• Member Since 5th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



Modernization, an inevitability every individual in and out of society comes to face, isn't without drawbacks so to speak of: the youth of yesterday and today are no exception, especially considering how vulnerable they're to even the strangest changes as is; even now, mass media has become more decentralized than ever before to and for many a viewer, even for the homeless themselves all the same.

The reason for it is simple - the more aware people are of other worlds, the more it's likely the awareness is reflected back; in this case, a stray individual out in the land of ponies has become a random encounter that many would find unheard of as is: after all, who would want to believe some person from another world had ended up here of all places and in the tired state thereof no less?

Vicissitudes aside, this was supposed to be another event in a seemingly long chain of times in the road of history and reality altogether: of its aspects were two ponies whom had found themselves in the centerpiece of it all, out on a shared outing above all else either way; however, whatever troubled the visitor's mind may as well had wreaked more than enough havoc to shatter the ability to differentiate.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest III in the Drama category.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

mulberry tress

ok i do like this description of Rarity mane

The eponymous mare

ok normally you do a surprisingly good job in actually using the big words correctly but how is this eponymous?

Nevertheless, sixteen shots were fired at their shared direction, no doubt the work from the likes of him whom was at wits’ end: thankfully, they were all caught in midair, stopping between the mares and their attacker as the metal pieces were held in place; still, he’d ended falling back to the earth, this time unable to remain conscious like he’d done earlier before the whole attack.

well once again there is at least a distinctive poetic quality in how the words you use clash together and how the grammar is sometimes just ever-so-slightly off-kilter and how the characters don’t speak like actual people but rather ike characters from a surrealist newspaper strip from the 1920s Krazy Kat-style or sth but once again i am at a loss as to how this coheres together into any form of story.


That is what we and they would call a typo, the result of what happens when time is limited but vocabulary grows in retrospect as is: speaking of which, words like eponymous were meant to be used in the event one of the characters directed attention with their talk; on a similar note, this was inspired by Smiling Friends episode, Frowning Friends, to cope with my disbelief in the popular web content.

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