This story is a sequel to Truly Immortal
Please make sure to read the previous story before reading this.
Discord and Fluttershy sit on a hill,
Discord recognises the terrain.
Fluttershy asks a question.
Even though both Suicide and death are marked it's very much just conversations about them
wow, this is incredible, my brain *clicked* at the end and I came up with a theory, what if someone gave him immortality? In the previous story he said that he screamed that he didn't want to die and that something heard him and after great pain he became immortal, here is my theory.
Discord's immortality is very different from everyone else's, there can only be one bearer (at least so far) someone else got completely fed up with that immortality and tried to take it away, they must have discovered that it can only be given to someone who wants it and simply found Discord by chance and without caring about the repercussions gave it to him.
and discord does want to die but not by giving this curse to someone else?
(I hope you liked my theory)