sweet. What a fun concept I want a sequel now lmao


I want a sequel now

My eternal curse :raritydespair:

And a prequel xD
Followed by a side story.

Great work as always

You guys are going to be the death of me.
And I am here for it.
RiP Dirty Little Secret -- he died doing what he loved.

Lol that ending. Eh, who am I kidding the whole thing was entertaining.

Thank you for not spoiling it for others! ^.^

Another good story.

An idea for a sequel, back in present times Twilight forgets the contraceptive spell, gets pregnant and they both have to pretend that it isn't Shining child. Only cadence knows that shining is an uncle-father, a funkle if you will. Wacky hyjinks ensue.

11976324 Found a typo towards the end, don't want to say exactly where because spoilers. it's in the 5th paragraph from the end, though

EDIT: found another one, more towards the middle.

He let out a deep, deep sigh. There was no point in being mad at her. Twilight was going to be Twilight, all the time, every time. There was no point in getting mat at her for being Twilight.

(lol, how did that shit even get past spellcheck?)

Thanks! ^.^ What's your favorite part?

By 'wacky hijinks', I assume you mean the child grows up and eventually 'has relations' to further complicate the incest.

That fact that Twilight knew exactly what she was doing. I also like the refreshing take on Twilight being a teenager in this one instead of being a pre-teen. She's 'innocent' but still knows exactly what she's doing.

Gotta love it when Twilight fucks with her brother :twilightsheepish:

Also, fix mat and brobably

They're perfect for each other. :twilightblush:

Damn you, Cadance! Scheming little wench!
This story is full of love and shenanigans, funny and even wholesome. Cheers for that!

Doing what he loved: Doing ponies.

Hey! I'll have you know I haven't done very many ponies in real life.

Cadance is always scheming in my stories. Usually scheming up new ways for Shining to get laid.

Thanks for your time and effort so we can give our Time and Effort

No... Just no.
*gives it a read*
Hmmm, maybe it is a yes.

This was a FUN read ... Makes the wedding episode interesting because shining not taking advantage of her offer to destress would tip her off to something being wrong, but she wouldn't be able to use it as evidence.

Also wondering if one day that contraceptive spell fails. Or they don't bother to use it and get a rush from the risk.... Bonus points if cadence talks her into drinking half of a fertility potion meant for her on her honeymoon.

I expected more Twilight secretly messing up Shiny's fleshlight, then magically swapping her parts in for it, hoping she'd have time to fix things before he looled too close/used his fleshlight again.

But this was good too. Really good.

Before reading the twist at the end (which I really should have seen coming) I had the following idea for a sequel:

Some time after the whole fleshlight incident Shining would start practicing his own transformation magic by transmuting objects into apples.

Fortunately it worked.
Unfortunately he had accidentally (?) targeted the spell at Twilights favorite dildo.

To make matters worse, it's currently in the middle of heat season.
As such Twilight really needs a replacement. Quickly...

I probably shouldn't ask what effort you're putting into this. ^.^

Oh, it's definitely a yes!

So many people here want them to have incest babies, lol!

That would be a pretty interesting application of the portal idea. Swapping out bro's fleshlight with your real thing and hoping he doesn't notice. (But then you suddenly remember -- just a little too late -- that bro has no reason to pull out of a fleshlight...)

True, true... Reversing this idea could also be pretty fun.
And would make for a good sequel, if I hadn't already ended this one the way I did.

I liked the clopfic.

It was quite entertaining and a pretty fun idea.

I'm giving it three stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️

A good read

Because incest is wincest.

Now make them have babies goddamnit!

She is a good sister for making up for it


Side-story idea: why is it that Cadence is unavailable at the same time as her parents? Maybe also the same place?

Sequel idea 1: Twilight creates a remote system that links a fleshlight to her actual rump. Doesn't teleport, but when active it does transmit force, appearance, and taste. She gives it to Shining. She normally leaves it on and only turns it off if she needs to focus on something else. Shining loses possession of it (perhaps stolen, or confiscated), and others use it.

