• Published 6th Jul 2024
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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Royal Brotherhood - HarryBuilder

Helios and Orion, twin alicorn brothers, join seven mare in adventures of friendship, danger and legend on their path to the throne.

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Chapter 1: Friendship is Magic Part 1

Helios flew across the sky, feeling the wind in his mane as he did a few rolls, a loop-de-loop before diving down, “Yee-haw!” Helios cheered as he pulled up and glided across the river, before shooting straight back up, revolving around a tower with one hoof and taking off again, “Whoo!” He whooped.

The years had grown kind to Helios as he grew into a handsome young stallion, with power wings and still wore his signature red scarf.

As he flew around, he saw Orion, Sunset and Twilight hanging out in the park, the latter was reading through a book as usual, “Guys!” Helios said as soared down to them, “Sorry I'm late, was doing some new tricks in the air and lost track of time.” He said.

“Hehe, always with your head in the clouds, huh, brother?” Orion asked with an amusing smile.

“Hey, can you blame me? You're all about knowledge, but I'm an action colt!” Helios said with a smile and rearing up.

“Well, you didn't miss much,” Sunset said while gesturing to Twilight who was still reading, “Twi was just finishing up the Tale of the Two Sister,”

“Wait, that old story?” Helios asked in interest as he sat down next to his brother.

“Yep. And apparently, she’s way into the book to notice.” Sunset added with a small smirk while Twilight reads the book.

“From that day on, the elder sister took on responsibility for both sun and moon and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since.” Twilight finished reading with a curious look. “Hmm… Elements of Harmony. I know I've heard of those before… But where?”

Helios, Orion and Sunset looked at each other, “Uh oh, I know that look,” Helios commented.

“Here we go again.” Orion said with a rolled of his eyes as Twilight stood up and placed the book in her saddle bag.

“Come on guys. We got to research the Elements of Harmony.” Twilight said as she walked off.

“Twilight, it's the holiday. The princess told us to spend some time away from the Library,” Sunset reminded their friend.

“This will only take a sec,” Twilight promised as she trotted off.

“More like a century,” Helios snarked as the three followed after her.

As the four walked down the path they bumped into some their classmates from Magic School, “Minuette, Twinkle Shine, Lemon Hearts. It's good to see you,” Orion greeted.

“Hi Orion, Sunset, Helios, Twilight.” Minuette said with a smile.

"Moon Dancer is having a little get-together in the west castle courtyard. You wanna come?" Twinkleshine asked with a smile.

Sunset then remembered, “Oh right, today's Moondancer's birthday,” She realized, “Sure, we'd love to-”

“Oh, sorry girls. We got a lot of studying to catch up on,” Twilight said nervously, gesturing to her book.

“What? But Twilight, Moondancer's throwing a-” Helios couldn't finish as Twilight raced off, “And there she goes,” He sighed while Sunset raised a brow while Orion shook his head.

Helios then turned to the three mares, “Sorry girls, you know how Twilight is,” he apologized.

“Ugh, yeah, but does that mare do anything besides studying?” Twinkleshine asked with a brow.

“I think she's more interested in books than friends,” Lemonheart commented, “I mean, why do you three still put up with her?” she asked.

“Well for one thing, it’s so that she doesn’t get lonely and trying to get her more social…” Orion said with a frown. “And also, we can’t let her keep having Spike do the heavy lifting at his age.”

“Don't worry, we'll get her to come,” Sunset promised as she and the princes ran after Twilight, “Tell Moondancer we’ll be there soon!” She called.

Twilight rushed down the path in full focus, “I know I heard of the Elements of Harmony,” she told herself as she passed Lyra and another unicorn but didn't stop to wave back at the former while her friends were behind her.

“Hi, Lyra!” Helios waved as he flew past her.

“Lovely day, huh?” Orion asked, flying by too.

“Sure is.” Lyra said before she gave a small chuckle. “Twilight’s going into study mode?”

“You know it.” Sunset said as she rushed past her. “See you at the Summer Sun Celebration!” She added.

“See ya!” Lyra waved to them.

The four then came to a tall, golden tower representing both their sort of clubhouse and their research station.

Inside, the baby dragon Twilight hatched on her exam, which she affectionately named Spike, was walking to the door with a red present bow with a gold ribbon. Until the door swung open and knocked him away while Twilight walked in.

“Spike? Spike?!” Twilight called before she saw Spike on the ground, rubbing his head, and gasped in worry, “Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't see you there! You didn't break something, did you?” Twilight asked, frantically picking Spike up and looking him over.

“Um, Twilight?” Spike tried to say, after getting the cobwebs out of his head.

“Catch a fever? Get a hang claw?” Twilight asked, feeling his forehead and checking his claws.

“Easy, Twilight.” Orion said as he and Helios flew in through the window while Sunset walked in. The dark Prince then grabbed Twilight and gently pushed her away from Spike. “I think Spike is fine. Right, big guy?” He asked the baby dragon.

“Yeah.” Spike said while rubbing his head. “It’s a good thing dragons have thick scales. But it still stings from that impact.”

Twilight then pulled Spike into a quick hug, “If something happened to you, I don’t know what I'd do with myself,” She told the baby dragon.

“Hey, don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.” Spike assured as Twilight gave a small smile before putting him down.

“Good, now quick,” Twilight said, rushing to the Bookshelves, “Help me find that copy of Perdictions and Prophecies.” She requested, looking through the books.

“And she’s back.” Helios said with a dull look as Sunset noticed a box that was crushed.

“Uh, Spike, what was that?” Sunset asked.

"It was a gift for Moon Dancer, but…" Spike muttered as he kicked the gift aside, which gave off a squeak.

“It got crushed when Twilight slammed the door in your face, huh?” Orion asked with a brow.

“You guessed it.” Spike said with a roll of his eyes as Sunset place an assuring hoof on his shoulder while it specting the gift which was a teddy bear and picture of them, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Heart and what looked to be a Twilight look alike, but was white with a red mane and glasses.

“You four know we don't have time for that sort of thing," Twilight frowned as she kept searching.

“But I thought we were on a break?” Spike asked.

“And Twilight, when do you ever have time for anything that doesn't involve books?” Orion asked with a brow.

Twilight didn't listen as she used her magic to pull out multiple books from the shelves, looking through each one, "No, no, no… No, no, no!" Twilight grunted in frustration, seeing none of these titles showed the information she needed.

“Are you even listening?” Helios questioned with a brow.

“Ugh! Where is it?!” Twilight yelled.

“Twilight, relax, Elements of Harmony, see: Mare in the Moon is right here,” Sunset said, bringing over the book with her magic. Twilight stopped as her eyes widened as she smiled and use her magic to take the book out of Sunset’s. “You’re welcome!” She said.

