• Member Since 17th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago



This story is a sequel to Path to Peace

Set after the last chapter of Path To Peace

Zipp is out on the town with Misty when she hears from the Pipsqueaks of certain words being said by a one Carotang about her sister.

And she is absolutely livid.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

the ending was prety funny and nic charchter for misty

My man, you somehow just outdone yourself, and I thought of it as something impossible.

Carotang got what he f*cking deserves, and I couldn't be happier.

This is a true work of art, these are the kind of stories i WANT to read about Zipp all the damn time, with the violence and Zipp defending her sister with her life awesomely executed!

Another great story!

I wondered whether Pipp would get any backlash for what she did, so it was good to see that explored here. But more importantly, it was great to see Zipp and Misty come to her defence. Zipp's "big sister instinct" is always a joy to witness. :pinkiesmile:

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