UPDATES: Irregular, hopefully weekly.
It's been over a decade since the changeling invasion of Canterlot. Equestria and the Changeling Hive are at peace and tentative political allies. However, while changelings have been allowed to live in pony cities, no pony has ever been allowed to even visit the hive itself. Until now.
When the opportunity to visit the changeling hive in person in return for arranging a trip for a group of changeling drones to the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle uses her connections and jumps on it. After all, who better than a researcher like her to uncover the secrets of changeling daily life.
Cadance and Shining Armor can deal with a couple drones, right? Besides, crystals are notoriously hard to set on fire.
Yikes. A Twilight and your Changelings combo.
Before I read, I believe both parties are going drive one another mad. Specifically, the drones drives Twilight and Twilight drives the higher ranks.
I'll definitely keep an eye on this!
I feel like, in the event that the Drones discover what Democracy is, they'll add a new faction to their tabletop game: The Hive Divers of the Super Hive!
Twi: "Science!" 99856 and 99111: "scients!" *something explodes*
Oh don't worry, the Holedivers are coming.
that's... new, to say the least - i don't think i've seen a drone be actively horny/attracted to someone before (if you dont count the fiasco one drone had with that griffon in "they're on a holiday") ...unless im greatly misinterpreting this)holy fuck, im retarded. she meant MAIL.anyways, great to see more canon characters interact with the drones - can't wait for the next chapters!
Twilight's neurotic nature still touches on the rude side, but this time it isn't cute since we know those 'lings. And probably the lack of visual stimulation kinda does that normally.
Otherwise, this Twilight doesn't seem as bad as I had been led to imagine. Now she's just a little foxy nerd. Wouldn't have thought she would do this in front of, and to, her idol.
It's nice to see that smiley still make chalks.
Whispershade though... I'll assume that he isn't stalking the princess that is stalking his old
marefriendfriend. Probably either doing typical 387 stuff or... starting a new hive.I had to rack my imagination for who Celestia had in mind until it hit me while writing up this comment. I'm just gonna say, I would love to see the thestrals get to tag along instead! I am not going to fumble and guess their names like Blazing and Guiding...
... but I'm hoping that that one mare finally got her ungranted wish: she has a drone that refers to her as mom. At least, one that isn't 65536.
I can imagine 65536 just so happens to tag along and act as these unwieldy duo's, trio if the third one is just as crazy, foalsitter.
But I doubt it'll be the bats. Oh well.
But I am curious who the third creature would be!
That's a funnier reaction than anything I could have written and I love that you crossed it out instead of deleting it.
My image of young Twilight was always someone who means well, but often just forgets to act like a pony first and scientist second.
WS is 387's friend, not 387. 387 is still on his trip around the world.
Well, Zamira got her wish last time, so we do have one debt left.
Where would be the fun in that? Let's let Twiggy explore
The Super Hive prides itself on being democratic and free, with anyling able to stand for a leadership position in the hive. However, in Changeling hive fashion, everyone instinctively understands that the best lings for the job are the royal caste (IE, the Elected Queen and her kids), so elections usually always go the same way: The Elected Queen wins in a landslide victory with secondary votes meant to reveal how her kids are viewed by the hive at large (which castes are supporting which heir and that sort of thing). The hive mind makes the election process rather swift.
Elections where the former Elected Queen has either retired or died and thus are dedicated to electing her replacement tend to be affairs in which the heirs pull out all the stops to attempt to win the support of a majority of the Hive, with the 'Vice Queen' being a caretaker role to keep things functioning until the election is over (The Vice Queen normally wins the election, but its not a sure thing).
Twiggy: "actually it's democr- *alotofthings explodes*
Also, all these comments are HILARIOUS. Especially the crossed out mail one.
Eh, they've got past experience. Just start a big match of Shufflestick and you should be good.
In fairness, they are probably either questioning her motives for inquiring about such things and thus want to play it safe, fear retaliation from certain changelings higher up the chain of command than them finding out and enacting punishment for revealing something unwanted, or some combination of both. Probably depends on the type of changeling, their rank, and their exact affiliations.
Of course, statements like that right there present yet another reason why 'lings are so distant around Twilight--she do be crazy at times, and nobody really wants to be her target of interest during such...episodes.
Gasp! Smiley?
Bigger gasp! Smiley!
...which has never ever been Twilight's strong suit, so...y'know...this can only go well.
Well, sounds like life has been well for Smiley if she's in such clearly good spirits.
...Well! How about that, then?
Oh dear--the drones have been experimenting with fireworks. That makes the no deaths that year victory all that much more of a feat.
Huh! Smiley...an author! One of those things that I somehow never thought of her doing but now seems so obvious in retrospect, given she already communicates best in writing anyway.
Aww, lookit how verbose our little Smiley has gotten!