“Mare in the Moon?” Spike repeated in confusion, “But that's just an old ponytale.” He said.

“Not according to mom,” Helios said as he and Orion knew better about the legend.

"Mare… Mare… Aha!" Twilight exclaimed, finding what she was looking for.

"’The Mare in the Moon, myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal!’" Twilight reads while the others listen. “Guys! Do you know what this means?!”

“No.” Spike said with a brow.

“Yeah, it means you need to stop reading so many books.” Helios said while rubbing his head.

Sunset then thought for a moment, “Wait, the longest day of the year, that’s the Summer Sun Celebration, right?” She asked.

“Your right, and the Thousand year of it, is this year,” Orion added in thought.

“And hey, isn't the Summer Sun Celebration…” Helios stopped as their eyes widened. “Oh no,” He gasped in worry.

“Spike! Send a note to Princess Celestia!” Twilight instructed.

"Okie-dokie!" Spike said as he grabbed a quill and some paper. Suffice to say, Spike had gotten good at writing as fast as Twilight could speak.

"My dearest teacher," Twilight began, pacing about the room. "My continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster!"

"Hold on," Spike interrupts. While Spike was a fast writer, sometimes Twilight had a tendency of using words far too… Complex for his caliber. "Preci… Preci…"

"Threshold," Twilight proposed instead.


“Oh, just give it to me!” Orion said in annoyance as he snatched the paper and quill from Spike and wrote it down. “For you see, the mythical 'Mare in the Moon' is in fact 'Nightmare Moon', and she's about to return to Equestria, and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure that this terrible prophecy does not come true. We await your quick response. You’re sons and faithful students.” He said as he finished writing their names in and toss it to Spike.

“Now send it.” Twilight told the baby dragon.

“Wait, you mean right now?” Spike asked.

“Of course!” Twilight said.

Spike was about to send it when he realized something important. "Uh, I dunno," Spike replied, holding the letter. "Princess Celestia's a little busy getting ready for the Summer Sun Celebration. And it's like, the day after tomorrow."

"That's just it, Spike," Twilight pointed out, in his face. "The day after tomorrow is the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration! It's imperative that the Princess is told right away!"

"Impera… Impera…" Spike tried to repeat as Twilight, Sunset, Orion and Helios rolled their eyes.

"Important!" The four bellow bellowed at him.

"Whoa!" Spike exclaimed as tumbled backwards toward a bookshelf but Sunset caught him in a magic bubble before the impact.

“Sorry, Spike,” Sunset apologized.

“We really need to work on your vocabulary, bud.” Helios said with a cringe.

“Still, your concern is valid Twilight, but you can't assume everything from those dusty old books,” Orion told the Purple Unicorn.

“I am never wrong.” Twilight insisted. “Now send it, Spike.”

Taking a deep breath, Spike blew a green flame over the letter as it magically disappeared into the sky. "There, it's on its way. But I wouldn't hold your breath…"

"Oh, we’re not worried, Spike," Twilight replied, confidently. "The Princess respects our diligence and trusts us completely. In all our years she’s been our mentor,”

“And our mother,” Helios added.

“She’s never once doubted us, especially me,” Twilight continued as Spike’s cheeks puffed up and he blew out a scroll, “See, I knew she'd want to take immediate action,” She said smugly.

Sunset picked up the letter as she gave a smile, “My Faithful student Twilight, you know that value yours, Sunset Shimmer's and my son's diligence and I trust you complete,” She read the letter.

“Told ya,” Twilight bragged with a proud look.

“But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books!” Sunset continued with a smirk.

“What?!” Twilight asked in shock and slight insult.

Helios smirked, “Ooh,” He winced, flying over to Twilight, “Princess of the Sunburn,” He quipped, leaning his head to Twilight’s with a smirk.

Orion gave a slight chuckle. “Yeah, should’ve seen that coming, Twi.” He said as Twilight gave them a look.

Sunset continued, “My dearest Twilight, there is more to a young mare's life than studying, which is why I decided you must take an extended break and will not read anymore books or scrolls until further notice,” She read as Twilight gawked at this decision, “Instead, with your sudden interest in the Annual Summer Sun Celebration you, Sunset Shimmer, Orion and Helios will be sent to oversee the preperations in its decided location, Ponyville.”

“Ponyville, huh,” Orion said in interest. “The home of the very first Apple Family Orchard? I’m in.”

“Sounds like fun,” Helios agreed.

“Wait, there's more,” Sunset said as she read the rest of the letter, “You will be staying in the Golden Oak Library for your time there, and along with the preparations, you will also more importantly, make some new friends,” She continued, giving Twilight a teasing look.

Twilight’s eyes twitched as she stood there frozen, completely stunned by what Celestia just assigned them to. “I think she’s broken.” Spike said with a chuckle.

“I got this,” Helios said with a smile, as he brought over a bucket of ice water and dumped it on Twilight.

“GGYAAAHHH?!?!” Twilight screamed in surprise, as she snapped out of her trance, soaked and shivering as she panted while the others laughed at her while her mane and tail was soaked and wet. Twilight caught her breath and glared at Helios, “How many times have I told you not to do that?!” She demanded.

“Sorry, but it works to snap you out of your No Books Coma.” Helios said with a small laugh.

Twilight then paced around in confusion, “B-But, I don’t understand. Princess Celestia has always taken me seriously before! She has to know about Nightmare Moon! Why would she ban me from studying to make friends?” She asked herself.

“Because maybe she understands you need a break from that,” Orion stated, “Seriously, everything you do in life involves books.”

Twilight shot him a look, “What are you talking about? I don't spend all my days with books.” She retorted.

“Name one,” Orion challenged.

“Easy, there was that time we…” Twilight started but paused, realizing she couldn't think of one time she wasn't without books, even when they were playing as foals, Twilight always had something to read, “Umm, how about when…or what about when the…?” She stumbled around.

Orion, Sunset, Helios, and Spike gave Twilight deadpan looks while Sunset raised a brow. “Now you get it?” Sunset asked.

Twilight sighed in defeat, “Okay, maybe I do spend too much time reading,” she conceded.

“So she finally admits it,” Helios said with a smirk before it turned sincere and he walked over to her, “Twilight relax, we're not mad. We just think that a little time away from books will do you some good.”

“But Nightmare Moon-” Twilight tried to say, showing them the book before Sunset snatched it.

“Twilight, even if this book was legit, Nightmare Moon was banished a thousand years ago,” Sunset reminded her, “Do you think in all that time she might have known of her return, Celestia would just be sitting on her flank doing nothing?” She asked as Twilight thought for a moment.

“Mom would have had centuries to find a way to stop her if she returned. For all we know she might have stopped her already so she wouldn't return,” Orion pointed out.

