• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


Discord lures three alicorn mares into competing for a unique prize. When two mares lose, they'll blame the contest judge: Shining Armor.

(Loosely!) based on Greek mythology (The Judgement of Paris)
:twilightsmile: :trollestia:

(Cover image source: I edited an MLP:FiM screencap)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Hahaha, that was an entertaining read.

I love this turn of phrase you used here:

Cadance's magic reached for his tail, pulling out a pink, curly hair. "I can see that, Shining. Tell us about your last twenty four hours, why don't you."

Shining saluted again. "Yes, Mare'm, your highness. Your highnesses."

Anyways, a delightful re-imagining of a classic tale, especially with the twist for the ending! I could almost see it being an actual episode. Have an upvote & a new follower!

Well, at least Shining didn't help start a decade-long siege like Paris did.

Delightful! Excellent! I can't believe I hadn't seen this premise in a fic yet. Hell, I still have yet to see any fic use a joke where Discord turns himself into an apple! (I think. I might be forgetting.) Clearly this is a mark against everyone except you, Mockingbirb!

Alternate ending:

Shining: May I see the apple, please?
Celestia: Of course, here you are. So which of us deserves thi-
Celestia: Wow... in one bite, too.
Luna: I'm astonished he was even able to fit it all in his mouth.
Cadance: I'm not!

And then he grows majestic (the most majestic) alicorn wings and flys into the sunset. Must be genetic.

If this leads to the Trojan War will the enemies use a giant wooden human to enter Troy?

I do appreciate how Luna acknowledged the unenviable impossibility of the choice throughout the piece. In all, brilliant work in conflict resolution, and not a single war got declared in the process! Thank you for this.

What a good idea, to map this story from Discord and 3 goddesses in Greece, onto Discord and the three goddess? princesses of Equestria!

I was confused a bit initially; I thought at first this was a prequel to explain how Shining Armor, a guard, ended up married to a princess.

I thought he was gonna say that of course his baby sister is the fairest princess, and have Twilight make sad puppydog eyes at the insinuation of any other decision to convince them to accept his answer.

"She's the most beautiful princess because she's the only princess not making me choose!" would have been pretty funny to me.

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