Our gal's come a long way, hasn't she?
The fact she actually has to promise that says oodles.
Hey, you were the one who was speculating on how collected love doubled as both as food and a form of payment, Twi. You really surprised that's the conclusions a changeling chose to interpret it as? I'd say especially coming from a drone (well...more a Silent operating far beyond her originally intended parameters, but in this case the difference is moot) but Twilight clearly has managed to miss experiencing the joy that is interacting with drones up to now.
I daresay we need to change that.
Hope she stopped to visit the lighthouse while she was there. After all, it'll be another generation or so before Sprout knocks it over.
Probably going to have to explain to her that the lava cake doesn't actually include real lava. Especially as I'd imagine that can still be a touchy subject with Smiley.
65536 is probably a bit bias on that matter anyway.
So I actually didn't realize it was you who was writing this tale, Nameless, until after I had already pulled up the story, read through the description, and decided I wanted to read this one anyway. So that right there already suggests we're off to a good start here.
Changelings being adorable and Twilight twilighting...great times ahead!
Chrysalis wants to know your location and she's assured me that she only wants to talk about this "democracy" thing. Although she likes the concept of "one ling, one vote". She's the one ling, so she gets the vote.
"Friendly fire isn't!"
It's gonna be a slow one, though. With my limited time, energy and, frankly, creativity I can't upload as I used to.
The battle between science and droning begins!
Inside Sombra's secret dungeon: "I charge my Equestri lancers into your...?" D: "Blob of evil gummy bears! And they all die- I mean they retreat into my mouth for safekeeping." *munches uncontrollably*
I'd assume this is more the reason.
Smiley: [Gasp! A face from outer dimension is watching me!] *Waves nervously*
Take your guesses how many drones are going to end up in a tube.
You get some fraction of what you give and, because this is a fantasy world, effort counts. (oops, the intrusive thoughts slipped out)
10k: "POINT IT AWAY FROM YOURSELF! DON'T LOOK INSIDE! AAAAAAH!" *Constant state of panic.*
In case I didn't make it obvious - a journalist. I don't know if there's a world for someone who travels various places and writes down stuff about local traditions, interesting things, people, and anything that might interest those who don't/can't travel themselves.
4 years ago, or however long it's been since TE, I definitely wasn't planning any of this. I like when characters run off and start doing their own stuff.
Twiggy be Twiggy-ing.
Hopefully, she'll expand the scientific knowledge past - small bug, big bug. We're working here with a world where Thorax never happened, so lings are a big mystery.
Someone gave her just the biggest shiny which she traded in some forest village for a whole bunch of books to read! (deeeefinitely non-canon)
WS: "Lava ca-"
"-cheescake it is!"
I daresay 65536 could be one of the more reliable judges. It, more than most other changelings, knows about crime, consequences, and reformation. It's lived through times of crazy Chrysalis and knwos how the hive works now.
Hopefully, I'll lure in some other victi- readers who then proceed to read Boss' stories, all drone stuff, and maybe even Blazing's insanity.
https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/nxivof/xenotech_analysis/ Twilight dealing with Drone 'science'.
If there's someone who can figure out drone weirdness, it's Twiggy.
Or maybe not. We'll see.
It's so nice to see Smiley doing well and making friends, I'm so proud of her. I hope we get to see 99999 again. It's also nice to see twiggles is still twiggin even with everything that's happened over the years.
I don't intend for quickload ling to show up for this one (damn it, I should have named it F6 in some convoluted way). Anyway, yes, go Smiley!
ahaha is 64K going to the bodyguard? I hope so.
Well, actually, since it'd be the changeling embassy she'd be saying this to, it'd more likely just go: "Oh, so you mean Smiley?" "Yes, that's the one!" and it'd just go on fine from there. Or at least as close to "fine" as it ever gets around the 'lings.
Yeah, figured it'd be drones. After all, as naive and inexperienced as they tend to be, it has been demonstrated repeatedly that they're pretty darn good in the PR department, so who better for running an embassy office?
...well, probably somebody who knows how to run an embassy office, what an embassy office does, or what the heck an embassy office even is...but other than that...
Best get used to it, Twilight--I suspect you're going to be dealing with a lot of this at the hive.
Oh, just wait until you see the drone laboratories, Twi. You will probably be both amazed and horrified by their methods there.
Well, with religion or theology/mythology of any sort, whether or not it is "wrong" kind of depends on who you ask and what your own beliefs are. Theoretically, at least from the secular standpoint, religion could really be anything you want it to be, and I don't really see any reason why the drone "mythology" should be an exception. Heck, it's honestly one of the drones most endearing traits for me, those insights on how they view the deeper concepts of life, because they usually have a knack for making those deep concepts feel a bit less deep and bit more approachable.