Twilight took their words as she thought for a moment as she sigh. “Fine. I’ll give it a shot. But if things go bad, don’t say I didn't told you so.”

“We know you were gonna say that.” Helios said with a smirk as Spike gave a laugh, “Now, come on. Let's head over to Moondancer's party,” he said as he, Sunset and Orion walked to the door.

“Okay just let me grab a few books-” Twilight tried to say before she saw the looks her friends are giving her as she gave a sheepish look. “I mean, a present?” She said with a sheepish smile.

“Okay. But if it’s a book in there, we’re dragging you by the tail.” Sunset joked.

“Got it.” Twilight said with a nervous smile as they walked out with the others giving amusing looks.

A bit later, the group were now at the courtyard, with some presents, as they walked over to Moondancer at the table, “Hey, happy birthday, Moondancer,” Helios said, giving his gift to the Unicorn.

“Helios, guys. Glad you could make it.” Moondancer said with a smile. “I thought you wouldn’t arrive because Twilight is studying.”

“Oh she was, but she got a royal sun slap to the face that burying yourself in books is no kind of life,” Sunset said with a grin.

“By Celestia, seriously?” Moondancer asked with an amusing smile.

“Yep.” Orion said with a chuckle. “She practically put Twilight on reading probation.”

“Ouch, that must've stung.” Moondancer said with a laugh.

“Oh, it did.” Twilight said while giving her friends a look, which they shrugged off innocently. “Anyway, happy birthday. I wish we could hang out more after this, but Celestia just assigned us to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville tomorrow.”

“Wow, that’s an honor.” Moondancer said with a smile.

“And Celestia also said to make sure Twilight stay away from books and make some new friends.” Sunset added with a chuckle.

Twilight gave a look, “Yeah, that,” She said before turning to Moondancer, “Anyway, I don’t know how long we'll be gone so I hoping you could watch my library while we're gone.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep it in good condition.” Moondancer promised.

“It's settled then,” Orion said with a nod, “Now, let’s have some fun. This is a party after all,”

“So let’s roll!” Helios cheered as they all rushed to the party while Twilight sighed, knowing that there’s no way out of this as she walked after her friends.

The next day

The group are now on a chariot with the Pegasus Guards pulling as they flew across the sky to Ponyville as Twilight was leaning back from behind. “Come on, Twilight. You know better than to listen to what Celestia say.” Sunset said.

“I know, but still, I can’t shake off the feeling that something bad will happen.” Twilight said.

“I'm sure mom's already taken care of this Mare in The Moon thing. Let's just focus on getting things ready for the Summer Sun Celebration and making some friends,” Helios encouraged.

“Well we won't have to wait long,” Orion said, “Ponyville is just ahead,” He said, pointing to the humble town ahead.

The chariot descended into what appears to be an open street right in the middle of Ponyville as they exited the chariot as the two guards gave whinny sounds. “Thank you, sirs," Twilight replied.

“left you a few bits in the back,” Sunset told them.

“Tell the miss’s, and the kids we said ‘hey’,” Helios said as the guards saluted and took off with the chariot.

“I’ve always wanted to go into Ponyville someday. And now Mom just made that dream a reality.” Orion said with a smile as he looked around.

"Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about," Spike suggested as a Pink Mare with a poof magenta mane came up to them.

“Hey, I heard of you,” Helios said to the mare, “You're famous in this town for putting together the best parties, Pinkie Pie, right?” He asked.

“Aaah! You know my name!” Pinkie cheered before she rushed off, leaving the group a bit weirded by that.

“Okay, that was random.” Orion said with a brow.

“What’s up with her?” Sunset asked with a brow.

“Don’t know, but it is interesting all right.” Twilight said in unamused by this outcome while raising a brow.

Eventually, the motley little group walked through an entire crop of Apple trees before eventually winding upon a large farm. Spike proceeds to take out the long checklist and begins reading it off.

"Summer Sun Celebration official overseer's checklist," Spike read aloud. "Number One – Banquet Preparations: Sweet Apple Acres." He said as they reached a large farm area with arces of Apple trees.

“Interesting note: It was this very Apple farm that founded Ponyville in the first place,” Twilight told them, having read the history of Ponyville.

“Whoa, seriously?” Helios said in wonder.

“It says so on the history books.” Orion said with a smile. “This place is like a natural landmark for Ponyville.”


The group turns noticing an orange pony, with a blonde mane and tail tied into ponytails. She also had a brown Stetson hat on her head and a cutie mark of three apples on her flanks. The pony proceeds to knock apples from a tree, by bucking the tree with her hind legs with incredible strength.

“Wow. She got good kicks.” Sunset commented.

“That’s one way to get some apples down.” Helios said with a smile as Twilight sighs.

“Let’s get this over with.” Twilight said as they walked up to the mare. They made their way towards the orange pony, who was admiring her work, all the apples she bucked neatly stacked in barrels. "Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkle—"

Just then, Twilight was caught off-guard as the orange pony began to roughly shake her hoof.

"Well, howdy-doo, Miss Twilight," The orange pony greets, with a thick country accent. "A pleasure making your acquaintance. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends!"

"Friends?" Twilight replied. "Actually, I… Er… We…"

"So, what can I do you two for?" Applejack asked.

Poor Twilight's hoof still shook about, so Helios had to grab it with his magic to make her stop. Spike, Orion, and Sunset just snickered.

“Okay, for one thing, that’s a strong grip you did there.” Helios commented. “And second, name’s Helios Solena.”

“I think you mean, Prince Helios Solena,” Spike corrected.

Orion nudged Spike. “Spike, we’re not here for formalities.” He said to him.

Applejack gasped when she saw Helios and Orion's wings, “Well boy howdy! Your majesties,” She bowed while taking off her hat and put it to her chest.

“It’s fine. We’re not very formal. No need to bow.” Helios assured with a smile.

“R-Right, sorry, Sugarcube.” Applejack said, putting her hat back on.

“Anyway, I’m Helios Solena.” Helios continued. “This is my twin brother, Orion Storm.” He introduced as Orion nodded. “And you met Twilight Sparkle. Our other friends here are Spike and Sunset Shimmer.”

“We are in fact here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration," Sunset explained.

“And we take it you’re in charge of the food, right?” Orion asked.

"We sure as sugar are!" Applejack said, proudly. "Would you care to sample some?"

“Well, we are kinda hungry.” Sunset said with a shrug.

"As long as it doesn't take too long," Twilight added.

But before either could say anything, they heard a triangle ring. "Soup's on, every pony!" Applejack called out.

"Soup?" Orion asked.

