Oh, hey!
We died cause our world got destroyed!
Now, after a fucking year of training and learning, me and my sibs get to go to Equestria as Changelings(Or the new type we are I call Sparklings). Who knows what will happen? I mean, something funny will happen, funny for us at least!
(Crossover tag because of the teensy tiny problem of a !SPOILERS AHEAD!Tricked you! Did you really think I'd tell?!)
(Redo here!:New Life Flickers (REWRITTEN!!) - Fimfiction)
(And random tag because to little bits of randomness in this Fanfic)
Cancelled right after introductions?
FIxed it :)
Is this a sequel?
Oh, redoing it from the start?
Yep, decided to do a whole new trope since the other one didn't really work well.
No, just a redo
Looks interesting, adding to tracking.