I hope this becomes a reoccurring way of well-wishing between Twilight and any other drones she meets moving forward.
Nope. Not this time
It's an upgrade from the former well-wishing between Drones. "I hope the Higher Ranks you meet aren't bored or hungry."
This makes me very very happy.
Thankfully (or not, depending on your point of view), there are almost no drones left to remember, only 10k, 20100, 57999, 65536, Three, and Smiley.
Gotta be nice to Twilight, it's her first day.
I did spend some time googling what an embassy does and figuring out how to fit drones into it wasn't easy. But, from what we've heard, 99 is in charge and Ds cycle working there and learning about the surface... and paperwork.
Maybe, maybe not. After all, the one out of her depth will be Twiggy, not the Ds.
I like Neil deGrasse Tyson's take on belief (not organized religion, big difference. Fuck organized religion), which I won't repeat here because it's long and I'd butcher it. In this case, however, Tirek's rampage is canon and Twi was in charge of controlling the sun, so I think she may have a point about where it goes at night.
That sounds like a fun idea to incorporate. I'll try to remember.
I'm a gloomy bastard, but I CAST: CONJURE HAPPY!
Changeling buerocracy is nice. Can I apply to be an accountant for them? So much easier
Are you proficient with HiveMind-based computing, love-to-shiny conversion rates, and places where drones like being scratched?
If so, apply now!
While Hive-based Systems are not yet in my skillbase, I am eager to learn and work well with yet unknown Systems, mastering them in no time. I am fluent in the conversion of obscure currencies, which includes love, Lust, 3 Variante of shiny (glitter, gleam and shine), favors and cookies. And as owner of two cats I can surely say that I know ALL the places to scratch.
Drones to Chrysalis: "CAN WE KEEP HIM? CAN WE, CAN WE?"
CH: "Fiiine, but you're responsible for the food and going on walks. "
Twilight becomes a Skibidi Toilet and then a typical Discord mod.
I love how all these jokes land! Especially the triple-hit ending; the body research assistant!
I am assuming this BA is also part of the Blazing/Guiding storyline? Other than that, I am not sure what to think about her yet. Sure seems curious that Luna's choice of guard isn't a bat/thestral. Now all that is left is the Empire's choice of creature.
I can't help but imagining that these drones sounds like a unique character rising hidden gem game.
His name is Car, from Garn47.
Apparently this smaller game is hidden deep within the Friday Night Funkin' files.
I imagine that these drones are also just as expressive as Car!
He's a Friendly Fellow!
She, however, actually does her own research. With tubes and notes and experiments and everything.
Well, that's why the chapter one took a month and a half or more, I can't recall when my buffer from They're home ran out and I started thinking about a new story. That's a tempo I don't like, though.
DEFINITELY not. I 100% thought she wouldn't be difficult to figure out, especially with such a... vibrant personality.
Pitch-wise, it's close, but it's a bit too high even for the drones, and they definitely don't have the "goo goo gaga" bad enunciation, but it is close.
Less creepy, LESS CREEPY! I always more imagined them like smiling Pinkie along with the *squee* when she does it.
Wow. A new story featuring cute Drones. The atmosphere of sweet madness in these stories always lifts my spirits.
Wish I could wrie and upload more often, but after over 10 years it's hard to remain original and creative.
I don't know if you intended to make this reference or not
I have no idea what the reference is originally from, but at this point it's a well-known expression-
Batman Beyond
There's a spelling mistake there. You meant to say 'Yes'.
99200 aka Sam Porter Bridges.
Yes, that probably would need to be high on the list of things to tell her--we haven't met very many non-changelings who didn't want to take at least one drone home after meeting them.
Anyway, sounds like 65536 will be preoccupied with other affairs this outing.
Well...unless it somehow manages to survive being eaten, I think it'd be a LOT longer than week.
Why Chryssi...I do believe you're starting to soften along on the edges. Enough for those soft spots you've always made a point of keeping hidden to start showing a little more obviously now.
Actually, I have to agree with that--not only would it be more fun that way, but it'd also be, in some ways, a show of trust both ways.
Did "99200" manage to distinguish himself in any way in previous stories or is he a new character? I just don't remember him, but he is appointed as the main character.
To me, it feels like something I could have written in a week in ye olden days.
One fifth of his size with the same carry capacity.
Gloom and Zamira are the two extremes.
65536, Gem, and Hunter are going to have such a better adventure off screen than what we're going to get here.
Don't try to logic with a spooked drone.
It may not have been the main focus of the New Order trilogy, but Bugbutt had her own character arc culminating in NOT killing 156 and everyone else last time.
Translation: "It's just a little trolling, 156."
Pretty much just this chapter from They'Re Home: Oops
The adventurer bug becomes a roguish drone. Not bad. Hell, he's an excellent Monster Hunter in the making!
