• Member Since 6th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago



When the defenders received an invitation from Queen Skystar, they visited Mt. Aris and Seaquestria for the first time. But then, an evil sea witch, named Shelbie appeared, announcing she's going to take over. So the defenders, along with Skystar's daughter Princess Angel Adella, her boyfriend she loved named Flounder Finn, and three Hippogriff/seapony foals named Sheldon Seahorse, Zion Zooplank, and Pearl Popps, went on a quest to find and stop Shelbie, and save the the kingdoms and the ocean.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 3 )

I don't see Lauren Faust mentioned in fanfic? Are you sure it should go into My Little Show Staff group?

It's also in nsfw folders in some groups, despite being rated E. Methinks the author threw it into several folders it doesn't belong in.

Oh for Pete's sake: This shouldn't be in Rebirth of Magic! >:/

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