• Member Since 11th May, 2024
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Willow NightSong24

Writing isn't just a hobby. It's an art. And, for some, it's a lifeline


Izzy always felt like an outcast in Bridlewood, never truly feeling at home, despite growing up there.

One particular visit to Starlight Ridge explains why…

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 9 )

"¡¿Soy mitad auroricornio?!"

Omg 😯😯😯

Great story, Can't wait to read more.

How do we not have a Comet tag even now, cmon, the authorities gotta show him a lil love

Agreed. Totally looked for it and when I couldn't find it, I was a bit peeved :flutterrage:

I really like this idea and storyline. You think Izzy might be better adapted to walking around in the snow guess those genes didnt come with 😂

Well, just look at Comet. He's full auroricorn and he invented trip skating 😂

Really great story so far.

This story was beautiful. Great job!!

Thank you so much! You have no idea how much that means to me, coming from you. You're actually the reason I started writing fimfiction. I'm a big fan of your Misty Saga and I've read every story you've written. When I learned you had ASD, and you were able to write amazing stories, it inspired me. I also have ASD as well as other things, so thank you. :scootangel:

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