What 99200 is doing, based on how you've painted its scenes, it kinda reminds me a bit of GTFO. Except, there isn't a Warden that sends him down. The similarities is that smog/mist/smoke that affects everyone and the terrible darkness that hides real monsters.
All that's missing is those special tentacle-y dudes, tank dudes, and an extraction point.
What Chrysalis needs is to start a
Changeling Space ProgramDrone Reproducible Genetics program. DRG for short.ROCK AND STONE, BROTHERS!
All that's required is to do that is to start improving the general intelligence of her Kingdom/Queendom. Or get lucky with a genetics drone, researcher or otherwise.
That Body Assistant sure is getting her hooves full. One pervert and one possible drone-napper.
I wonder, does Gloomy have any foals yet? Surely, not being able to coddle 65536 at every moment has got to get her to act up.
Wait... how old was she when 65536 met the Night squad? And how long ago was that???
Glad to hear 156 is finding her stride as the Queen's shadow. If the Queen is not able to rule, having someling trustworthy to keep stability and the Queen's will enforced is a pretty good plan. Though... I kinda got mixed up with her and 99. Which one is the manager and which one is the possible ambassador?
With what Chrysalis has been doing so far, building trust is the right way to go. Releasing 99380 must have been a hard internal battle.
It's good to hear that Twilight's perviness is immortalized. I wonder what the other Princesses would think...
- Explorer/survivalist bug has had an excellent teacher in 65536 over 2 visits, and is a good learner. Maybe that's why 10k picked it to lead the drones in its absence - someone who understands that the more you understand and control your surroundings, the less is there to fear.
- No GTFO. The extraction shooter we're getting is Holedivers and that's final.
Drones somehow start getting wasted on Leaf Lovers' and Twilight finds that the entire hive consists of tiny alcoholics.
I would have to dig a LOT in regard to Gloom's age, but it's been about 12 years since the invasion, so by now she'd be 40-ish. And no, no foals. I recall having some scenes with her about that.
After the conspiracy she pulled off in They're Home, it's safe to say that Bugbutt trusts her.
99 is the new one whom Bugbutt tried to hatch as a classless changeling and who is now heading the Embassy in Canterlot (the 99 is the clue, just like when all post-invasion drones start with 99). 156 is the second in command. Re-read They're Everywhere!, there might be answer to Gloom's age there too, and it's not as if I'm uploading often right now.
Molestia is semi-canon. I can't even begin to imagine how pent-up Luna still must be. And don't get me started on Cadance.
I have heard of a "monster" known as "Three Kobolds in a Cloak" and the shear strangness of your changling drones makes me beleive that some little town someplace there is "Four Drones in a Cloak". Sure everyone knows it is a bunch of changling drones, but they are just so polite and chearfull that no pony want to ruin it for them.
It's also easily defeated by giving it anything shiny, upon which it thanks you, wobbles away, and uses it to buy something sweet at a local store.
If there is one thing about drones that remains constant, it is their combination of being absolutely adorable and walking repositories of PTSD horrors.
Lovely chapter.
Ah, yes.
The drones and their unintentional saucy one liners.
So... who is the third member? Or they haven't arrive yet?
Is it safe to assume that Blazing will also be here and not in an alternate of an alternate universe? And also further in the future too?
I just realised, wasn't Boss technically a drone who had believed to be the only last surviving Changeling forced into royalty?
At least, since the memories failed to jump to 8...
I'm going to imagine that Chrysalis will end up making the perfect creature. A perfect Changeling with no downsides whatsoever; basically like a normal pony.
Helps keep the ego in check too, Chryssi's other major crippling trait.
Nah, I think you were right to tell her what for, Gloom. Twilight was being typically Twilight there and needed the reminder that the reality is a bit more complicated and not so impersonal as she was inadvertently making it out to be. She needed the reminding on that, and odds are she'll need it again before this adventure is over too.
Day immediately made!
Random drone: AAH, A CLANKER PONY!
Aaand now to wait another month.
There isn't any. "Twilight and one research assistant".
There's a chronological order of stories a couple of my blog posts back. At this point in time, Blazing is dead.
Yes, that's partially what Chrysalis bases her theory on.
Or she turns herself into a demigod. With her, it's always a 50-50.
And one of her funniest features.
Considering that we've learned so far that Gloom gives zero fks about Twilight and is pretty sure there won't be any need for bodyguarding, she might need some creative way to occupy herself.
That's how you get bat bites Twiggles, and you don't want that. You'd have to go to the doctor and get rabies shots and it's just a big ol' hassle. Best not to chance it.
Anyway, I bet once Twilight hugs a few drones herself she'll see the error of her ways.
- Specifically from this bat.
- Unless Gloom tells Ds that whoever hugs Twilight first gets something, and Twi has to flee from the flood of huggery.