• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


No way of knowing, where we'll be going, our adventures never end!


Tree Hugger is exploring Earth on her own terms and at her own pace. Sometimes she poses for artists to make a few dollars.

Written for Admiral Biscuit's challenge/request/not-a-contest for more slice of life fics featuring ponies working on Earth:


Pre-read & edited by: NudeRei & Admiral Biscuit

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

"Why won't you let me put likes on your stories, Always?" :twilightsmile:

You wrote Tree Hugger with a strong sense of the character and of your interpretation of her, and she carried the story to make it good and fun.

Her atttudes about art and how she puts them into practice are interesting to see, imho.

Also, cute ending.

I'd definitely upvote this if i could. Guess i'll have to settle for this comment.

Love the way you wrote treehugger. Sidestepping the cliches while still keeping her identity.

I like it when Tree Hugger is portrayed philosophically and not just made a weed joke.

Like, totally righteous, dude.

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