Suddenly, they heard a loud thumping as Orion, Helios, Sunset, Twilight, and Spike were whisked away by a huge mass of ponies and brought before a round table with a green checked colored cloth. All five felt rather frazzled, until Applejack sat nearby.

"Now, why don't I introduce y'all to the Apple Family?" Applejack proposed.

"Thanks, but we really need to hurry—" Twilight began.

"This here is Apple Fritter—" Applejack began

She proceeds to introduce each family member, who each brought an apple treat to the table.

"—Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicous, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp..." Applejack took a deep breath to regain some air. "… Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith."

On the last name, the trio turns to an elderly pony sleeping on a rocking chair. She had a light gray mane and a light lime green coat. She wore an orange scarf with white lacing around the edges with red apples for the design. On her flank is a cutie mark resembling a pie. This was Granny Smith, who unbeknownst to four ponies and baby dragon is the patriarch of the Apple Family… And more.

"Up'n'attem, Granny Smith, we got guests!" Applejack called out.

The elderly pony woke from her slumber with a loud snort. "Wha…? Soup's on?" She retorted. "I'm up, and here I come, ah'm comin'…"

As Granny Smith slowly joins the family, her ankles cracking with each step, Applejack turns over to the family as they surround the three newcomers. It was then Helios noticed a green apple shoved into Twilight's mouth, making him chuckle a bit.

“Nice apple cheeks, Twilight.” Helios quipped while poking at Twilight’s cheeks, which she gave him a look.

"Why, I'd say you're already part of the family," Applejack declared.

Orion, Sunset, Helios, and Spike smiled at the words, ven began to speak to several of the Apple Family. Twilight, meanwhile, spat the now chewed apple from her mouth and gave a nervous laugh.

"Okay, well," Twilight replied slowly. "I can see the food situation has been handled. So, we'll be on our way…"

Twilight had just turned to leave when a small yellow filly with a red mane with big pink bow, Apple Bloom, walked up to her. "Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?" Apple Bloom asked quietly as she gave the group the cutest little puppy dog eyes any pony had ever seen.

Twilight struggled to say no to such a cute face before Orion took over, “Listen, we are honored you want us to be part of your family tradition, but as princes, we must put our duty before fun,” He explained as the Apple Family gave solemn looks, “But once the Summer Sun Celebration has passed, perhaps we can still partake in some of your culture,” He offered as the family immediately cheered.

“Thanks for the save.” Twilight whispered to Orion. “I thought I might break.”

“That’s my brother. Finding a loophole in situations.” Helios said with a smile.

A bit later, the group were then walking down the streets of Ponyville. “I wish we could’ve taken some of the food. It would’ve been good.” Spike said while holding the list.

“For a dragon diet, but for us ponies, we would’ve gotten bloated if they made us eat so many pies.” Sunset commented. “We were lucky Orion saved our stomachs.”

“So, what's next?” Helios asked Spike.

Spike examined a few clouds hanging over the sky. "Hmm… There's supposed to be a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds," He pondered.

"Well, she's not doing a very good job, is she?" Twilight pointed out.

“Wait, what’s that sound?” Helios asked while hearing some whooshing sounds becoming more and more louder before a blue Pegasus pony with a rainbow mane and tail came crashing down on Twilight. It should also be noted there was a cloud shooting a rainbow-colored lightning bolt cutie mark along her flanks.

The initial impact sent Twilight into a giant patch of mud. She moaned angrily, coated badly in mud. The blue pony just laughed sheepishly. "Uh… 'scuse me?" She replied.

As the Pegasus hovered about, Twilight gave her a death glare while the others just came to her, Sunset and Spike gave amusing chuckles while the two brothers snickered while the pegasus just laughed.

"Lemme help you," The blue pony offered as she grabbed a nearby rain cloud and made it rain with her hooves hopping on the cloud. The rainwater soaked Twilight while the blue pony, from above the cloud, laughed sheepishly once more. "Oops, I guess I overdid it," She remarked.

“You think?” Orion questioned with a brow.

"Um, uh, how about this? My very own patented Rain-Bow Dry!" She created a large wind tunnel around the lavender unicorn, drying her off quickly. "No, no. Don't thank me," The blue pony replied, before facing Twilight. "You're quite welcome."

It was then the Pegasus saw that her trick worked a little too well. While Twilight was dry, her mane and tail was now frizzy and poofy. The sight was too much, and both the Pegasus and Spike, the two brothers and Sunset burst out laughing, falling onto their backs.

“That look's working for ya, Twi!” Sunset laughed.

“You should where it more often!” Orion snorted.

“I expected better from you guys.” Twilight said with a glare.

Helios stood up while wiping tears of joy off his eye. “I’m sorry, Twi. But you have to admit, it’s a bit funny.” He said to her.

"Let me guess," Twilight retorted. "You're Rainbow Dash."

The Pegasus, hearing her name, stopped laughing and quickly got up, knocking Spike aside before Sunset caught him as she and Helios regain their bearings. "The one and only. Why, you've heard of me?" Rainbow said.

"I heard you were supposed to be keeping the sky clear," Twilight remarked with a sigh. "I'm Twilight Sparkle and this here are Sunset Shimmer, Spike, Orion Sorm, and Helios Solena and the Princess sent us to check on the weather."

Suffice to say, Rainbow Dash had made herself comfortable on a cloud above them. She didn't seem the least bit motivated to actually do the job. "Yeah, yeah, that'll be a snap," Rainbow waved off. "I'll do it in a jiffy. Just as soon as I'm done practicing."

“What practice? Cloud napping?” Helios questioned in wonder.

"The Wonderbolts!" Rainbow Dash said, excitedly as she motions toward a nearby poster showing what appears to be a bunch of Pegasus ponies dressed in flight suits, which feature a shade of gold and aquamarine along with a 'winged bolt' logo. "They're gonna perform at the Celebration tomorrow, and I'm gonna show 'em my stuff!"

“The Wonderbolts? As the best flying team in Equestria?” Sunset asked with a brow.

"Pfft! Please! They'd never accept a Pegasus who can't even keep the sky clear for one measly day." Twilight scoffed.

When Twilight started talking, Rainbow Dash was very cross over her choice of words.

"Hey, I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat!" Rainbow retorted.

"Prove it!" Twilight challenged as the others looked a little concerned. Helios pulled out a stopwatch and the moment he pushed the button, Rainbow zoomed high into the sky, bucking off the remaining clouds in a rapid session. Both the group were agape, as Rainbow returned with a whoosh.

"Loop-de-loop around, and wham!" Rainbow Dash said, finishing up. "What'd I say? Ten… Seconds… Flat. I'd never leave Ponyville hanging."

The four ponies and Spike stared at the sky with their jaws dropped. The blue Pegasus wasn't exaggerating, she meant it. Speaking of which, she laughed at their initial shock as she flew around them.

