• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
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Forget not that I am a derp.


The Pie sisters all love each other. They even like each other, which is more than some siblings can say.

They do not, however, understand one another. And that applies to Pinkie trying to make sense of the others as much as them trying to wrap their heads around her.

But they're still there for one another, because that's what family's for. Even when family comes home bleeding and lovestruck in equal measure.

A regrettably ineligible entry in Spring Fling 2: Rainbow Rocks Boogaloo. Remember, folks, always read all of the rules. Rated Teen for the couple being unbound from the constraints of TV-Y7.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Huh, yeah, I can see this pairing. Snazzy!

Call that a meet brute.

(I didn't catch the Homestuck reference and read that as "kiss me sis", which would have been a very different story.)

"Oh, that's easy," said Pinkie, happy to chip in on familiar territory. "Like This™."



I love it.

Kismesis can exist only in fiction anyway. Real people can have complex enough emotions to love and hate someone at the same time. The true opposite to love in my opinion are shades of indifference -- that can ruin any meaningful relationship between anyone pretty fast.

I liked this story! :twilightsmile:

I enjoyed this, would love to see how their date goes as well as a more detailed scene of their fight

"Look, Pinkie's the social one. Besides, you haven't had to listen to dipshits insist that automated text vomit is The Future™ all year."

"Hmm?" said Marble as she led the way out of the bathroom.

"Oh, that's easy," said Pinkie, happy to chip in on familiar territory. "Like This™."



Ahh, the beautiful art of Tradesnark™. Less emphasis on the "snark" part.

This is a really interesting pairing that I can see working out, and you wrote it beautifully. Very well done.

I'm guessing Limestone isn't Rainbow Rocks canon, then?

This was well done.
Every character felt like themselves.
Entertaining and amusing story, to boot!
Thanks for sharing.

The title of the story alone made me love it, but then the 'Trademark Talk' started and I just freaking LOVE how you write the Pies :pinkiehappy: You rock! (pun intended :raritywink:)

Jeez, slap slap kiss taken to a whole different level. Those to are pure deredere, no tsuntsun anywhere.

So what disqualified this little gem, anyway?

"A proper young lady does not kiss and tell," said Limestone, arms crossed and nose in the air."

You have an extra quotation mark there.

“Two. Can I have one?”

I hadn't heard of ladyfingers before reading this, and the thought that Limestone was asking to have one of Pinkie's actual flesh fingers apparently didn't seem that strange to me at first.

Anyway I love this pairing and really enjoyed this. I choose to believe it'd quite handily win if it'd been eligible.

This story is a good reminder that when looking for a romantic partner, it's advisable to find someone who complements you. Finding someone who compliments you is optional.

Marble was also home for the summer from her time at the University's of Abyssinia's private pre-enrollment program. She rushed down the stairs, quick as her twin and ten times as quiet.

Ten times? She's becoming more outgoing as she gets older.


So what disqualified this little gem, anyway?

All members of the romance have to be canon, and Limestone was never an Equestria Girls character.

Still, FanOfMostEverything put in a better showing for the contest than I did. When the Summer Shipping Spectacular was announced and I tried to brainstorm something for it, the best idea I came up with didn't quite meet the contest requirements, so I never fleshed it out. At least FOME got an entertaining published story out of this.

“Fine, fine. Why does Aria always get the good nemeses?” Sonata muttered as she sulked her way into the van.

“Because you have resting cute face,” Aria called after her.

Squeaking springs announced Sonata flopping onto the couch. “Do not!”

I like the idea that a siren can have (be 'afflicted with') resting cute face, and that this is a problem! And that the afflicted siren is, naturally, Sonata.

Huh. Well, I'd be lying if I said I was sold on the... pairing? I mean, I guess it's still a pairing, but it feels weird to say in this context... though given the whole idea of romantic hate is delightfully weird, that does seem appropriate.

In any case, while I'm not sold on the romantic aspect, the antagonism works very well and, as someone who also dislikes the sirens for multiple reasons, I wholeheartedly support one getting punched repeatedly. And given that, as I am grudgingly forced to acknowledge, they likely have at least a decent amount of experience in scraps from their many years of life, a rock farmer's probably the best person to lay a beatdown on one, even if a reciprocal one.

Plus, if I had to spend all day surrounded by AI techbros, odds are high there'd be a rifle and a clock tower in my future, so who am I to judge?

That's rough about the disqualification. As much as I should probably count my blessings to not have the competition, it feels like Limestone should be an eligible character since her existence in the EqG universe can be infered easily enough.

Seeing Limestone happy makes me so happy! :heart:

I dare you to recast Limestone as Boulder and resubmit this story to the competition

I believe the intended portmanteau is kismet + nemesis, your fated foe connected by a red string of hate.

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The Joke™ is definitely the part of the story I'm most proud of, yes.

Sadly, since I was starting the story on the last weekend before the contest deadline, fight scene choreography was one of the first things I had to jettison. (Plus, given that I'd already shown the end results, it felt redundant.)

Strike that, reverse it. Remember that other anime personality tropes include the kuudere (sweet, but with little emotional affect) and the yandere (outwardly sweet, but murderously obsessive.)

"Foul is fair" implies "fair is foul," which leads to all kinds of fun implications.

:pinkiehappy: "Don't worry, fingers grow back!"

It was definitely an interesting challenge, but finding an excuse to punch disliked characters can be a tremendous boon to inspiration. (And yes, poor Limestone, who has an actual business she intends to run rather than trying to act as a venture capital honeypot, needed the catharsis.)

Eh, that's on me. The rules spelled out that condition quite clearly and I never actually read that part of them until the judges pointed it out. I'm still happy with the end result, especially given how many people enjoyed it.

oh so that's why smitten has two meanings

amazing fic btw I love the pairing

I desperately want a sequel were they learn each others names


Kismesis can exist only in fiction anyway. Real people can have complex enough emotions to love and hate someone at the same time.

Yes, that's exactly how kismesitude works. There's supposed to be things about your kismesis that you actually like and respect as well as things that you can't stand, it's the irreconcilable tension between the two that gives the relationship its emotional energy.

It's a unique but a good pairing. I hope to see you make the most of this.

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