Sequel idea 2: After a tip by Cadence, Flash Sentry addresses Twilight as Fleshlight, and she reflexively presents. Good things follow.

pt 2: Snuggling with him in the barracks after a tryst, she's caught by other guards and has to pretend to be a hyper-realistic sex toy to avoid being caught. She alters her texture to be a bit 'off', and glazes over her own vision so she can't react. Maybe she casts a reactive-doll spell on her own body so she even acts exactly like Flash said she would. They pass her around until Shining finds them and 'confiscates' her.


Now make them have babies goddamnit!

I'm trying! I'm trying!
But those darned ponies just want to be so rational sometimes. My porn logic is not strong enough...


Side-story idea: why is it that Cadence is unavailable at the same time as her parents? Maybe also the same place?

Oh, definitely.
Plot twist: it's actually a perfectly innocent relationship retreat and Cadance is giving them couple's counseling.
"Plot" twist: Cadance's idea of couple's counseling involves quite a lot of sex...

Sequel idea 1: Twilight creates a remote system that links a fleshlight to her actual rump. Doesn't teleport, but when active it does transmit force, appearance, and taste. She gives it to Shining. She normally leaves it on and only turns it off if she needs to focus on something else. Shining loses possession of it (perhaps stolen, or confiscated), and others use it.

If she can turn it off, though...
This story becomes more fun if she can't turn it off.

Sequel idea 2: After a tip by Cadence, Flash Sentry addresses Twilight as Fleshlight, and she reflexively presents. Good things follow.

Could be fun ... though people tend to hate Flash Sentry.

pt 2: Snuggling with him in the barracks after a tryst, she's caught by other guards and has to pretend to be a hyper-realistic sex toy to avoid being caught. She alters her texture to be a bit 'off', and glazes over her own vision so she can't react. Maybe she casts a reactive-doll spell on her own body so she even acts exactly like Flash said she would. They pass her around until Shining finds them and 'confiscates' her.

Now you're just getting carried away, lol!

She can turn it off any time she wants. If she's voluntarily taking it all at every individual moment, that's a different kind of fun.

Fav :) cute story.

Heh figured she hid the darn thing.
I like to imagine it was Twis idea or wish in the first place.

Portal panties sequence??


Heh figured she hid the darn thing.
I like to imagine it was Twis idea or wish in the first place.

Are my Twilights getting too predictable in my stories? :twilightoops: Oh dear...

A fundamentally silly story, with a fun ending!

I figured Cadence was behind this, though I didn't think that the toy was simply swapped out for an actual orange.

Silly and fun is one of the best ways to clop! ^.^

Heh... In most of my stories, if Shining is getting laid, Cadance is probably behind the scenes making it happen somehow.

Have Cadence teach Shining a spell that cancels Twilight's birth control and turns it into a fertility spell.

:twilightoops: Damn, dude ... that's pretty dark.

Clever mares...
Princess of love and passion :ajsmug:👍
Shining Armor sure owned his marefriend a lot!

Great story, though its sad that Shining never focused on his lovers passion, a satisfied mate usually is coming for more after all.

Clop logic doesn't have to be moral.

Better yet. Have Cadance cast it herself. :pinkiecrazy:

Agreed. Shining only has to get his dick wet, not his hooves dirty,


though its sad that Shining never focused on his lovers passion

I assume as their relationship continues, he might move more toward that.

Probably, though its a point of dissatisfaction that he would not take care of his lovers pleasure.
They dance in passion together, so leaving someone hanging is rather... selfish. Furthermore he is military or not? Its teamwork and considering ones friendlies and allies a priority?
Maybe its just me... but for me its a point of priority to put my partners pleasure before mine.
A satisfied partner comes for more, further usually the other side likes to return the favor.
Though in a matter of consideration of that thought pattern i guess Twilight was following my pattern until Shining would start to return the pleasure out of guilt to not have do done before hoove.

Twilight being an oblivious dumb-dumb is a great plot device. Pun intended.
The whole time, I kept wondering if Twilight was being entirely sincere about doing a favor with no sexual desires of her own, or if this was all a setup to enact her secret fetish. Even so, that ending caught me by surprise.

I figure they both knew what they were really doing from the beginning, but they needed the plausible deniability if Twilight playing dumb.

Thanks! ^.^

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