"You should see the looks on your faces," Rainbow laughed. "Ha! You're a laugh, Twilight Sparkle, you three too. Can't wait to hang out some more!" She said as she then flew off.

“Did she even realize that she was talking to Royalty here?” Orion first broke the silence.

“I think she was lost in her ego to even notice.” Sunset commented.

“I wonder how long before she realizes?” Orion questioned.

Twilight was still stunned silent as Helios said that. “Twilight?” He asked as he waved his hoof to her face, but she wasn’t reacting as he sighs. “If I had another ice water bucket, I would splash you out of it.” He said, which got Twilight out of it.

“I heard that.” Twilight said as Spike started playing with her mane. She growled at the fact her mane was still a mess. “Let’s just keep moving.” She said as they walked off to the center building of the town.

Later, the five came to Town hall as it was apparently supposed to be where the main ceremony would take place later tonight.

"Decorations," Spike said, in awe. "Beautiful…"

"Yes, the décor is coming along nicely," Twilight nodded. "This ought'a be quick. I'll be at the library in no time. Beautiful indeed."

"Not the décor," Spike said, clearly dazed. "Her!"

The four ponies turned ahead and before their eyes was a marshmallow-coated unicorn, with a beautiful curled dark purple mane and tail. Along her flank appear to be three blue gemstones on each side. She was apparently deep in thought, shuffling through some ribbons with her magic.

"No, no, no, oh!" She exclaimed. "Goodness no."

"How are my spines?" Spike asked, worried as he fixed himself up. "Are they straight?"

“You just met her, Spike.” Sunset said with a brow.

“Just look at her, she's beautiful.” Spike said in amazement.

Helios rested a wing on Spike, “Slow down Spike, I don’t think you and her would even get off the ground,” he said gently.

Spike then slumped a bit, “Because I'm a dragon?” He asked solemnly as Twilight leaned down and tilted his chin to her.

“Oh, it’s not that. But it’s because, well, you’re a bit too young for her, Spike.” Twilight said to him. “I'm sure if you were around her age you would have a chance, but she looks to be around mine and Sunset’s age.”

Spike still looked very crushed, “Don't worry, she’s just one mare. There will always be another.” Twilight said to Spike, “promise me, you won't let this get to you?” She asked.

“Okay,” Spike said with a small smile as Twilight nuzzled him.

Helios then walked up to the unicorn. "Good afternoon—" She tried to address.

However, the other unicorn seemed far too focused to acknowledge the newcomer. "Just a moment, please!" The Unicorn replied, continuing her work. "I'm in the zone, as it were. Oh yes! Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why, Rarity Belle, you are a talent.” She said to herself before turning to the five, “Now, um, how can I help up-AAAH! Oh, my stars, your highnesses, Prince Helios and Prince Orion!” She exclaimed before promptly bowing down, “Oh, please excuse my uncouth disrespect Sires! A pair of princes like yourselves should never be spoken to in such a manner!” She apologized pleading.

“At ease, Rarity Belle,” Orion said, waving his hoof, “We don't fault you for getting caught in your work. Though, I do admit, I admire your craft.” He said, looking at the decor around the hall.

Rarity's eyes sparkled at the praise, “Oh, thank you, your highness I-” Rarity paused when she saw Twilight’s hair, “Oh my goodness, Darling! What ever happened to your Coiffure?” She asked in shock.

Puzzled, Twilight looked up at her mane. The others were looking confused by this, after Rarity said that.

"Oh, you mean my mane?" Twilight clarified. "Well, it's a long story. I'm just here to check on the decorations, and then I'll be out of your hair!"

"Out of my hair?" Rarity exclaimed. "What about your hair?" She asked, jumping down and pushed Twilight out the building from the flank.

"Wait! Where are we going?!" Twilight called out. "Help!" She called out to the others from behind.

“Uh, what was that about?” Sunset asked.

“Something tells me she’ll do more than just fix Twilight’s mane.” Orion guessed.

“Come on, let's see for ourselves,” Helios said as they followed after the unicorns.

It wasn't long before Twilight stood in the center of what was a clothing boutique while the others watched from behind. All the while, Rarity shuffled through various outfits for Twilight.

"No, no, uh-uh," Rarity said to herself, judging each outfit for Twilight. "Too green. Too yellow. Too poofy. Not poofy enough. Too frilly. Too… Shiny…”

“I’ve never seen somepony put Twilight into so many dresses before.” Helios commented in surprise.

“You have to admit, it is a bit entertaining.” Sunset said with chuckles.

“Though I have to give this mare credit, she has style.” Orion commented.

Twilight was then fitted into a white and blue jewelry corset with white ribbons. “Now that is perfect, my dear," Rarity said happily.

“I have to admit, that one looks tailor made for you, Twi,” Helios admitted with a smile, trotting around Twilight.

“Th-Thanks,” Twilight said with a light blush.

"Now, just to fasten this in,” Rarity then grabbed the straps with her teeth and started roughly pulling them against Twilight's barrel. Twilight strained, since the dress squeezing her tight.

‘G-Guys… Help… Me…” Twilight squeaked with a single tear leaving her eye.

Orion, Helios, Sunset, and Spike winced when they saw Twilight’s face turn blue. “Uh, I think that’s a bit too tight for her.” Spike said with a claw raised.

“Almost…got it.” Rarity mumbled before she let go and she and Twilight were sent flying. The four flinched when they crashed as Rarity stood up and flung her mane gracefully. “Ah, that’ll do. What do you think?”

“A bit tight but other than that…” Twilight started as she took deep breaths as she could breathe again. “It's not bad, thank you,” she said.

“And as for you Daring,” Rarity said to Sunset, before rushing off and coming back with a black rough texture jacket, “I believe this Faux Weather jacket will suit you wonderfully,” she said.

“Wait, wha--” Sunset was cut off before Rarity sped around her and she gave a yelp before she spun and stopped before shaking her head to regain her bearings and turned to the mirror of her jacket. “Huh not a bad fit.” She said with a smile.

“It definitely suits you, Sunset.” Orion commented.

“Thanks, Orion.” Sunset said.

Rarity then went up to the two Royal Brothers. “I must say, to be in the presence of Celestia's two twin princes is truly an honor.” She said while giving the two brothers a flirting smile while batten her eyelids.

Orion and Helios blushed a bit with a nervous look. “Uh, thanks?” Orion said awkwardly.

“Y-Yeah, thanks.” Helios repeated while Sunset and Twilight looked at Rarity with looks from her flirting with them, which made them felt weird all of sudden.

“Perhaps we could discuss royal attire for the two of you, over lunch perhaps?” She said suggestive.

