• Member Since 14th May, 2022
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Scriblits Talo

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When Daybreaker rules Equestria only one pony... er Dragon has the courage to stand up to her.

Proofreading by: Silk Rose
Special thanks to Shirlendra,
as well as to ThePeer

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Oh, rats! You gave me the feels with this short piece. I'm a guy, and guys don't cry...

He's in a better place now, it will be ok ❤️

Get you some tea and a warm blanket, I promise I will try to tell a happier story next time:scootangel:

Ok wow, that was beautifully written.

So Spike sacrificed himself to turn Celestia back to normal?

Thank you and probably

Only some minor spelling and grammar mistakes, but overall pretty good.

“Spike, no!” but she was too late, as she watched mortified as spike hugged the fiery alicorn only to be flung against the opposing wall, battered and bleeding.

Should be: “as she watched, mortified, … “ and ” only for him/her to be flung …”
I think you should clarify this because right now I don’t know if Daybreaker flung Spike or Twilight.



Luna did not go gently into that goodnight, her fearful cries, her screams still rang in Celestia's ears long after, ringing in Deybreaker’s mind an endless echo.

“good night”/“night”, “her fearful cries and her screams”, also “echoing endlessly in Daybreaker’s mind.”

Twilight Sparkle looked up from the dying friend in her arms, his final words still ringing in her ears.

Her dying friend.

You're a fool boy to think anyone

I think could be changed, but I don’t know what it should be
That‘s all the errors I could find. I‘m sorry if I come off as too confrontational. Thank you for writing this story.

Will give this a look soon, thank you. Always glad to improve

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