Twilight and Sunset then teleported in-between them, “As fun as that sounds, I'm afraid we're on a very tight schedule,” Twilight told Rarity.

“Yeah, we need to go finish up overseeing the Summer Sun Celebration.” Sunset added.

Rarity blinked for a moment before looking between the four as a small smirk came to her, “Oh, I see. Please excuse me, your majesties. I wasn't aware these two were already your bethroths.” She mused.

This made the four ponies flinch and gave huge blushes as they stammered. “They’re not… We’re not… She/He’s not even…” They both stammered while Spike chuckled at their reaction.

“Oh, that’s funny!” Spike said through his laughter.

“Oh, hohoho, darlings please. I know the perfect couple when I see it and from what I see,” Rarity started before going to Twilight and Helios, “An intelligent mare is perfect for a Stallion of action who’s warm heart illuminates her world,” She described while Helios and Twilight looked at each other before looking away with huge blushes.

“And a mare with such a rough exterior compliments perfectly with a down to Equss stallion, who is able to calm her mind in times of strife.” Rarity added to Sunset and Orion, who just stammered while giving sheepishes looks.

“Uh, thanks for the compliments but, uh, we’re not like that.” Helios said with a nervous look. “Out of here!” He called before he took off out the door at high speed.

“Um… me too!” Orion said as he rushed after his brother.

The three mares and baby dragon watched where the two Alicorns ran off to while Rarity gave a slight chuckle. “Gets the stallions everytime.” She said.

“Uh, Rarity, can we go now?” Sunset asked with an embarrassed look.

“Of course Darling, and do hurry and approach them,” Rarity advised, “You never know when some other mare will swoop them up from under you.” She warned.

“We’re not like that!” Both Twilight and Sunset called with huge blushes while Rarity giggled as they and Spike rushed out of the door after the two boys.

Somewhere in Ponyville, after finding the two Royal Brothers, they were walking down the park while looking at each other with awkward looks while everything was silent. “So, that happened.” Helios spoke first while rubbing his head.

“Yes, I mean, I admit I do value your friendship Sunset but,” Orion trailed off, while looking away, not wanting to insult her.

“Yeah I get it, we’re just friends, the four of us.” Sunset muttered while giving a sheepish chuckle.

“Uh, Spike, what’s next on the list?” Twilight asked, wanting to change the topic.

Spike quickly recomposed himself, before checking the list. "Oh, uh, music!" He answered. "It's the last one!"

It was then they heard a multitude of birds singing. Hiding in a bush, they saw all the birds gathered into a large tree and apparently conducted by a yellow Pegasus with a soft pink mane and tail, complete with butterfly cutie marks on her flanks. During this mesmerizing rehearsal, something caught her attention.

"Oh my," She said, very softly. "Um, stop please, everyone, umm. Excuse me, sir? I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a 'teeny-tiny' bit off. Now, follow me, please. A-one, a-two, a-one-two-three—"

"Hello!" Twilight called.

But that caused all the birds to be startled and flew away, even the yellow Pegasus gave a frightened yelp before turning around. “Twilight, that was a bad time to introduce yourself there.” Helios said with a sheepish look.

“I'm so sorry," Twilight apologized. "I didn't mean to frighten your birds. We're just here to check up on the music and it's sounding beautiful."

The yellow Pegasus said nothing, but turned away shyly, rubbing a hoof upon the ground.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight continued. “this is Helios Solena, Orion Storm, and Sunset Shimmer.”

Again, the yellow Pegasus said nothing. She seemed to grow more shy with each passing day.

“And you are?” Helios asked.

"Um… I'm Fluttershy Breeze," The Pegasus replied in a whisper.

“Sorry, but what was that?” Orion asked.

“Um… My name is Fluttershy," She replied again, more softly.

The four ponies looked at each other before Sunset spoke up. “I think she’s just a bit shy.” Sunset said to them.

“But I think she’s saying she’s Fluttershy. Which makes sense.” Orion commented.

"Well, um, it looks like your birds are back. So, I guess everything's in order. Keep up the good work." Twilight said, but Fluttershy only squeaked again.

“Twilight, let’s not make her nervous. I don’t think she’s used to new faces.” Helios said.

“Yeah, let’s just give her some space.” Orion said. “But, at least we know the music is taken care of by her.”

“Sounds right to me.” Spike said as he walked up to them.

The moment Spike appeared Fluttershy instantly turned around, wide eyed and smiling "A baby dragon!" Fluttershy exclaimed, more audibly as her sudden outburst made the birds fly away as she raced towards Spike, knocking the others away "Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before. He's sooo cute!" She cooed.

"Well, well, well…!" Spike smiled.

“Well, at least we know she got a thing for animals.” Helios groaned while he and the others were on the ground.

"Oh my, he talks!" Fluttershy exclaimed again. "I didn't know dragons could talk. That's just so incredibly wonderful, I, I just don't even know what to say!" She said excitedly.

“How about, hello?” Sunset suggested.

By then, Twilight used her magic to scoop Spike onto her back and started walking.
"Well, in that case, we'd better be going," Twilight said.

"Wait, wait! What's his name?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm Spike," Spike replied.

"Hi Spike, I'm Fluttershy. Wow, a talking dragon! And what do dragons talk about?"

"Well, what do you wanna know?" Spike asked.

"Absolutely everything." Fluttershy said.

The others groaned as they continued their way towards the library with Fluttershy following close by.

"Well… I started out as a cute little purple and green egg…" Spike began.

“It’s gonna be a long walk.” Orion muttered.

It was sunset, even then Fluttershy and Spike were still in conversation, while the four ponies’ moods couldn't get any more sour.

"…And that's the story of my whole entire life!" Spike concluded by then, they finally arrived at the front of a grand oak tree that marked the town's library. "Well, up until today. Do you wanna hear about today?"

"Oh, yes, please!" Fluttershy replied happily.

“Okay, can we please stop.” Helios said as he turned to Fluttershy and Spike. “You two have been going at it all day, it’s starting to get annoying.”

“Yeah, as much as we like you two getting along, I like to keep my sanity.” Sunset said in agreement.

Twilight then saw they had arrived at the Golden Oak Library “Well, this is where we’re staying while in Ponyville.” She said.

“A library? Of course.” Orion said with a chuckle. “No matter where we go, books follow you.” He joked.

“No comment.” Twilight said with her head up.

“Uh, couldn’t we just chat a bit m--” Spike tried to say but Helios grabbed him and covered his mouth to keep him from talking.

“Yeah, no.” Helios muttered before he turned to Fluttershy. “Well, it’s been nice meeting you, Fluttershy, but we best be going inside now.” He said with a small smile. “See ya, tonight.” He said as the four walked inside and closed the door.

"Huh, rude much?" Spike pointed out, with a glare as the inside was completely dark.

“Said the baby dragon who likes to talk about him so much.” Sunset shot back.

“Spike, I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time!" Twilight replied.

“Twilight, when are you gonna at least admit that there may not even be a real threat?” Helios asked with a dull look.

“It might be true if we study about her. We just need to grab some books and study more on them if we are to stop her!” Twilight said.

“Celestia specifically said no books until further notice,” Sunset told her as she looked around, “Now where's the light switch?” She asked.

“Could be on the doorway.” Orion said as they look around in the dark, but then the lights turned on and the trio found themselves surrounded by numerous ponies. The place itself was heavily decorated. And they all jumped as a honk went off.

"SURPRISE!" The ponies shouted, blowing kazoos.

Twilight just groaned, while the others were still in shock.

"SURPRISE!" Before the group was Pinkie. "I threw this party just for you! Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh-huh-huh?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

“Very surprised," Twilight said. "Libraries are supposed to be quiet."

"Well, that's silly!" Pinkie Pie answered. "What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh, bo-ring! Y'see, I saw you when you two first got here, remember? You were all “Pinkie Pie right?" and I was all, “You know who I am!”” Pinkie renacted, “Remember? Y'see I've never saw you five before and if I've never saw you before that meant that you're both new, 'cause I know every pony, and I mean every pony in Ponyville!"

“Very impressive,” Orion commented as they walked over to the snack table.

"And if you're new," Pinkie Pie continued. "That meant you haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends then you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, then I had an idea, and that's why I went,” Pinkie gave a loud gasp as Twilight poured herself a drink and started drinking, “I must throw you a great big ginormous super-duper spectacular welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville! See? And now you have lots and lots of friends!" She said as Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy joined them.

“Did she have so much sugar in her meal?” Sunset whispered to the others.

“I think so.” Helios whispered before they saw the other five mares they met earlier. “Hey, it’s you again.” He said while Twilight seemed to tune them all out and sipped her drink. Suddenly, she lifted her head, turned around, and her cheeks puffed out as her face went deep red while she teared up. “Uh, Twi, are you okay?” He asked as Twilight said nothing, her mane, tail caught fire, as she jumped in the air, kicking her legs frantically with steam erupting from her ears. “Okay, not fine! Water! Who’s got water?!” He called.

“I got water!” Sunset called as she went up to a jar of water as she tossed it to Helios, “Here, Helios!”

“Thanks!” Helios called as he caught the jar, opened Twilight’s mouth and dumped the water down it.

Twilight’s hair returned to normal as steam came out from her head as she fell to her haunches and sighed in relief. “Oh Thangs, Helioth,” Twilight sighed with her tongue out.

“Anytime, Twilight.” Helios said while rubbing Twilight’s back before turning back to the drink she had. “What was in that stuff?” He questioned as he inspected it and saw a bottle of hot sauce. “Who put hot sauce next to the punch?!”

Just then Pinkie Pie dumped a large dollop of it atop a cupcake and gobbled it up. The others made faces from that. "Ooh…!" Pinkie Pie remarked, as she ate it. "What? It's good!"

“I think I need to lie down for a while,” Twilight said, looking a bit worn out as she sluggishly tried to stand as the hot sauce drained her.

“Here, let me help,” Helios said, hoisting Twilight up. “Where is the bedroom?” He asked the mares.

“Uh, upstairs, second door, sugar cube.” Applejack said while pointing to the stairs.

“Thanks.” Helios said as he then carried Twilight to keep her steady. “Come on, Twilight. Let’s get some rest before the sunrise.”

“If it doesn’t make us get held up on study.” Twilight muttered as Helios rolled his eyes as he guided Twilight upstairs.

“So, did you all enjoy the party?” Pinkie asked with a cheerful smile.

“Oh brother.” Sunset muttered while Orion and Spike looked at each other with shrugs.

In the sleeping section of the library, Helios decided to skip the party to make sure Twilight gets her rest, knowing that she tends to study even when she’s stubborn to get some sleep.

The two were currently looking up at the stars, “Beautiful Night, isn't it?” Helios said, trying to lighten the mood.

“Yeah, a great night. If Nightmare Moon tries to do something about it.” Twilight muttered.

Helios wanted to tell Twilight off before he noticed four stars surrounding the moon imprisoning his aunt. “The elder sister became blinded by pride of the praise the ponies showered her in for their love of her day,” He began, recalling the story his mother told him and Orion as foals.

“What was that?” Twilight asked.

“The story about Aunt Luna mom told me and Orion about back when we were colts.” Helios said to her while looking up at the moon. “Aunt Luna became bitter and angry at the ponies one thousand years ago, never respecting her, called her slanderous things and mother did nothing to help her.” He revealed. “All she wanted was the love and praise mother had.” He said before he frowned and closed his eyes with grief. “But she never got it.”

Twilight was surprised by this as she never heard of that story before. “W-What happened to her?” She asked.

Helios gave no answer and pointed with his wing upwards to the moon, which Twilight realized what he was saying as she gasped. “It’s in the history books. Just… not in a way she wanted to be remembered.” Helios said sadly.

“I-I didn’t even know about that. Or about Luna.” Twilight said as she looked at Helios in sympathetic.

“Mom said she didn’t have the heart to put in Aunt Luna’s name when she first became Nightmare Moon.” Helios said with a sad look. “It was bad enough she was banished to the moon when she just wanted to be loved and appreciated. Mom felt guilty for what happened to her. Whenever she looked up at the moon, she saw the ghost of her past haunting her.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Twilight asked in wonder.

Helios turned to her and looked at her intently, “Because I trust you. Which is why I am asking you this,” He said, “Is there a way to save my aunt?” He asked her.

Twilight looks at Helios while giving a thoughtful look at his question for saving his aunt from who she’s become if she ever returned as she looks up back to the moon. “I-I don’t know if there’s a way.” She honestly said before turning back to Helios. “But, if there was a way, I promise we will save her.” She said with a small smile.

Helios gave a small smile at her. “Thanks, Twilight.” He said with a smile as they continued to watch the moon as Twilight gently placed her hoof over his, which surprised him as he turned and saw her giving him a small smile as he returned the gesture as they looked at the moon. “Hang on, Aunty. We’ll save you from your torment.” He promised.

The building itself wasn't particularly large, but somehow it fit every pony who came to see the sunrise, with plenty of room to spare. Twilight was still worried as she stood beside her friends waiting for the ceremony to begin. Just then, Pinkie Pie swooped in from nearby.

"Isn't this exciting?" Pinkie asked, out of the blue. "Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited—well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went,” Pinkie gasped, “But I mean really, who can top that?"

“Okay, easy up, Pinkie.” Orion said with a wave of his hoof.

“Yeah let’s just enjoy the festivities” Sunset said in agreement.

“Okay!” Pinkie cheerfully said as a cream-colored mare with a whitish mane, tail, a scroll tied in a blue ribbon for a cutie mark, and glasses upon her nose appeared. This was the Mayor of Ponyville known as… Well, 'Mayor Mare'. As soon as Fluttershy's birds performed their opening number, she took center stage.

"Fillies and gentlecolts," She announced proudly. "As Mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration."

All the ponies cheered proudly, stomping their hooves at the start of the upcoming arty. But while she spoke, Twilight and her friends looked up and saw the stars approaching the moon and the Mare in the Moon's silhouette disappeared from the moon's surface. This made Sunset and Twilight rather nervous while Helios and Orion gave a serious look, having a feeling of what’s coming as the Mayor continued on completely blissfully.

"In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, and the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria…"

"Ready?" Fluttershy asked her birds, who simply nodded.

"… Princess Celestia!" Mayor Mare announced.

A spotlight appears where the Princess is set to arrive, and Rarity opens the curtains… But she wasn't there.

"Huh?" Rarity said, shocked.

The rest of the ponies chattered quietly and nervously in the background. "This can't be good," Twilight said.

“Where’s Mom?” Orion asked in concern.

“I have, an idea,” Helios said grimly, looking to the moon as the mare in the moon reappeared but had a blue, green and purple sheen.

“Uh, why does the mare in the moon have a blue, green, and purple color on the spot where the mane is?” Spike asked in confusion.

Rarity searched the area where Celestia was supposed to be, but all she could say is… "She's gone!"

Every pony gasped, the news of Celestia's disappearance hitting them like a boulder to the chest.

"Ooh, she's good!" Pinkie Pie remarked.

Just then, she gave a great yelp as every pony gasped once when, a dark, cloudy mist appeared on the podium.

"Oh no…" Twilight panicked, quietly.

“Is that…” Sunset asked worriedly.

“It’s her…” Orion said grimly.

“She’s here…” Helios finished with a step back.

They all watched fearfully, as the mist slowly took form, morphing into the shape of a tall, dark alicorn in light blue armor.

“Nightmare Moon!” Both Sunset and Twilight exclaimed.

“Aunt Luna.” The Royal Brothers said in unison and in dread at seeing their aunt for the first time.

Spike was scared he fainted and fell off Twilight’s back. “Oh my beloved Subjects. It’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious little sun loving faces,” Nightmare Moon mused as the ponies looked at her in shock and terror.

“What’ve you done with out Princess?!” Rainbow demanded as she charged at Nightmare Moon but was stopped dead in her tracks by the alicorn’s magic, “Hey, wha?” Rainbow asked before her limbs were pulled and then she was flung hard into a wall.

“Child’s play,” Nightmare Moon chuckled but then her expression quickly changed. "Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" She asked angrily.

“They clearly didn’t read the tale.” Helios whispered to the others in shock as they nodded in agreement.

The dread silence and blank expression on every pony's faces showed they clearly didn't. "Ooh, ooh, more guessing games!" Pinkie remarked excitedly. "Um, Hokey Smokes! How about… Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty…"

Pinkie Pie was quickly shushed, as an apple cupcake was shoved down her throat.

Suffice to say, Nightmare Moon was furious, She glared angrily, turning to Fluttershy, who couldn't look her in the eye, "Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?" Nightmare Moon demanded as she turned to Rarity. "Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?" She asked, using her mane to flip her chin.

“We did.” Sunset’s voice spoke up as she, Twilight, Helios and Orion stood in front of the crowd with determined expressions.

“We know who you really are, Mare in The Moon,” Orion said, narrowing his eyes, “Or should I say, Princess Luna?” He questioned.

Nightmare Moon was surprised before she glared, “Luna? That name means nothing to me! I am only Nightmare Moon!” She announced as the crowd gasped at the mention of the name they heard from the pony tale of their foalhood, “Though I am curious, how are you aware of this, Colt? I was certain Luna was long since dead in Equestria,”

Helios then stepped forward, flaring out his wings, “I’m Prince Helios Solena and he is my twin brother, Prince Orion Storm!” He announced.

“We are the Sons of your Sister, Princess Celestia!” Orion finished, flaring his wings as well.

Nightmare Moon’s eyes widened in complete shock at seeing the two Alicorn brothers while the crowd then cheered the two royals on. But then her face turned to amusement, “Well, well, well, so my dear sister spawned while I was away,” She said in amusement while Helios and Orion just glared at her.

“Wait, you two are this freak’s nephews?!” Rainbow asked in shock before Applejack nudged her.

“Be quiet, Rainbow!” Applejack whispered harshly.

“Well, if you truly are who you claim then you must also know that my revenge against your mother is only half the reason I am here, my dear nephews,” Nightmare Moon said with a glare.

“We know what you’re trying to do.” Helios said with a serious look.

“You’re planning to plunge Equestria into darkness and keep the sun from rising again.” Orion added. “For the night to be eternal!”

Nightmare Moon gave a sinister laughter. “You assume correctly, my dears!” She called as she then turned to the crowd. “Remember this day, little ponies.For it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" She laughed maniacally, as the thunder clashed alongside her.

Helios and Orion glared hard at Nightmare Moon while Twilight and Sunset looked on in worry, knowing they had to stop Nightmare Moon and save Celestia and Luna, before Equestria would never see the light of day again, literally.

Author's Note:

And with that the first offical episode of MLP FIM is up.

I might want to note most chapters will not be carbon copies of the original episodes with added characters saying things or replacing already existing character's lines, and a few episodes might not even get a chapter, we may even have a timeskip or Original Chapter here and there. This will add more uniqueness, filling in Plotholes, fix some issues many of you had with how episodes were done or how some characters were treated.

But also remember, some of these negative points or mistakes, (Canterlot Wedding for Example) were necessary for character development and plot, so we may not be able to fix all of them.

Anyway, one issue I fixed here was that Twilight had much more care and concern for Spike, rather than disregarding his well-being and treating him like a son. We will see more development of their relationship going forward. Also, I decided that Spike and Rarity won't be happening (Apologies Sparity shippers) simply because I think Spike is too young for Rarity but I already know who to use instead.

Next time, Twilight, Sunset, Helios and Orion, along with their new friends, will venture out to find the Elements of Harmony and defeat Nightmare Moon, paving the way for Familiar Tales and New Adventures.

Remember to post in the comments what Elements would best fit the Two Princes and what kind of challenges and obstacles will they encounter that will put their elements, as well as Sunset's Empathy, to the test.

Don't forget to Like, Comment, and Follow me on Fimfiction.

stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.